Reverse Dependencies of nox
The following projects have a declared dependency on nox:
- a-test-project — a_test_project
- abilian-devtools — A curated set of dependencies for quality software development
- aboto3 — Async boto3 client generator.
- acidfs — ACID semantics for the filesystem.
- act-ratelimit — A simple rate limiter for FastAPI.
- adios2py — A pythonic interface to the ADIOS2 I/O library
- adult-dataset — PyTorch dataset wrapper for the
- ahd — Create ad-hoc macros to be dispatched in their own namespace.
- ai-rules — A powerful CLI toolkit for extending and enhancing AI capabilities through customizable rules and commands.
- aio-bunny — Asyncio compatible wraper around the aio-pika library for consumining messages.
- aio-message-handler — asyncio compatible wraper around the aio-pika for consumining messages.
- aio_wx_widgets — aio_wx_widgets
- aiooss2 — Async client for aliyun OSS(Object Storage Service) using oss2 and aiohttp/asyncio
- — An asynchronous Python 3.10+ Spotify Web API wrapper.
- aiosubpub — Aio sub pub package.
- aitoolz — Python toolz, by Alex Ioannides (AI).
- andrew-test-weave — A toolkit for building composable interactive data driven applications.
- antsibull-build — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- antsibull-changelog — Changelog tool for Ansible-core and Ansible collections
- antsibull-core — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- antsibull-docs — Tools for building Ansible documentation
- antsibull-docs-parser — Python library for processing Ansible documentation markup
- antsibull-docutils — Antsibull docutils helpers
- antsibull-fileutils — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- apa-logbook-parser — logbook-parser_short_description
- arxiv-summarizer — A happy toolkit for arxiv paper summarization and understanding.
- asyncjobs — Asynchronous job scheduler
- atty — no summary
- audio-metadata — A library for reading and, in the future, writing metadata from audio files.
- authzee — Authorization framework that uses a querying grant and revoke system.
- autopep695 — Automatically upgrade to the new type syntax introduced in PEP 695 using a single command
- autotuning_methodology — Software package easing implementation of the guidelines of the 2024 paper 'A Methodology for Comparing Auto-Tuning Optimization Algorithms' ( The DOI of this software is
- av2 — no summary
- BaSiCpy — A python package for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images
- bcom-client — A python httpx client library for bananas-commerce
- beatdrop — Simplified, scalable task scheduling with typechecking.
- bfabric — Python client for the B-Fabric API
- bgspace — Anatomical space conventions made easy
- bigframes — BigQuery DataFrames -- scalable analytics and machine learning with BigQuery
- bioentity — bioentity.
- biogram — Make diagrams for biological entities.
- bioreader — Bio file readers, instrument schema.
- bioreadout — Bio file readers, instrument schema.
- bmi-geotiff — Access data and metadata in a GeoTIFF file through an API or a BMI
- bmi-topography — Fetch and cache land elevation data from OpenTopography
- boto3-assume — Easily create boto3/aioboto3 assume role sessions with automatic credential refreshing.
- bumble — Bluetooth Stack for Apps, Emulation, Test and Experimentation
- bundling-score — Compute bundling score
- calcleaner — A simple graphical tool to purge old events from CalDAV calendars
- camelot-py — PDF Table Extraction for Humans.
- casavo-log-formatter — A pre-configured JSON formatter for the Casavo logging format
- CellMet — CellMet is cell segmentation shape analysis library
- cellregistry — A reference manager.
- cellxgene_lamin — Manage cellxgene metadata using LaminDB.
- cellxgene_lamin_validator — Lamin validator for CELLxGENE schema.
- changelogd — Changelogs without conflicts.
- charonload — Develop C++/CUDA extensions with PyTorch like Python scripts
- check-tests-structure — no summary
- chemy — Manage chemical entities.
- clashbyte — no summary
- cleer — Extensible python formatter with sane defaults.
- cli-help-maker — CLI help message generator.
- cli-result — Test for script result.
- clinguin — An interactive visualizer for clingo
- clinicore — Basic clinical entities [`source <>`__].
- clip-score — Package for calculating Clip Score using PyTorch
- cluster-utils — A tool for easily running hyperparameter optimization or grid search on Slurm or HTCondor clusters. It takes care of submitting and monitoring the jobs as well as aggregating the results.
- coco_types — Package for handling COCO datasets types.
- cogent3 — COmparative GENomics Toolkit 3: genomic sequence analysis within notebooks or on compute systems with 1000s of CPUs.
- cogent3-ete3 — cogent3 plugin for ete3
- commented-configparser — Custom ConfigParser class that preserves comments in file when writing
- Conqace — A Python-based update manager.
- contained — Enable function chaining for any object
- coordination-network-toolkit — Tools for computing networks of coordinated behaviour on social media
- coronagraphoto — A python library to simulate coronagraphic observations of exoplanets.
- cotdantic — Pythonic coursor-on-target xml/protobuf generation using pydantic
- crazylibs — crazylibs
- cross-bones — Cross-match By Offsetting Neighbouring Extracted Sources
- cryptography — cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.
- darbiadev-ups — A wrapper for UPS' API
- dataClay — Python distributed data store that enables remotely access and method execution.
- dbrief — Python package for quickly creating lightweight HTML reports
- dilib — Dependency injection library
- disaggregators — HuggingFace community-driven open-source library for dataset disaggregation
- diverse_seq — diverse_seq: a tool for sampling diverse biological sequences
- django-awl — Collection of Django utilities
- django-cachekey — An smarter way to manage Django cache keys, inspired by Tanstack Query.
- django-check-constraint — Extends django check constraint to support annotations.
- django-cloud-deploy — Tool to deploy a Django App onto GCP
- django-email-relay — Centralize and relay email from multiple distributed Django projects to an internal SMTP server via a database queue.
- django-management-commands — Modular discovery, aliasing, and sequencing of Django commands
- django-opfield — A custom Django field for storing and securely accessing a 1Password vault item.
- django-owm — Weather from the Open Weather Map APIs
- django-pg-migration-tools — Tools for making Django migrations safer and more scalable.
- django-q-registry — A Django app to register periodic Django Q tasks.
- django-twc-toolbox — Various tools for Django projects at The Westervelt Company.
- django-xlsx-serializer — Load/dump Django models from/to Excel 2007+ workbooks
- djpress — A blog application for Django sites, inspired by classic WordPress.
- dmarc-report — Displays a nicely formatted report in your terminal from a DMARC XML report.
- doc2dash — Convert docs to the docset format.