Reverse Dependencies of prettytable
The following projects have a declared dependency on prettytable:
- icon-getinfo — Icon Blockchain Network node get information.
- ie-eval — no summary
- igem-uploads — Helps iGEMers upload their files to the iGEM server.
- iitbbscliupdates — CLI for IIT Bhubaneswar updates.
- illumio_pylo — A set of tools and library for working with Illumio PCE
- ilo — Control ilo robot using python command.
- ilo-utils — ILO Utils
- immpy — A package for the management of patterns in indoor mobility data
- indexwarrior — Tool to operate GrimoireLab ES indexes
- infi.jira_cli — JIRA command-line tools
- infi.pypi_manager — mirror distributions from to our local djangopypi server
- insidapy — Module for in-silico data generation in python.
- Interpretability — A selection of interpretable methods with logging and printouts
- InterpretableMLWrappers — A selection of interpretable methods with logging and printouts
- investir — Calculate UK capital gains tax for Freetrade and Trading212
- investment-rebalancer — A simple tool helping you to calculate your portfolio rebalancing.
- IoddComBase — IoddCom base
- ipih — Smart import for PIH module
- ipython-polypheny — Access Polypheny via IPython magics
- ipython-sql — RDBMS access via IPython
- iquery — Various information query via command line.
- iris-hector-patino — IRIS MODEL ROTE
- isimip-qc — A command line tool for the quality control of climate impact data of the ISIMIP project.
- isomorphic — isomorphic interfaces for cli, api, yaml, json, gui
- iss-libs — no summary
- ITS-CLI — SMARTC&S Co., Ltd is a Korean company that produces and supplies various sensor equipment and provides the ITS (IoT Total Solution) service, which allows real-time monitoring and data analysis of sensor equipment data. The ITS_CLI provides a Python API that allows ITS users to directly access ITS data.
- jaglion — A Modern Command Line Tool for Apache Kafka.
- JailbreakEval — A collection of automated evaluators for assessing jailbreak attempts
- janitor-osp — Linux cli tool to maintain Openstack quota, deleting old virtual machines, volumes and IP
- janux — A robust yet simple tool for generating a set of path options in directed graphs. It is designed for efficient routing or creating path options for custom requirements in transportation networks.
- jarvis-assistant-bot — Jarvis is a personal assistant application that allows you to manage your address book with contacts. The application provides features to add, remove, change, save, and load contacts, making it easier to organize your personal or professional network. In addition, Jarvis integrates with ChatGPT, an AI language model, to provide interactive chat functionality. And to add some entertainment after a hard working day, Jarvis also includes a fun game about Bandera-goose.
- jaseci — no summary
- jentry — Python CLI which can find the entry of java project.
- jfExt — private common python framework
- ji-coursesel — CLI Interface for JI Coursesel
- jirafs — Edit Jira issues as text files locally.
- jirate — no summary
- jiuming-tools — 个人常用功能
- jotdx — Get data
- jupysql — Better SQL in Jupyter
- k2db — Keyword Search over Relational Databases
- k8s-cli — This Python package provides native Kubernetes CLI aliases, allowing users to manage and query Kubernetes resources directly from Python without using kubectl
- k8sutils — Kubernetes helper module for Python
- kafkareport — Reporting tool for kafka topics with retentions, sizes, earliest and latest message timestamps
- kcli — Provisioner/Manager for Libvirt/Vsphere/Aws/Gcp/Hcloud/Kubevirt/Ovirt/Openstack/IBM Cloud and containers
- kdap — KDAP is a package to analyze knowledge data
- kdc-kubeconnector — Tool to work with kubernetes dashboard, if there is no kubectl access
- KdnTools — Useful tools for every project.
- kebihelp — A Linux universal keybindings helper written in Python/QT5
- keephq — Alerting. for developers, by developers.
- keops-vt — CLI tool for custom edition and management of Mapbox Vector Tiles in MBTiles format
- kermout-strips-api — Remotely interact with Kermout's Strips System
- ketacli — KetaDB Client
- kgraph — A Python library for relational learning on knowledge graphs.
- khinsider-dl — Download soundtracks from with a useful and quick CLI
- kiipy — A Python SDK for Kii
- kk-plugins — kk plugins
- km3irf — KM3NeT instrument response functions
- kodekloud-downloader — Simple downloaded for
- kospex — The kospex CLI tool.
- kperf — linux kernel profiler
- kpx — CLI tool for AWS configuration files and quick interogations to AWS API
- Kqlmagic — Kqlmagic: Microsoft Azure Monitor magic extension to Jupyter notebook
- KqlmagicCustom — Kqlmagic: Microsoft Azure Monitor magic extension to Jupyter notebook (Custom Dependencies)
- krisp — A lightweight tool for finding diagnostic regions in whole genome data
- kube-hunter — Kubernetes security weaknesses hunter for humans
- kubedeployer — package to deploy application on kubernetes
- kuberesources — Simple utility for getting an overview of set requests and limits in a kubernetes cluster
- kuryr-kubernetes — Kubernetes integration with OpenStack networking
- kvv-StoredObjects — StoredObjects is a helper package with University objects for the Publications Activity Module
- KwoksTool — no summary
- laboro — The Laboro workflow framework
- laipvt — laiye private deploy basement
- lambda-cli — Lambda Labs instance management
- lamda-recorder — recorder for machine learning
- langroid — Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming
- latency-scout — A highly accurate tool to assess the latency of crypto exchange websocket data feeds.
- launchy — system launchy
- lavaclient — Client library for Rackspace Cloud Big Data API
- ldappool — A simple connector pool for python-ldap.
- leapcli — Tensorleap CLI
- learner-board — no summary
- leetcode-helper — Some utils for debug leetcode locally
- lemmings-hpc — Easy creation of workflows for recursive and farming HPC jobs
- lens-vpr — LENS: Locational Encoding with Neuromorphic Systems
- letta — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- letta-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- lhctodd — Compare LHC DM limit to Direct Dectction Experiments
- libyear — A simple measure of software dependency freshness.
- license-markdown-table — Gathers project dependencies and creates a markdown table with license information for each package.
- lightpath — {{ cookiecutter.description }}
- lippy — Lippy - solving linear programming problems.
- lite-tools — 一些让你效率提升的小工具集合包[还在持续增加及优化]
- llamator — Framework for testing vulnerabilities of large language models (LLM).
- llm-atc — Tools for fine tuning and serving LLMs
- llm-blender — LLM-Blender, an innovative ensembling framework to attain consistently superior performance by leveraging the diverse strengths and weaknesses of multiple open-source large language models (LLMs). LLM-Blender cut the weaknesses through ranking and integrate the strengths through fusing generation to enhance the capability of LLMs.
- llm-engines — A unified inference engine for large language models (LLMs) including open-source models (VLLM, SGLang, Together) and commercial models (OpenAI, Mistral, Claude).
- lm-cli — cli for dkube license manager
- LngDetectoR — A tool to detect programming languages in a directory.