Reverse Dependencies of pre-commit
The following projects have a declared dependency on pre-commit:
- astronomer-starship — Migrations to Astro
- astronomer-telescope — A tool to observe distant (or local!) Airflow installations, and gather metadata or other required data.
- astropack — Data Processing and Machine Learning Functions for Astronomy Applications
- astyle-py — Astyle, wrapped in a python package.
- asu-cli — aws s3 utils
- async-covid — An async Python package to get information regarding the novel corona virus provided by Johns Hopkins university and Based on
- async-download — Uses coroutines to download files
- async-gpib — Python3 AsyncIO Linux GPIB wrapper
- async-proxy-api — Asynchronous API (in Python)
- async_rutube_downloader — download video from RuTube
- async-solipsism — Asyncio event loop that doesn't interact with the outside world
- async-westjr — Handling of train operation information of JR West, a railroad company in Japan
- async_yookassa — Unofficial API client for YooKassa
- asyncclick-option-group — Option groups missing in AsyncClick
- asyncfix — AsyncIO FIX Protocol client for Python
- asyncpraw — Asynchronous Python Reddit API Wrapper.
- asyncprawcore — Low-level asynchronous communication layer for Async PRAW 7+.
- asyncsql — Yet another async SQL lib.
- atksh-utils — atksh's utils
- atlantiscore — atlantiscore
- atlas-ftag-tools — ATLAS Flavour Tagging Tools
- atlasq — Query proxy that allows the usage of AtlasSearch with mongoengine specific syntax
- atlasq-tschaume — Query proxy that allows the usage of AtlasSearch with mongoengine specific syntax
- atlite — Library for fetching and converting weather data to power systems data
- atom-tools — Collection of tools for use with AppThreat/atom.
- atomacos — Automated Testing on macOS
- atomate2 — atomate2 is a library of materials science workflows
- atomate2-turbomole — The atomate2-turbomole package is a workflow package for Turbomole
- atomchain — A library to chain the atomic models with applications
- atomsgraph — Python library for interacting with an atoms graph
- atopile-easyeda2kicad — A Python script that convert any electronic components from LCSC or EasyEDA to a Kicad library
- attention-sinks — Extend LLMs to infinite length without sacrificing efficiency and performance, without retraining
- attn-gym — Helpful tools and examples for working with flex-attention
- attotime — Arbitrary precision datetime library.
- attotimebuilder — A library for using the attotime datetime API with aniso8601
- attrsfile — A file mapper for attrs classes.
- attune — Tools for tuning optical parametric amplifiers and multidimensional spectrometers.
- audiometer — no summary
- audioseal — Watermarking and detection for speech audios
- auditree-arboretum — The Auditree common fetchers, checks and harvest reports library
- auditree-framework — Tool to run compliance control checks as unit tests
- auditree-harvest — The Auditree data gathering and reporting tool
- auditree-plant — The Auditree tool for adding external evidence
- auditree-prune — The Auditree evidence removal tool
- AUMCdb-MEDS — A template ETL pipeline to extract AUMCdb data into the MEDS format.
- auth-aws4 — Usecase agnostic implementation of AWS4 signing schema.
- auth-checker — Contains the AuthChecker class for apps using the Auth Service
- authk — SSHD Handling Utility
- authx_core — Utilities to help reduce boilerplate and reuse common functionality, Based to Support Building of Authx & Authx-lite
- authx_lite — Pluggable authentication and authorization Library built on top of authx-core & FastAPI.
- authz-analyzer — Analyze authorization.
- auto-deep-learning — Automation of the creation of the architecture of the neural network based on the input
- auto-deep-research — open deep research based on autoagent
- auto-file-sorter — A file sorting automation
- auto-genesis-sdk — A unified Python SDK for seamless integration with Autonomize services, providing telemetry, logging, and tracing capabilities.
- auto-intersphinx — Automatic links direct project dependencies to the intersphinx catalog
- auto_rxn — no summary
- auto-verify — Efficient portfolio-based verification of neural network properties
- autobib — Automatically download missing entries to your bibliography file.
- autobyteus — Multi-Agent framework
- AutoCase — Automatic AI based (optional) Camel / Snake / Pascal / Kebab / Train(Title) / Upper / Lower Case Conversion
- autoetl — Wire up APIs with databases in minutes. Ingest, persist, enrich, merge and serve data automagically.
- autoevals — Universal library for evaluating AI models
- autogen-agentchat-um — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework
- autogen-agents — Unofficial agents for the Autogen framework
- autogenerated-repo-6 — My package description
- autogs-core — AutoGS Core
- autollm — Ship RAG based LLM Web API's, in seconds.
- automagically — Python SDK für Automagically.
- automatise — Automatise: A Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining Tool Library
- automatize — Automatize: A Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining Tool Library
- automaton-engine — Simple, Event-driven Automation in Python using Elasticsearch data to inform automation decisions
- automesh — automesh
- automl-utils — Facilitating reproducible AutoML research.
- autonav — Research software for navigating a UAV in indoor environments
- autonomi — Autonomi Cloud Python Client
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autoplex — Automated machine-learned Potential Landscape explorer
- autoprognosis — A system for automating the design of predictive modeling pipelines tailored for clinical prognosis.
- autoprotocol — Python library for generating Autoprotocol
- autopxd2 — Automatically generate Cython pxd files from C headers
- autoPyTorch — Auto-PyTorch searches neural architectures using smac
- AutoQAI — A Quantum Artificial Intelligence Workplace
- autoqasm — Python-native programming library for developing quantum programs
- autora-core — Autonomous Research Assistant (AutoRA) is a framework for automating steps of the empirical research process.
- autora-doc — Automatic documentation generator from AutoRA code
- autorad — Radiomics-related modules for extraction and experimenting
- AutoRAG — Automatically Evaluate RAG pipelines with your own data. Find optimal structure for new RAG product.
- autosweep — automated testing
- availsim4 — Availsim4 is a tool to predict reliability and availability of modern particle accelerators and their related systems.
- avfilters — Common Audio and Video filters
- avicortex — Python functions and classes to build connectivity graphs and datasets from Freesurfer's brain cortical measurements.
- avltree — Lightweight, pure-python AVL tree
- avro-compat — A library-compatibility layer for avro parsers
- aws-data-tools — A set of Python libraries for querying and transforming data from AWS APIs
- aws-gate — aws-gate - AWS SSM Session Manager client CLI
- aws-grobid — Deploy GROBID on AWS EC2
- aws-lambda-context — AWS Lambda Context class for type checking and testing
- aws-longer — A program to create deterministic zip files.
- aws-parameters — Streamlined, efficient access to configuration values in AWS SSM Parameter Store and SecretsManager.