Reverse Dependencies of pathlib
The following projects have a declared dependency on pathlib:
- aanalytics2 — Adobe Analytics API 2.0 and 1.4 python wrapper
- abatools — Utility for working with Android boot animations
- — test
- accelerator — A tool for fast and reproducible processing of large amounts of data.
- actuator-nn — Neural Network for system identification of actuators.
- adc-compliance-checker — ADC Compliance Checker
- addepar-redflag — RedFlag uses AI to identify high-risk code changes. Run it in batch mode for release candidate testing or in CI pipelines to flag commits and add reviewers. RedFlag's flexible configuration makes it valuable for any team.
- adso — A topic-modelling library
- aerisapisdk — Provides both an SDK and a CLI for the Aeris Connectivity APIs.
- aiflow — AI Flow, an extend operators library for airflow, which helps AI engineer to write less, reuse more, integrate easily.
- aimodelshare — Deploy locally saved machine learning models to a live rest API and web-dashboard. Share it with the world via
- aind-dynamic-foraging-basic-analysis — Generated from aind-library-template
- aiolambda — Python async microservices fasts!
- airflow-sqlcmd-operator — Custom Airflow BashOperator for Microsoft sqlcmd
- AirProfile — Automatic analysis of Airbnb host profiles.
- alidock — Run your ALICE environment from a container easily
- alphadoc — Automatic style guide and docstrings generator for Python code
- anax — An encrypted non-linear database based on Pandas
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anime1 — CLI access to (beta)
- anpy — Python client for website
- antspymm — multi-channel/time-series medical image processing with antspyx
- antspyt1w — T1w human neuroimage processing with antspyx
- anubisgit — Anubis, a CodeMetrics helper
- ao3scraper — ao3scraper is a python webscraper that scrapes AO3 for fanfiction data, stores it in a database, and highlights entries when they are updated.
- api-keychain — A tool to manage API keys in a secure keychain
- apio-django — Application error & performance monitoring
- Aptester — Auto Tester for Competitive programming
- aquacropeto — Library for estimating reference and potential evapotranspiration.
- Arenz-Group-Python — a pip-installable package with function for Arenz Group
- atk-training-dinesh-wf-dynamic-loader — no summary
- atman-connexion — Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- atrhub — ATR xml files handler
- ats-coverage — Python code coverage automation
- attenuate — Real-time raw speech enhancement with deep state-space modeling
- auction-scraper — Extensible auction house scraper for ebay, liveauctioneers, catawiki, and other platforms
- audiencemanager — Adobe Audience Manager API python wrapper
- aurelis — AI-powered coding assistant with advanced reasoning capabilities
- auth-cmd — A 2FA/TOTP authentication tool
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autoconf — PyAuto Configration
- autoed — no summary
- autointent — A tool for automatically configuring a text classification pipeline for intent prediction.
- AutoPoly — AutoPoly
- AutoReg-MrPaC6689 — AUTOREG - Operação automatizada de Sistemas - SISREG & G-HOSP
- autoscrum — AutoScrum
- AutoSite — Keep all your website's pages under one template
- autotds — Generate Towards Data Science (TDS) quality articles
- AutoTransferMachine — PT自动转载工具
- auxiliary — TODO.
- avirtech-spraying-jiyi-lib — Avirtech Python Library to Generate JIYI Drone Spraying Track Using Polyline (.shp) Data
- avirtech-spraying-jiyi-wp-lib — Avirtech Python Library to Generate JIYI Drone Spraying Track Using Waypoint Data From Avirplaner
- aviv-pip-download — A wrapper for pip download in offline scenario.
- avython — Common resources to extend python code
- aws-s3-resource — This library is to ease the operations done on AWS S3 buckets and objects
- ax-spider — A simple Python crawler framework
- azure-batch-extensions — Microsoft Azure Batch Extended Features
- azure-cli-batch-extensions — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Extended Batch Command Module
- bae0n-utils — Utility functions to be used in Python
- bank-statement-reader-altara — no summary
- batframes — 可以配置将多个可执行文件和内部命令串接成一个完整命令执行的框架工具。(命令支持 多个option选项)
- batpy — A python package to read, write, and calculate batteries in the BatPaC tool.
- batt-utility — Utility functions for OpenBattTools
- bayse-summary — Takes one or more BayseFlow files and summarizes them by the BayseFlows that are N-S or S-N.
- bbrc-pyxnat — XNAT in Python
- bechdel-corpus — An annotated corpus of classic literature.
- bedrock-anthropic — Client library for the anthropic API with the AWS Bedrock endpoint.
- beets-vgmdb — Beets VGMdb metadata plugin and collection manager.
- behave — behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style
- behave-bse — behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style
- behave-no-capture — behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style
- behave-plus — this project update behave with job_language parameter, and behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style
- behavecrackle — behavecrackle is behaviour-driven development, Python style
- bininfo — python bin verification
- bintypes — python bin verification
- bintypes6 — python bin verification
- biome — Painless access to namespaced environment variables
- BioPlate — An application to quickly generate plate schemes used in life science, save it in database and export it in nice table format or in spreadsheet
- BioSANS2020 — Symbolic and Numeric Software for Systems Biology
- bird-ospf-map — no summary
- blindantspymm — blind multi-channel/time-series medical image processing with antspyx
- bloggen — Deploy a dir of md files as a static site
- blurhash-avif — A library to generate BlurHash and PNG data URLs for AVIF images
- blxo — Bent Laue Monochromators X-ray Optics
- BotAmino — A library to create Amino bots.
- breseq-ext-cnv — An extension of breseq to determine copy number variations from coverage data
- bruin — Command line tool made by python for various toolbox used in UCLA
- bsdm — Beautiful SVG Data Model
- BucketCache — Versatile persisent file cache.
- BWStatsWrapper — Easily access Bedwars stats of a Hypixel player.
- c3py — Compressed Continuous Computation Library in Python
- cachedir-tag — Handle CACHEDIR.TAG files, indicating directories that contain cached content
- cafcore — Core functions used to process data for R.J. Cook Agronomy Farm LTAR
- casper-r2sdf-fft — A model for the CASPER FFT
- cat-readme — A command-line tool to display markdown files with rich formatting.
- catencfamily — A class to generate a family of categorical encoders using network analysis
- catnet — Create networks of categories from literature review and other tables
- CausalPy — Causal inference for quasi-experiments in Python
- cbr-analysis — OE analysis
- cdb-cellmaps — no summary