Reverse Dependencies of pre-commit
The following projects have a declared dependency on pre-commit:
- bgpy-pkg — Simulates BGP, ROV, ASPA, etc in an extensible manner
- bgspace — Anatomical space conventions made easy
- bi-tiktok-business-api-master — Tiktok Business API wrapper
- bib-lookup — A useful tool for looking up Bib entries using DOI, or pubmed ID (or URL), or arXiv ID (or URL).
- bibat — Batteries-included Bayesian analysis template
- biblary — A Django application to provide a bibliography based on a bibtex library.
- bibtexautocomplete — Script to autocomplete bibtex files by polling online databases
- bidgely — A python library for downloading your historical data fromutilities that use Bidgely
- bids-derivatives — Python package for querying BIDS Apps` processed derivatives.
- bids2cite — create a citation file for a BIDS dataset
- bids2table — Efficiently index large-scale BIDS datasets and derivatives
- bidsmreye — bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data
- bifurc2midi — This application generates midi bifurcation diagrams generated from generated logistic map data.
- bigbang-py — BigBang is a toolkit for studying communications data from collaborative projects. It currently supports analyzing mailing lists from Sourceforge, Mailman, ListServ, or .mbox files.
- BigchainDB — BigchainDB: The Blockchain Database
- bigdance — March Madness Bracket Pool Simulator and Analyzer
- bigframes — BigQuery DataFrames -- scalable analytics and machine learning with BigQuery
- bigfunctions — Supercharge BigQuery with BigFunctions
- bigpipe-response — Bigpipe, Pipelining web pages for high performance, django response object
- binance-ema — Get crypto coin informations & calculate the custom or constant indicators. (WITH BINANCE API)
- binarytree — Python Library for Studying Binary Trees
- bindfit — A binding constant fitter library for Python
- bing-rewards — Perform automated Bing Rewards searches
- binharness — A framework to analyze programs running in environments
- bio-network-ayelet-tohar — create sub networks
- bioagent — BioAgent Library
- biobank-tools — Biobank Tools.
- biocli — Computational Biology tool for CLI use.
- biocommons.example — Example Package
- biocommons.seqrepo — Non-redundant, compressed, journalled, file-based storage for biological sequences
- bioemu — Biomolecular emulator
- bioentity — bioentity.
- biogram — Make diagrams for biological entities.
- bioimageio.core — Python functionality for the bioimage model zoo
- bioimageio.spec — Parser and validator library for specifications
- bioimageloader — load bioimages for machine learning
- bioio — Image reading, metadata management, and image writing for Microscopy images in Python
- bioio-base — Typing, base classes, and more for BioIO projects.
- bioio-bioformats — A BioIO reader for reading bioformats formatted images.
- bioio-czi — A Bioio reader plugin for reading czi images.
- bioio-dv — A BioIO reader plugin for reading Digital Video (DV) files.
- bioio-imageio — A BioIO reader plugin for reading simple image formats using imageio.
- bioio-lif — A BioIO reader plugin for reading LIF (Leica Image File) images.
- bioio-nd2 — A BioIO reader plugin for reading ND2 images.
- bioio-ome-tiff — A BioIO reader plugin for reading tiff files in the OME format.
- bioio-ome-tiled-tiff — A BioIO reader plugin for reading tiled ome.tiff images.
- bioio-ome-zarr — A BioIO reader plugin for reading Zarr files in the OME format.
- bioio-sldy — A BioIO reader plugin for reading 3i slidebook (SLDY) images.
- bioio-tiff-glob — A BioIo reader for reading Tiff Glob images
- bioio-tifffile — A BioIO reader plugin for reading TIFFs using Tifffile
- bioio-types — Typing, base classes, and more for BioIO projects.
- biolord — A deep generative framework for disentangling known and unknown attributes in single-cell data.
- biomass — A Python Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Signaling Systems
- biomcp — MCP servers for bioinformatics
- bionty — Basic biological entities, coupled to public ontologies [`source <>`__].
- bionty-base — Bionty.
- bioreader — Bio file readers, instrument schema.
- bioreadout — Bio file readers, instrument schema.
- biorxivist — Tools to access prepublications from BioRxiv and integrate LLM tools.
- bioscan-dataset — PyTorch torchvision-style datasets for BIOSCAN-1M and BIOSCAN-5M.
- biothings — a toolkit for building high-performance data APIs in biology
- bird-cloud-gnn — Graph Neural Network for bird point cloud data
- birdhouse-birdy — Birdy provides a command-line tool to work with Web Processing Services.
- birdhouse-finch — A Web Processing Service for Climate Indicators.
- birdset — BirdSet: A multi-task benchmark and data pipeline for deep learning based avian bioacoustics
- biscotti — biscotti
- bisect-find-first-bad — tool like `git bisect run` but checks arbitrary options and not uses git to switch versions
- bisectlib — array bisection algorithm helper
- bisheng-pyautogen — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework
- bitbully — A fast Connect-4 Solver for Python & C++
- bitfount-apispec — A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification).
- bitfuncs — Some async funcs for trading.
- bitorch — A package for building and training quantized and binary neural networks with Pytorch
- bits — bits is a cli tool and pure Python library for Bitcoin
- bits-aviso-python-sdk — Repository containing python wrappers to various services for bits-aviso.
- bitssh — A New and Modern SSH connector written in Python.
- bitwarden-to-keepass — A simple little script that backs up a Bitwarden vault to a local KeePass file.
- black-disable-checker — That little door knob on your blackened bike shed can also be any color you like; as long as it's black.
- blackhole — Blackhole is an MTA (message transfer agent) that (figuratively) pipes all mail to /dev/null.
- blackline-core — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blackline-mysql — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blackline-postgres — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blacksquare — A package for creating crossword puzzles
- blades — A Unified Benchmark Suite for Byzantine Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning
- Blauwal3-Bioinformatics — 用于数据挖掘的蓝鲸生物信息学附加组件。
- bleat — A CLI chatbot with Llama 3
- blending-toolkit — Blending ToolKit
- blik — Python tool for visualising and interacting with cryo-ET and subtomogram averaging data.
- blind-rt60 — The BlindRT60 algorithm is used to estimate the reverberation time (RT60) of a room based on the recorded audio signals from microphones
- blip-inference — project_description
- Bliss — BeamLine Instrumentation Support Software
- BlizzardWarcraftAPI — Warcraft API
- blocket_api — A python API wrapper for
- blockfirates — no summary
- blocksnet — Package provides methods of master plan requirements automated generation for urban areas
- blop — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bloptools — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- blosc2 — A fast & compressed ndarray library with a flexible compute engine.
- blue-prints — Blueprints: Python AEC library.
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.