Reverse Dependencies of pathlib
The following projects have a declared dependency on pathlib:
- gimera — Handling git submodules and patches.
- gitautobackup — A basic CLI program and python module that allows for quickly making and comming changes to a git repository, along with a few other tools
- github-downloader — A simple packace that lets you download files and folders from a github repo.
- gitignoreformatter — A basic CLI program that allows for quick formatting of a .gitignore file
- gitverbose — Easy clone github repo, Internet files.
- global-logger — Based on Python built-in logger, expands it, and provides a global logger to your system. Easy on-screen and/or .log files output setup without pain for Python newcomers. Python 2 and 3 compatible
- goes-ortho — A python package for downloading GOES-R ABI imagery, orthorectifying with a DEM, and creating timeseries
- golem-cert-companion — Certificate companion for Golem
- goog-stats — no summary
- gpcontext-maker — Generate a context file of your whole software project to feed into a LLM like ChatGPT
- gpxrecords — GPX log packet processing tool
- grader-helper — Functions to help manage assignments from UL which are hosted on Brightspace
- granola — Generating Real-time Autonomous N-device Output without Linked Apparatuses
- gravityai — The helper package
- greedyFAS — A tool to compare protein feature architectures
- GridPolator — Interpolate a grid of spectroscopic models.
- groundwork — A plugin-based microframework for highly reusable applications and their components
- gspack — Assignment Packager for the Gradescope Autograder.
- guang-toolkit — python toolkit
- gumnut-server — gumnut-server
- gwnrtools — A collection of tools for academic research in gravitational-wave astronomy & astrophysics
- GWStreamlit — Guidewire Streamlit Engine
- gxabm — Opinionated Benchmarking Automatation in Galaxy
- HafrenHaver — Goes on and on about the River Severn
- hammadml — ML
- HAPI-Nile — Distributed hydrological-model
- hashwise — A secure python library for GPU accelerated hashing.
- hbsir — An intuitive platform designed to simplify the analysis of Iran household budget survey data.
- heiya — Convert between image and High Efficiency Image (HEIC/AVIF) with ease.
- helicopter — Linking SciML Julia helicopter challenge to Microprediction.Org
- hello-robot-stretch-body — Stretch Body low level Python API
- hello-robot-stretch-body-dev — Stretch RE1 low level Python API
- helloCaseHW — no summary
- helloCaseULW — no summary
- hieralb — Tools for managing hierarchical albums of images.
- hnscraper — Hackernews Scraper
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- homogenize — Survivial probability estimator for Regime Switching Orstein-Uhlenbeck triply stochastic process
- hplc-data-analysis — Tool for automatic analysis of multiple HPLC results
- htmltable-cli — A command line tool to generate html tables with embedded images, videos and audio
- humailib — HUMAI data science framework
- huunifie — A Hue bridge and Unifi controller client. Enables/disables specified Hue schedules in the presence/absence of specified wifi devices on the Unifi controller.
- HxongResourceDownloader — A simple package download file on telegram
- hybrid-model-for-russian-sentiment-analysis — Hybrid Model for detecting sensitive content in textual Russian news feeds
- hydroecolstm — A python package for HydroEcological Modelling using LSTM
- hyperbolicMDS — hyperbolic mds in the poincare ball
- i3dFeatureExtraction — This package helps extract i3D features with ResNet-50 backbone given a folder of videos
- iesopt — IESopt -- an Integrated Energy System Optimization framework.
- igloo-python — Python SDK for Igloo
- image-in-terminal — Simple Python package to display a single or multiple images in the terminal by converting it into text
- image-montage — no summary
- imasensurvey — Descarga de audios SurveyToGo
- imc-analysis — A multi-file Python command line tool with commands qc, phenotype, and visualize.
- img2pdfscrpr — Image to PDF Web Scraper (tailored for Manga)
- imgx — Image processing package
- inodeai — The helper package
- insight-extractor — Identify Insights in Full Text Documents
- instrumess — Instrument drivers for PhDs in Photonics
- iohandler — The goal of this project is to provide a way through which python devs can write IO tasks seamlessly without worrying much about 2/3 compatibility issues
- ipdb — IPython-enabled pdb
- iqcampy — Read and visualize Specim IQcam hyperspectral images
- ir-sim — Open-source, lightweight robot 2D simulator based on Python, specifically designed for intelligent robotics navigation and learning.
- jack-audio — A Python package for stationary audio noise reduction.
- jackAudio — A Python package for stationary audio noise reduction.
- jcsv — Convert csv to json and convert json to csv
- jmd-imagescraper — Image scraper for DuckDuckGo for creating deep learning datasets
- jrvc — Libraries for RVC inference
- json-x-table — Convert your json dump files with a certain format to HTML tables in a fast and efficient way
- jupyter-openscad-kernel — Jupyter kernel for OpenSCAD
- JupyterPy — Automation API to convert Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) JSON format into Python file (.py), with the capabilities to add magic functions to determine which cells to be exported.
- kamera-alerk — Telegram bot for camera access.
- kamping — KEGG automated metabolite protein interaction network for graph-model (KAMPING)
- kara — Modular and Fully Customizable Virtual Assistant
- Keras-Models — Keras Models Hub
- keshik — A package which lets users oversample class imbalanced(binary) data by Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM).
- keydive — Extract Widevine L3 keys from Android devices effortlessly, spanning multiple Android versions for DRM research and education.
- kgsteward — Knwowledge Graph Steward - Command line tool to help manage RDF store
- KiMoPack — A comprehensive package for the analysis of kinetic data.
- knext — Kyoto Encylopedia of Genes and Genomes Markup Language File parser and converter
- knowledge-graph-maker — Create knowledge graph out of any text using a given ontology
- knowledge-graph-maker-bedrock — Create knowledge graph out of any text using a given ontology
- kpctl — Command line interface for working with business process models (*.bpmn)
- krazy — My own small package of uitilities I use.
- kubehelper — no summary
- kumar — `kumar` is a Python package that provides two high-level features.
- KUtilz — Quality of life utils that apply to vanilla python
- lassh — An open source, MIT-licensed command line tool for managing per-project ssh configs.
- last-watched-series — A simple commandline application to memorizing the last watched series
- launchpy — Adobe Launch API wrapper
- leaky-diode — Leaky Diode is a data exfiltration test tool for data diodes, using flow modulation and close delay attacks
- leoribas-csv-converter — no summary
- lhcb-ftcalib — Library for calibrating flavour tagging algorithms at LHCb
- lib-cast — lib_cast
- lib-doctest-pycharm — lib_doctest_pycharm
- lib-regexp — lib_regexp
- LibrarianFileManager — A librarian for managing your files: General purpose file management tools for initializing, keeping track of, and interacting with file structures e.g. for cataloging data, plotting of figures, etc.).
- lindemann — lindemann is a python package to calculate the Lindemann index of a lammps trajectory as well as the progression of the Lindemann index per frame of temperature ramps for phase transition analysis.