Reverse Dependencies of pytest-sugar
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-sugar:
- gitizi — Easy and useful git commands
- GitPython — GitPython is a Python library used to interact with Git repositories
- gosu — the extensible taskrunner
- gpm-api — Python Package for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Data Archive
- gradsflow — An open-source AutoML Library based on PyTorch
- grahamcracker — generate marshmallow schemas from dataclasses
- graphtik — A Python lib for solving & executing graphs of functions, with `pandas` in mind
- great-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- greg-test — no summary
- greyupnp — Not **all** the Python UPnP tools you could ever want. But some.
- grpc-web-proto-compile — No description has been added so far.
- grz-cli — Tool for validation, encryption and upload of MV submissions to GDCs.
- gym-d2d — Device-to-Device (D2D) communication OpenAI Gym environment
- he — A library of Python helpers.
- heartcrm — A Python utility for generating reports from the HEART CRM.
- herbarium — Herbarium
- hf-endpoints-emulator — Emulator for Custom Handlers for Inference Endpoints
- HGQ — High Granularity Quantizarion
- hikvision-isapi-cli — A client library for accessing Hikvision ISAPI and more
- homeassistant_cli — Command-line tool for Home Assistant.
- hostbutter — WIP
- houdini-logging-tools — Logging related tools for Python logging in Houdini
- htexpr — htexpr compiles an html string into a Python expression
- htheatpump — Easy-to-use Python communication module for Heliotherm heat pumps
- htknx — Heliotherm heat pump KNX gateway
- htrest — Heliotherm heat pump REST API
- http-okapi — A tool for working with HTTP APIs
- hydra-callbacks — A collection of usefull hydra callbacks for hydra configuration
- hydropandas — Module by Artesia for loading observation data into custom DataFrames.
- hydrosignatures — A collection of tools for computing hydrological signatures
- HySetter — Subset hydroclimate data using HyRiver Over CONUS.
- iam-sarif-report — no summary
- iccicd — A collection of utilities to manage ICHEC project CI/CD pipelines.
- iccore — A collection of common data structures and utilities used in other ICHEC tools
- icflow — A collection of simple utilities for machine learning workflows.
- ichandbook — Library to help formating and publication of organisation technical handbook.
- iclearn — A collection of utilities for machine learning applications.
- icpd — no summary
- icplot — Utilities for generating plots and graphics for technical reports.
- icquantum — Support tooling for Quantum Computing simulations.
- icreports — Utilities for generating technical reports.
- icschedule — A utility to interface with HPC job schedulers.
- icsystemutils — Utilities for interacting with system resources, e.g. cpu, network etc.
- ictasks — A utility to run multiple small tasks in a single HPC job submission.
- indico-plugin-payment-stripe — Stripe payment support plugin for the Indico conference management system.
- instill — Instill drops of data in source files
- iSanic — A web server and web framework that's written to go fast. Build fast. Run fast.
- islelib — a python template
- isleservice-objects — a python template
- iterative-telemetry — Common library for sending telemetry
- jilutil — no summary
- jira — Python library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs.
- jira-333 — Python library for interacting with Jira via REST APIs.
- jupyter-fs — A Filesystem-like mult-contents manager backend for Jupyter
- k8s — Python client library for the Kubernetes API
- kalman_detector — Detecting Fast Radio Bursts with Spectral Structures
- keepitfresh — A simpler way to freshen up your frozen applications.
- kriss-matcher — Rust implementation of the paper 'KISS-Matcher: Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration Revisited'
- kube-custom-resource — Utilities for working with Kubernetes custom resources.
- lambda-forge — Lambda Forge is a framework to help you create lambda functions following a pre-defined structure.
- langflow-base-nightly — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langinfra-base — A Python package with a built-in web application
- ldp — Agent framework for constructing language model agents and training on constructive tasks.
- lenses — A lens library for python
- links-connect — a collection of utilities for working links extensions derivatives
- livekit-tools — livekit common utilities
- llm-docstring-generator — Code to generate docstrings for Python code using GPT-4 etc.
- logga — Python logging made super easy!
- logquacious — Logging utilities to help you over-communicate
- machinerry — CherryPy-based framework for running tasks repeatedly.
- mak-framework — Automation Framework Using Playwright Python
- mario-addons — More commands for Mario.
- markdownit-myst — A MarkdownIt-Py preconfigured for Myst syntax
- marshmallow-configparser — ConfigParser meets marshmallow
- marvin — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- marvin-brain — Core Marvin Brain for SDSS
- marvin-sqlalchemy-boolean-search — Boolean search expression parser for SQLAlchemy
- mase-tools — Machine-Learning Accelerator System Exploration Tools
- match-video — A Python library that simplifies working with video from soccer matches.
- mddatasetbuilder — A script to generate molecular dynamics (MD) datasets for machine learning from given LAMMPS trajectories automatically.
- meds-torch — A MEDS PyTorch Dataset, leveraging a on-the-fly retrieval strategy for flexible, efficient data loading.
- medusae — Multi-physic Evolutionary platform Driven by Unified Safety Analysis nEeds
- Memium — Memium
- metran — Python package to perform timeseries analysis of multiple hydrological time series using a dynamic factor model.
- mettle — A micro service framework for data pipelines, providingscheduling, retrying, and error reporting.
- mkdocs-pydoc — Python documentation for MkDocs
- mlx-image — Apple MLX image models library
- mmh3 — Python extension for MurmurHash (MurmurHash3), a set of fast and robust hash functions.
- mne-bids — MNE-BIDS: Organizing MEG, EEG, and iEEG data according to the BIDS specification and facilitating their analysis with MNE-Python
- mock-file-tree — A simple interface to mock the os module with a virtual file tree.
- mockish — A thin layer of sugar atop Python's mock.
- ModernRelay — An asynchronous, highly configurable SMTP relay
- modopt — Modular Optimisation tools for soliving inverse problems.
- module-utilities — Collection of utilities to aid working with python modules.
- MoonNectar — Moon Nectar Media Player
- morefs — A collection of self-contained fsspec-based filesystems
- morphapi — A lightweight python package to download neuronal morphologies
- motivation — motivation
- mp3_autotagger — A simple application to tag .mp3 files automatically and more.
- mri-nufft — MRI Non-Cartesian Fourier Operators with multiple computation backends.