Reverse Dependencies of pre-commit
The following projects have a declared dependency on pre-commit:
- bluebonnet — Scaling solutions for production analysis from unconventional oil and gas wells
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- bluesky-stomp — STOMP integration for bluesky
- blueskysocial — API for BlueSky social network
- bluetracker-hass-mqtt — Monitor Bluetooth Classic devices and integrate them into Home Assistant via MQTT.
- bluewave — Python script to analyze the similarity of two PDFs
- BlueWhale3-Bioinformatics — 用于数据挖掘的蓝鲸生物信息学附加组件。
- bma — BornHack Media Archive Django project
- bma-cli — BornHack Media Archive CLI Tool
- bma-client-lib — BornHack Media Archive Client Library
- boa-framework — Bayesian Optimization for Anything: A high-level Bayesian optimization framework and model wrapping tool. It provides an easy-to-use interface between models and the python libraries Ax and BoTorch.
- boa-restrictor — A custom Python linter from Ambient
- bob — Bob is a free signal-processing and machine learning toolbox originally developed by the Biometrics group at Idiap Research Institute, in Switzerland.
- — Tools for running biometric recognition experiments
- — Tools for running face recognition experiments
- — no summary
- — Vein Recognition Library
- — Run biometric recognition algorithms on videos
- bob.fusion.base — Score fusion in biometric and pad experiments
- — Basic IO for Bob
- bob.learn.em — Bindings for EM machines and trainers of Bob
- bob.measure — Evaluation metrics for Bob
- bob.pad.base — A framework for executing the chain of presentation attack detection (PAD) experiments
- bob.pad.face — Implements tools for spoofing or presentation attack detection in face biometrics
- bob.pipelines — Tools to build robust and extensible pipelines
- bob-the-developer — A collection of scripts to build C++ projects
- bocpd — Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection
- bodyjim — Comma body gymnasium API
- bohicalog — The BOHICA Logging Library provides a configured logger for you module or application
- boinor — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- bokbokbok — Custom Losses and Metrics for XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost
- bolero — sequence
- bolero-process — Data preprocessing for bolero package
- boltworks — A collection of decorators and functionns for Slack's bolt library to help you make a better slackbot.
- bom-analysis — A framework for performing analysis based on a Bill of Materials (BOM) structure
- bondai — An AI-powered console assistant with a versatile API for seamless integration into applications.
- bonfo — Multiwii flight controller configuration management
- BookCut — Command Line Interface app to download ebooks.
- boomgate — A software supply chain risk management tool
- bootleg — Bootleg NED System
- borg2mqtt — Send borg backup updates over MQTT
- boringavatars — A Python port of the boring-avatars JS library.
- bosc — A file-based document store with python interface
- bosch-control-panel-cc880p — Library to interface with the old CC880p Bosch COntrol Panels
- botafar — botafar
- botodto — Pydantic interface codegen from Amazon Smithy JSON schemas
- bout-runners — Manage your BOUT++ runs through python
- bpx — An implementation of the Battery Parameter eXchange (BPX) format in Pydantic.
- bpyutils — A collection of various common Python utilities.
- bq-validator — The `bq-validator` command enables us to validate BigQuery queries.
- bqskit — Berkeley Quantum Synthesis Toolkit
- braglog — A concise command-line tool for quickly logging daily tasks and milestones, ideal for personal and professional record-keeping.
- brain-app — Pass.
- brainatlas-api — A lightweight python module to interact with atlases for systems neuroscience
- Braindecode — Deep learning software to decode EEG, ECG or MEG signals
- brainglobe — Python-based tools for computational neuroanatomy.
- brainglobe-atlasapi — A lightweight python module to interact with and generate atlases for systems neuroscience.
- brainglobe-heatmap — Rendering anatomical heatmaps with brainrender and matplotlib
- brainglobe-napari-io — Read and write files from the BrainGlobe computational neuroanatomy suite into napari
- brainglobe-registration — A napari plugin for registration to a BrainGlobe atlas.
- brainglobe-segmentation — Segmentation of anatomical structures in a common coordinate space
- brainglobe-space — Anatomical space conventions made easy
- brainglobe-stitch — A tool to stich large tiled datasets generated by the mesoSPIM.
- brainglobe-template-builder — Build unbiased anatomical templates from individual images
- brainglobe-utils — Shared general purpose tools for the BrainGlobe project
- brainglobe-workflows — A collection of end-to-end data analysis workflows executed using BrainGlobe tools.
- brainmapper — Whole brain cell detection and atlas registration
- brainreg — Automated 3D brain registration
- brainreg-napari — Multi-atlas whole-brain microscopy registration
- brainreg-segment — Manual segmentation of 3D brain structures in a common anatomical space
- brainrender — Visualisation and exploration of brain atlases and other anatomical data
- brainrender-napari — A napari plugin to render BrainGlobe atlases and associated data as layers.
- brainsets — A package for processing neural datasets
- braintrust — SDK for integrating Braintrust
- braintrust-langchain — Integration for LangChain and Braintrust Tracing
- brainways — Brainways
- brazil-fiscal-client — SOAP client for the Brazilian Fiscal Authorities
- brazilcep — Minimalist and easy-to-use Python library designed to query CEP (Postal Address Code) data
- bre-next — Business Rules Engine Core
- brevitas — Quantization-aware training in PyTorch
- bricked — Asyncio MVC web framework
- bridge-ds — A Bridge to Datasets!
- briefcase — Tools to support converting a Python project into a standalone native application.
- brightway25 — A wrapper library for documentation and easy installation of Brightway 2.5
- bring — A package manager for files.
- broker — The infrastructure middleman.
- brolog — Prolog interpreter written in Python
- browsable — Easily preview your data.
- browser-memory-monitor — Memory profiler/limiter for browsers
- browser-use-cli — CLI tool for browser automation tasks
- bryn-python-boilerplate — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- bsb-arbor — Arbor simulation adapter for the BSB framework
- bsb-core — `bsb-core` is the backbone package contain the essential code of the BSB: A component
- bsb-hdf5 — HDF5 storage engine for the BSB framework.
- bsb-json — JSON parser and utilities for the BSB.
- bsb-lookup — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- bsb-nest — NEST simulation adapter for the BSB framework.
- bsb-neuron — NEURON simulator adapter for the BSB framework
- bsb-test — Helpers for better and more complete tests for component developers of the BSB framework.
- bsb-yaml — YAML parser for the BSB framework.