Reverse Dependencies of prettytable
The following projects have a declared dependency on prettytable:
- CogIE — CogIE: An Information Extraction Toolkit for Bridging Text and CogNet
- cogkge — CogKGE: A Knowledge Graph Embedding Toolkit and Benckmark for Representing Multi-source and Heterogeneous Knowledge
- coh2-live-stats — Show player and team stats of a currently played, replayed or last played Company of Heroes 2 match.
- COIM — Constrain Operator for Inferential Models is a simple tool for pre and pos processing of data to eliminate redunduncy in datasets caused by dependency rules between the variables/columns.
- collatex — CollateX is a collation tool.
- commandeft — CommanDeft is a CLI tool that converts natural language prompts into executable commands or scripts using OpenAI's chat models.
- commandline-config — A library for users to write (experiment in research) configurations in Python Dict or JSON format, while can read parameters from the command line
- commonpower — A package for the exploration of safe single/multi-agent reinforcement learning in smart grids.
- concert — Lightweight beamline control system
- concord232 — GE Concord 4 RS232 Serial Interface Library and Server
- conda-envfile — Inspect/combine conda YAML environment files
- ConfigHandler-python — Create, update, and remove values from a configuration file made by ConfigHandler.
- configprops — This package provides a configuration base class to be extended with list of KEYS (same prefix) that could be overridden by environment variables.
- ConsoleFun — Developed primarily for fun and learning purposes, this collection serves as a playground for budding developers and gamers alike. As such, you might encounter a few bugs along the way—consider them part of the adventure!
- contrail-scrape — crawler for all the APIs of Juniper Contrail nodes
- controlnet — ControlNet - Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
- controlnet-hinter — ControlNet hint embedding utilities
- convert_videos — This tool allows bulk conversion of videos using ffmpeg
- coronapy-cli — A command line tool to fetch worldwide data about Corona Virus
- cortisol — Accurately forecast log costs pre-production with Cortisol for Datadog, New Relic, and Grafana 💰📉
- covid19-cli — A CLI for getting covid19 status at lightning speed.
- cqh-psum — progress sum memory for name
- cqupt — CQUPT Piper is a command line tool to get info from
- crawlab-sdk-ssl — Python SDK for Crawlab
- crc-bank — Banking application for resource allocation in Slurm based HPC systems.
- crea — Unofficial Python library for CREA
- creacli — Command line tool to interface with the Crea network
- CreditScoreCard — risk control modeling
- cryptocli — A command line tool for pulling crypto data
- cryptofetch — CLI tool to fetch and view cryptocurrencies prices
- csle-cyborg — Fork of CybORG, Copyright: DSLT, UK/Australian/US governments
- cve-maker — Tool to find CVEs and Exploits.
- cvlab-dl — An unified laboratory/framework for Computer Vision research, development and deployment.
- cvpolation — A package to get perform different interpolation techniques on an Image.
- cyberrl — CyberRL
- cykle — CLI for the happy coding process
- D4CMPP — Molecular property prediction based on Graph Convolution Network published by Deep4Chem
- data-butler — A data cataloguing package
- databridge — Bridge shared datasets across diverse projects.
- datakit-project — A datakit plugin to generate new projects.
- datalake-scripts — A collection of scripts to easily use the API of OCD Datalake
- datamatrix — This file is part of datamatrix.
- dataops-testgen — DataKitchen's Data Quality DataOps TestGen
- dataprofile — This library takes one data frame and returns another with a detailed profile of each column
- dataultra.commandlines — a tiny and smart cli player of dataultra based on Python
- dataultractl — a tiny and smart cli player of dataultra based on Python
- datmo — Open source model tracking tool for developers
- — a db package that doesn't suck
- dbautomate — A Python package for connecting with database.
- dbgpt — DB-GPT is an experimental open-source project that uses localized GPT large models to interact with your data and environment. With this solution, you can be assured that there is no risk of data leakage, and your data is 100% private and secure.
- dbgpt-hub — DB-GPT-Hub: Text-to-SQL parsing with LLMs
- dbt-copilot-tools — Set of tools to help transfer applications/services from GOV.UK PaaS to DBT PaaS augmenting AWS Copilot.
- dbt-platform-helper — Set of tools to help transfer applications/services from GOV.UK PaaS to DBT PaaS augmenting AWS Copilot.
- dciclient — Python client for DCI Control Server
- dcos — DCOS Common Modules
- dcos-python — DCOS Python Libraries
- DDFacet — Facet-based radio astronomy continuum imager
- dds-cli — A command line tool to manage data and projects in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System.
- debacl — DEnsity-BAsed CLustering
- DebyeCalculator — A vectorised implementation of the Debye Equation on CPU and GPU
- deciphon-snap — Reader for Deciphon snap files.
- DecryptLoginExamples — DecryptLogin-examples: Some crawler examples for DecryptLogin.
- deep-b-spline-approximation — A python package for bspline curve approximation using deep learning
- DeepMTP — a Deep Learning Framework for Multi-target Prediction
- defaultcreds-cheat-sheet — One place for all the default credentials to assist pentesters during an engagement, this document has several products default login/password gathered from multiple sources.
- delineate-io — Tools to simplify the management of local environments
- dell-warranty-api — Receive info about dell devices in humanize view
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- Desk-Buddies — A simple TCP client-server application to manage scheduling in an effort to maintain social distancing
- dev-radio — A simple cmdline radio to listen to python podcasts and some music.
- devsecops-engine-tools — Tool for DevSecOps strategy
- dfilter — use this filter to analys pandas quicker and smarter
- diagnet — A python network diagnosis tool
- dice-cli — Command-line interface for DICE
- dicom4ortho — A DICOM Implementation for Orthodontic Images
- dictfile — Command Line Interface for manipulating configuration files
- diin-text — Basic math
- dimedbpy — Python wrapper for DIMEdbs REST API.
- dingo-python — A Comprehensive Data Quality Evaluation Tool for Large Models
- diran — 搜索并分析你的文件夹
- DISAtool — A library used to assess the informative and discriminative properties of subspaces/patterns
- disclosure-extractor — A data extraction tool from judge financial disclosures.
- dismal — Demographic inference from the distribution of pairwise segregating sites
- DKCloudCommand — DataKitchen Cloud Command Line
- dls-bxflow — Distributed beamline automated data processing workflow engine and gui platform core.
- dls-mainiac — Convenient Python helper classes for cli Main programs.
- dls-utilpack — Library of various useful Python classes and functions.
- dmichaels-utils — Miscellaneous Python utilities from HMS DBMI
- dmppl — Dave McEwan's Personal Python Library
- DMtoolBox — dmtoolbox é uma coleção abrangente de ferramentas Python projetadas para facilitar a automação de tarefas e operações no ambiente Windows, manipulação avançada de arquivos e diretórios, criação e gestão de executáveis, manipulação de dados JSON, gerenciamento de configurações NGINX, análise numérica, e muito mais.
- dnscli — 域名解析记录管理工具
- dnspropagation — DNS propagation checker
- docsbot — A simple chat bot for querying information from your local private documents.
- docsCheck — no summary
- doct — A read-only dottable dictionary
- doex — Python library for conducting design of experiments
- donkeycar — Self driving library for python.
- doormouse — PKI without the PITA.
- doughnuts — A webshell manager for PHP
- download-center — spider framework for winndoo.