Reverse Dependencies of pathlib
The following projects have a declared dependency on pathlib:
- linecheck — Utility to check line endings.
- linkture — PARSE and PROCESS BIBLE SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: extract, tag, link, rewrite, translate, BCV-encode and decode
- lips-benchmark — LIPS : Learning Industrial Physical Simulation benchmark suite
- llmkira — A chain message bot based on OpenAI
- lofarantpos — Access, query, and manipulate LOFAR antenna positions
- loglicense — Log License
- logobin — Command line utility for creating or unpacking boot logos for 8227l-based Android head units
- loxoneexperiments — Simple interaction with Loxone home automation server
- lpcML — LPC ML is a machine learning workflow developed to optimize and analyze the impact of different design parameters on laser power converters (LPCs) solar cells
- lto-cli — LTO Network CLI
- lxzbiotools — Xingze Li's Bioinformatics Analysis Tools
- m12 — Template
- m6 — Utilities for M6 Financial Forecasting Competition
- maccor-utility — Utility tools for processing Maccor battery tester data
- MacOps — It is a python module which can help you to change the current mac address of a certain interface, generate a mac address, get the current mac address and also reset the current mac address to the original one.
- magition — Some functions for Magic Condition calculations
- MagpiEM — Automated cleaning of sub-tomogram particle picking data
- makerlabs — no summary
- malwoverview — Malwoverview is a first response tool for threat hunting.
- mangaplus — Python client for the MangaPlus API.
- mappings — Mapping and Analysis of Phosphorylation Pathways Identified through Network/Graph Signalling
- markdown2code — Convert markdown files into organized project structures with code files
- Mashup-Pulkit-102003619 — A Python program that allows user to create mashup of audios which are extracted from youtube videos requested singer
- MaskZ — MaskZ, a package intended to make all of the python users life easier
- mat-ceng — Package For Some Civil Engineering Tools
- matchgreek — See which greek letters you used in your TeX file
- MateGenOpenML — 九天老师机器学习实战公开课智能助教Agent
- materials-commons — The Materials Commons tool set
- materials-lib — Open and configurable materials library for Python.
- matreplab — A better matlab -nodesktop
- matrix-rotation — Rotate any square matrix clockwise and anticlockwise in any degree of angle.
- mayalauncher — Autodesk Maya application launcher.
- mcworldtools — Useful tools for Minecraft worlds such as removing unused chunks and finding blocks, command blocks or entities.
- mdfm — mdfm is a linux tools for My Dot Files Manager. (backup or restore)
- mdoc — Modular documents
- mdocker — Easy-to-use wrapper for multi-platform Docker image builds.
- meafs — Multiple Element Abundance Fit Software
- MechElastic — A Python library to calculate elastic properties of materials.
- MediaCurator — mediacurator is a Python command line tool to manage a media database.
- MedShapeNetCore — MedShapeNetCore: A Lightweight 3D Repository for Computer Vision and Machine Learning
- — Python lib for the API
- — Python lib for the API
- — Python lib for the API
- meinkonfig — YAML config reader
- messi-nmr — MESSI: Multi Ensamble Strategy for Structural Elucidation
- MetaMusic — Metamusic
- metazap — A library for manipulating metadata in image files
- metodos-numericos-dcb-fi — Biblioteca con las utilidades necesarias para ejecutar los jupyter notebooks de métodos numéricos.
- metroem — Metric learning optimization pyramid for EM alignment
- mflag — put/remove flags for files and folders
- miaaim-python — Multi-omics Image Alignment and Analysis by Information Manifolds
- miade — A set of tools for extracting formattable data from clinical notes stored in electronic health record systems.
- microcrawler — Helping algorithms find problems at
- MicroHMM — A micro python package for HMM model
- microstate — Experimental standalone state storage service for crawlers at
- mindsight-django-hotpath — Mindsight Collector for Python/Django
- minecraft-backup — This is a backup management library for Minecraft servers. It should be run and used on a regular basis using cron or similar.
- minimigrate — A simple schema migration tool
- MiTepid — MiTepid_sim: A repository to simulate the spread of COVID-19 in any population with a known age-structure, Made in Tuebingen.
- MiTfAT — A Python-based Scikit-Learn-friendly fMRI Analysis Tool, Made in Tuebingen.
- mkdoxy — MkDoxy → MkDocs + Doxygen = easy documentation generator with code snippets
- ml-dp-utils — Pacote utilidades Deep Learning
- mmt-dipole-cuboid-inversion — Python lib to calculate the magnetization of grains using the dipole cuboids model
- mnetwork — View network and port information
- Mockdown — HTML mockups simplified!
- modm-cli — modm command line interface.
- modsman — A Minecraft mod manager for the command line.
- monitax-cli — Monitax Client
- monterey — monterey tools
- monviso — MoNvIso is a comprehensive software tool designed for the analysis and modeling of protein isoforms. It automates the process of identifying canonical and additional isoforms, assessing their modeling propensity, mapping mutations accurately, and building structural models of proteins.
- Mopidy-Rough-Base — Shared classes for building radio rough guis.
- moroccan-licence-plate — Detection and recognition of moroccan car licence plates.
- mosydbschema — Schema package for material synthesis procedures
- motor-nn — Neural Network for system identification of motors.
- movienight — no summary
- msl-io — Read and write data files
- msteamsapi — Microsoft Teams AdaptiveCards API Wrapper for Python 2 and 3
- mtg_pynance — Package of tools to record, store, and analyze your Magic the Gathering collection.
- mucstpy — The initial package of MuCST
- multi-data-loader — Multi Data Loader
- multifit — Tool for fitting multiple data sets with shared parameters simultaneously
- multiinfo — Python wrapper for Polkomtel's MultiInfo SMS service
- multiprocess-profiler — Profile your code, measuring times, calls per function, errors...
- multisys — Build and publish your python project easily.
- multiworm — Python interface for Multi-Worm Tracker data
- music-dl — Command line tool to download music from YouTube and SoundCloud
- Musicron — A cron for music!
- mustache-hic — Mustache is a Hi-C analysis tool
- MVVLive — Live public transportation data for Munich public transport
- mwalas-skk-hello — Hello world package test
- nadoo-migration-framework — A powerful, Git-based migration framework for NADOO Framework projects
- napari-blender — A plug-in to help visualize and analyze organoid segmentation using Blender
- napari-cell-centroid-annotator — A simple plugin to annotate cell centroids in 3D images
- natural-time — Tool for understanding dates and times
- naver-core — A Core Ancestor Library
- nb-cli-plugin-webui — web ui support for nb-cli
- nbwrite — no summary
- nemed — NEM Emissions Data tool
- neptune-wrapper — OS-independent wrapper for the API
- nestle-mynest — Trial library for nesting and laser cutting