Reverse Dependencies of pytest-sugar
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-sugar:
- pytest-gee — The Python plugin for your GEE based packages.
- pytest-homeassistant-custom-component — Experimental package to automatically extract test plugins for Home Assistant custom components
- pytest-servers — pytest servers
- python-dev-tools — Needed and up-to-date tools to develop in Python
- python-flirt — A Python library for parsing, compiling, and matching Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology (FLIRT) signatures.
- python-lancelot — Intel x86(-64) code analysis library that reconstructs control flow
- python-openhab — python library for accessing the openHAB REST API
- python-pack — A modern Python project template
- pytorch-caldera — no summary
- pytorch-forecasting — Forecasting timeseries with PyTorch - dataloaders, normalizers, metrics and models
- PyUpyog — A collection of various common Python utilities.
- pyx2pxd — Auto generate pxd files from pyx by extracting function and class signatures
- qcs-api-client-common — Contains core QCS client functionality and middleware implementations.
- qiskit-aqt-provider — Qiskit provider for AQT backends
- quickdocs — Creates HTML docs from a project's readme and sphinx-apidoc.
- quilla — Declarative UI testing with JSON
- qutree — plot Bloch Sphere Binary Tree
- radarx — Xarray based radar toolkit
- raggy — scraping stuff
- rakun2 — RaKUn 2.0; Better faster stronger lighter
- rapidexec — A simple, fast, and flexible way to execute commands in a Docker container.
- rapydo — Manage and deploy projects based on RAPyDo framework
- rapydo-http — HTTP API server working on top of the RAPyDo framework
- raydar — A perspective powered, user editable ray dashboard via ray serve
- ReacNetGenerator — ReacNetGenerator: An automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.
- refy — A scientific papers recomendation tool.
- RelevanceAI-dev — no summary
- reliz — Manage releases versionning accross multiple products
- relyonai — Python Runtime Inline AI Calls
- revonto — Python library for Gene Ontology Reverse Lookup
- rimseval — Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) Data Evaluation for CRD Files.
- rio-vrt — A simple librairy to build a vrt from multiple raster source relying only on rasterio
- risclog.cryptography — The CryptographyManager is a tool designed to securely encrypt and decrypt messages and data. It uses modern encryption techniques to protect confidential information.
- risclog.logging — A logger based on structlog
- risclog.zestreleaser.notify — Notify about new release in keybase channel.
- river-rrcf — Robust Random Cut Forest for the river
- ros2-easy-test — A Python test framework for ROS2 allowing simple and expressive assertions based on message interactions.
- router-test-kit — A framework for remotely testing routers, physical or virtual.
- RPackUtils — R Package Manager
- rstcheck — Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
- rstcheck-core — Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
- rstcheck-sphinx — Builder for the sphinx documentation generator to check the source with rstcheck.
- rubin-nublado-client — Client for JupyterHub/JupyterLab in the Rubin Science Platform context
- rwt — run with this
- s-sambuca — TODO: Sambuca short description
- s-sambuca-core — SWAMpy edition - Core components for the SAMBUCA model
- safe-environ — Safely integrate environment variables
- saga-framework-python — A python framework for implementing a saga pattern.
- sagemaker-huggingface-inference-toolkit — Open source library for running inference workload with Hugging Face Deep Learning Containers on Amazon SageMaker.
- sageworks — SageWorks: A Dashboard and Python API for creating and deploying AWS SageMaker Model Pipelines
- sambuca-core — Core model components for the Semi-Analytical Model
- sanic-restplus — Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Sanic
- scalify — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- scml-vis — "A simple visualiser for SCML worlds and tournaments"
- scmrepo — scmrepo
- sdss-access — Package to dynamically build filepaths and access all SDSS SAS products
- sdss-alertsActor — actor for monitoring and raising alerts in SDSS
- sdss-brain — Core Brain for SDSS
- sdss-coordio — Coordinate conversion for SDSS-V
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- sdss-tree — Control and setup of SDSS tree environment and modules
- sdssdb — SDSS product for database management
- sepal-ui — Wrapper for ipyvuetify widgets to unify the display of voila dashboards in SEPAL platform
- setuptools-changelog — Setuptools extension to help generate change logs
- shapelysmooth — A polyline smoothing package for shapely.
- shareloc — Simple geometry library
- shm-dict — Shared Memory Dictionary
- simple-mongodb — An asynchronous Python package for streamlined collection management in MongoDB
- simple-pipes — Subprocess utils
- sitec — site customize
- snake-fmri — A simulator and validator of fMRI reconstruction methods.
- snp-transformer — SNP Transformer
- sonic182_logger — Logger utilities
- sonic182_my_logger — Logger utilities for aiohttp
- sonyci — A Sony Ci api client
- sorna-agent — Sorna agent
- sorna-common — Sorna common libraries
- sorna-manager — Sorna Manager
- spacy_ann — spaCy ANN Linker, a pipeline component for generating spaCy KnowledgeBase Alias Candidates for Entity Linking.
- spacy-ann-linker — spaCy ANN Linker, a pipeline component for generating spaCy KnowledgeBase Alias Candidates for Entity Linking.
- spanclient — a declarative API client framework.
- spanconsumer — a declarative async framework for RabbitMQ consumers
- spanserver — a toolbox for REST apps
- spantools — a python template
- sparv-pipeline — Språkbanken's text analysis tool
- spectrend — A toolbox for determining the presence of trends using spectral analysis
- spei — A simple Python package to calculate drought indices for time series such as the SPI, SPEI and SGI.
- sphinx-data-fields — a python template
- sphinx-social — A Sphinx directive for social media embeds
- sphinxcontrib-skeleton — the skeleton of a sphinx extension in the sphinxcontrib community
- sqlsugar — Automatic migrations for SQLAlchemy
- sqltrie — SQL-based prefix tree inspired by pygtrie and python-diskcache
- staging — Execute pipeline stages and steps
- stopments — Stoplight elements html
- streamAPI — basics utility and stream processing functionality
- streamdeck-plugin-sdk — Write Streamdeck plugins using Python
- swagern — A command-line tool for generating Tavern test cases from Swagger API specifications.
- sxm — Top-level package for sxm.
- sxm-discord — Top-level package for sxm-discord.
- sxm-player — Top-level package for sxm-player.