Reverse Dependencies of nox
The following projects have a declared dependency on nox:
- narrow-down — Fast fuzzy text search
- nasty — NASTY Advanced Search Tweet Yielder
- nasty-typeshed — Python stub files created during NASTY's development.
- nasty-utils — Independent useful utilities created during NASTY's development.
- nautilus_terminal — A terminal embedded in Nautilus, the GNOME's file browser
- nbgitpuller-link — Create an nbgitpuller link
- nbmeta — Manage Jupyter notebooks.
- nbproject_test — Testing for nbproject.
- nornir-scrapli — Scrapli's plugin for Nornir
- nose-helper — build helper
- nox-automation — Flexible test automation.
- nox-pdm — Use PDM inside Nox sessions
- nox-poetry — nox-poetry
- nox_tools — Predefined sessions for nox
- noxmake — Noxmake is a nox wrapper for automatic project file generation.
- noxopt — Nox sessions with options
- nskit — Namespace Development Kit, providing a set of useful utilities for building software (in python namespaces)
- nt2 — CLI to convert between NestedText and JSON, YAML or TOML, with explicit type casting.
- observable-jupyter — Embed Observable cells hosted on into Jupyter notebooks.
- omop — OMOP Common Data Model [`source <>`__].
- oms-saltext-vmware — Salt Extension Modules for VMware
- opda — Design and analyze optimal deep learning models.
- open-notebook — Command line program to open jupyter notebooks from single server
- openapi-lookup — A command-line interface to for the open api listings from public-apis/public-apis.
- ourprojects — Manage projects & teams.
- owimetadatabase-preprocessor — Package for preprocessing data from owimetadatabase.
- package-name-to-install-with — A small example package
- partiell — Partial function application with '...'
- partis — Top-level namespace package for partis packages
- pbparam — A package for optimising parameters in PyBaMM. Under development.
- pelican-gemini-capsule — Pelican plugin to generate Gemini capsules
- pfinance — Financial mathematics library
- phylim — A library for checking the limits of phylogenetic tree estimation.
- physicsml — A package for all physics based/related models
- pip-shims — Compatibility shims for pip versions 8 thru current.
- piqtree — Python bindings for IQTree
- plinkliftover — Converts genotype data stored in plink's PED+MAP format from one genome build to another, using liftOver
- ploomber-scaffold — no summary
- plums — Playground ML Unified Microlib Set: The Playground ML python toolbox package
- polars-bloomberg — Python library providing a Polars DataFrame interface for easy and intuitive access to Bloomberg API.
- polartoolkit — Helpful tools for polar researchers
- pre-commit-download — Build-backend for downloading external single file binaries.
- prevent-sleep — Prevent sleep/suspend when there are (active) SSH or NFS clients.
- profasta — A Python library for working with protein containing FASTA files.
- prokie-fastapi-oidc-auth — OIDC auth in fastapi using a decorator
- promail — Promail: The Python Email Automation Framework
- promail-template — Promail Template Libary
- proteobench — ProteoBench compares the outputs of mass spectrometry-based proteomics data analysis pipelines
- py-build-cmake — Modern, PEP 517 compliant build backend for creating Python packages with
- pybadges — A library and command-line tool for generating Github-style badges
- pybadges-trend — A library and command-line tool for generating Github-style badges
- pybamm — Python Battery Mathematical Modelling
- pybamm-cookie — A template for creating battery modeling projects based on PyBaMM
- pybhspc — Control Becker & Hickl SPC modules from Python
- pybop — Python Battery Optimisation and Parameterisation
- pydantic-pint — Pydantic validation for Pint Quantities.
- pygadm — Easy access to administrative boundary defined by GADM from Python scripts
- pygaul — Easy access to administrative boundary defined by FAO GAUL from a Python script.
- pyguetzli — Python bindings for Google's Guetzli, a JPEG encoder that optimises JPEG compression
- pyhf — pure-Python HistFactory implementation with tensors and autodiff
- pyinstrument — Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
- pylandstats — Computing landscape metrics in the Python ecosystem.
- pymdownx-superfence-filter-lines — A custom superfence for pymdown-extensions that can filters lines and plays nice with MkDocs
- pymechtest — Python package to automate the boring bits of mechanical test data analysis!
- pymonzo — Modern Python API client for Monzo public API.
- pynajax — A JAX backend for pynapple.
- pypergraph — Hypergraph data structure in Python.
- pyscaffoldext-nox — Use nox in scaffolding
- pysketcher — Geometric Sketching Utility for Python
- Pystall — A system to automate configuration and setup of fresh Operating systems.
- pytest-subprocess — A plugin to fake subprocess for pytest
- python-gitmojis — 😜 The official Gitmoji Guide in Python projects 🐍
- python-mylog — My logger library.
- python_papi — Python binding for the PAPI library
- pytorch-fid — Package for calculating Frechet Inception Distance (FID) using PyTorch
- pytouch — A PyTorch library for tactile touch sensing.
- qgrabber — Scan QR codes using your webcam, pyzbar and wxpython. No usage of opencv
- quokka-project — Quokka: A Fast and Accurate Binary Exporter
- qutree — plot Bloch Sphere Binary Tree
- readfcs — Parse fcs files into AnnData.
- realpython-django-monitor — Sample installable django app
- realpython-django-receipts — Sample installable django app
- red-utils — Collection of utility scripts/functions that I use frequently.
- releaserr — Simple, purpose-built release manager for @gotmax23's projects
- render-cli — Render CLI - a command line interface for use with Render
- reqs-cli — no summary
- requirementslib — A tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements.
- retryhttp — Retry potentially transient HTTP errors in Python.
- rio-vrt — A simple librairy to build a vrt from multiple raster source relying only on rasterio
- rivalcfg — Configure SteelSeries gaming mice
- robotframework-robocop — Static code analysis tool (linter) for Robot Framework
- rst2gemtext — Converts reStructuredText to Gemtext (Gemini markup format)
- rustfluent — no summary
- s2cell — Minimal Python S2 Geometry cell ID, token and lat/lon conversion library
- saloon — A pentester's Docker container that does some really nasty things
- salt-analytics-framework — Salt Analytics Framework
- saltext.acme — Salt Extension for interacting with Certbot
- saltext.apache — Salt Extension for interacting with Apache
- saltext.apcups — Salt Extension for interacting with APC UPS
- saltext.azurerm — Salt Extension for interacting with Microsoft Azure