Reverse Dependencies of prettytable
The following projects have a declared dependency on prettytable:
- wire-size — Test bandwidth to cloud provider endpoint.
- wolfsoftware.github-token-validator — A tool to validate GitHub Tokens.
- wolfsoftware.list-availability-zones — Generate a table of the availability zones your account is using.
- wolfsoftware.list-regions — Generate a table of the regions your account is using.
- woningwaardering — Berekent de punten van een woning op basis van het woningwaarderingsstelsel.
- Wordabulary — A console-based software which may be used as a library for analysing word patterns, various properties of words, analysing documents.
- wordcanvas-docsaid — Generating text with custom fonts and styles.
- wordlink — Word Link Generator
- wslm — 在WSL中执行Windows10系统命令,用于端口转发,防火墙管理
- wt-plus — Development Environment
- wtm — Downloads songs from the internet.
- wton — Universal TON wallet
- wyn-pm — The library helps analysts to investigate portfolio and stock market.
- wyzely-detect — Recognize faces/objects in a video stream (from a webcam or a security camera) and send notifications to your devices
- x12306 — 12306查票助手,一键查询沿途所有站点,先上车后补票,让你的出行更省心。
- xaal.zwave — xAAL gateway for Zwave
- XBBO — A Python toolbox for performing Black-Box Optimization.
- xcoscmd — simple command for cos, forked from
- xleapp — Multiplaform Logs, Events, And Plists Parser
- xmi-reader — Open and extract (unload) XMI/AWS/HET mainframe files.
- xpipe-cli — CLI that talks to the XPipe HTTP API
- xradio — Xarray Radio Astronomy Data IO
- xrd-image-util — Utility package for handling XRD image data.
- xrmocap — no summary
- xtesting — OPNFV reference testing framework
- xueqiu-client — Client for
- yaq-traits — package defining yaq traits
- yaqd-control — no summary
- ydata-fabric-sdk — YData SDK allows to use the *Data-Centric* tools from the YData ecosystem to accelerate AI development
- ylib — My Library
- yocto-oebuild — no summary
- yoctobuild — no summary
- yoshi-cli — A password manager for the command line.
- youtube-mp3-downloader — Download mp3 from youtube
- zanshincli — Python command line utility to the Tenchi Security Zanshin API v1
- zbxtool-cfomp — A Zabbix Manager Tool
- zenpi — Simple Zenodo API Client Implementation
- zerodhawrapper — no summary
- zerohertzLib — Zerohertz's Library
- zkygr-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zkygr2-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zkygr3-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zshot — Zero and Few shot named entity recognition
- ztask — Ztask, the terminal interface to log task in zohoprojects and complete the damned timesheets with a Taskwarrior inspired syntax.
- zuul — A Project Gating System
- zuul-client — A client for the Zuul Gating System
- zyf — 常用函数工具包
- zyf-timer — 计时器
- zyplib — Common utilites code of myself