Reverse Dependencies of pytest-sugar
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-sugar:
- syft — Perform numpy-like analysis on data that remains in someone elses server
- tdsr — tdsr
- test-worker — no summary
- test-worker-v1 — no summary
- thermoextrap — Thermodynamic extrapolation
- ticts — A Python library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis.
- timeseriesflattener — A package for converting time series data from e.g. electronic health records into wide format data.
- tmmc-lnpy — Analysis of lnPi results from TMMC simulation
- tmp-jira-with-fix-template-name — Python library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs.
- toil-caveman — A toil wrapper for cgpCaveman.
- toil-container — A python package with a Toil Job Class capable of containerized system calls.
- toil-cvflag — A toil implementation of caveman flagging for vcf files.
- toil-pindel — A toil wrapper for cgp pindel.
- toil-say — 🛰 A demo Toil pipeline for HPC's group meeting.
- torchmeter — "Torchmeter ⏲️: Your all-in-one tool for Pytorch model analysis, measuring Params, FLOPs/MACs(aka. MACC or MADD), Memory cost, Inference time and Throughput 🚀"
- torchsim — A feature-rich MR simulator supporting massive parallelization on GPU and automatic differentiation.
- tox-asdf — A plugin telling tox to use asdf to find python executables
- truverifi — Python client library for truverifi
- ts-store — Flexible storage for time series.
- ttim — Transient multi-layer AEM Model
- tuiview — A TUI for every CLI
- typer-cloup — Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
- typing-inspect-isle — a python template
- udata-ckan — CKAN integration for udata
- udata-croquemort — Croquemort support for uData
- udata-event-consumer — A udata plugin to consume kafka events
- udata-geoplatform — Connects uData with Geoplatform (
- udata-ldap — LDAP authentification for udata with optional Kerberos suppport.
- udata-metrics — Connexion handler to metrics service for udata
- udata-ods — OpenDataSoft integration for udata
- udata-recommendations — uData content recommendations bridge
- udata-schema-gouvfr — Integration with
- udata-tabular-preview — A plugin to preview tabular files (CSV, Excel, ...) using tabular api
- udata-transport — mapping to Udata
- umfactory — Factories for umongo
- underbelly — The rust underpinnings to the Jamboree library.
- unicore — UniCore: Unified Perception Core Library
- unipercept — UniPecept: A unified framework for perception tasks focusing on research applications that require a high degree of flexibility and customization.
- unitrack — A multi-stage object tracking framework
- universal_pathlib — pathlib api extended to use fsspec backends
- venv-modulefile — Python venv extension using Modulefile
- verilator — Verilator support in python
- viv_utils — Utilities for binary analysis using vivisect.
- vtc — A SMTPE video timecode library for Python
- vym — WIP
- wagtail-personalisation — A Wagtail add-on for showing personalized content
- wagtail-personalisation-molo — A forked version of Wagtail add-on for showing personalized content
- wagtail-tag-manager — A Wagtail add-on for managing tags.
- waldiez — waldiez
- waldiez_jupyter — A Waldiez JupyterLab extension.
- waldiez-studio — Make AI Agents Collaborate: Drag, Drop, and Orchestrate with Waldiez.
- wapps — Some Wagtail reusable applications
- WeTest — Toolkit For Automated Testing
- whistle — Event dispatcher (see
- workbench — Workbench: A Dashboard and Python API for creating and deploying AWS SageMaker Model Pipelines
- wradlib — wradlib - An Open Source Library for Weather Radar Data Processing
- wtte — Weibull Time To Event model. A Deep Learning model for churn- and failure prediction and everything else.
- xiaobaiauto2 — xiaobaiauto2是对自动化框架的第三次更新,功能覆盖UI自动化与API自动化意在帮助对自动化有更多需求且过多时间写代码的人群,让大家的时间花在业务的实现上
- xskillscore — Metrics for verifying forecasts
- yapx — The next generation of Python's Argparse.
- yg.lockfile — Lockfile object with timeouts and context manager
- zhplot — Show Chinese in Figures with one line code.
- zint-bindings — A barcode encoding library supporting over 50 symbologies.