Reverse Dependencies of nox
The following projects have a declared dependency on nox:
- e3nn-jax — Equivariant convolutional neural networks for the group E(3) of 3 dimensional rotations, translations, and mirrors.
- earthaccess — Client library for NASA Earthdata APIs
- elasticsearch — Python client for Elasticsearch
- elasticsearch-serverless — Python client for Elasticsearch Serverless
- elasticsearch8 — Python client for Elasticsearch
- eloy — Image Processing for Astronomy
- embcompare — EmbCompare is a small python package that helps you compare your embeddings both visually and numerically.
- ensembl_tui — Ensembl terminal user interface tools
- envfiles — Simple layered loading of env files
- environ-config — Boilerplate-free configuration with env variables.
- eqassertions — assertions in __eq__methods
- ERAlchemy — Simple entity relation (ER) diagrams generation
- erdiagram — Make diagrams for SQLAlchemy.
- ersilia — A hub of AI/ML models for open source drug discovery and global health
- esmf-regrid — Iris regridding scheme using ESMF
- esrally — Macrobenchmarking framework for Elasticsearch
- ews-nox — A simple TOML configuration for EWS settings
- exasol-advanced-analytics-framework — Framework for building complex data analysis algorithms with Exasol
- exasol-toolbox — Your one-stop solution for managing all standard tasks and core workflows of your Python project.
- exofop — Generic light curve object
- exportpy — Serialize Python classes as Python code.
- extended-configparser — Extended config parser.
- ez-img-diff — A tool for doing quick perceptual image difference analysis
- ez-visual-regression — Used to take screenshots with selenium (pages or elements) and compare to baseline
- ezexcel — A simple class based xlsx serialization system
- ezspreadsheet — A simple API to store/load python objects to/from spreadsheets
- f451-comms — f451 Communications Module
- fact-sphere-cli — A CLI for Portal 2 Fact Sphere facts.
- fairness-datasets — PyTorch dataset wrapper for the
- fclogr — fclogr is a tool for managing RPM changelogs and updates
- fedhf — A Federated Learning Framework which is Heterogeneous and Flexible.
- fedrq — fedrq is a tool to query the Fedora and EPEL repositories
- file-groups — Group files into 'protect' and 'work_on' and provide operations for safe delete/move and symlink handling.
- filetreesubs — Synchronize a file tree with text file substitutions
- findmfpy — Python bindings to findMF
- findrefs — A reference manager [`source <>`__].
- flake8-import-order-tbm — flake8-import-order style plugin for my (thebigmunch) taste.
- flake8-numbers — Flake8 Numbers Plugin
- flask-aerospike — Flask extension that provides integration with Aerospike.
- flask-flac — Flask based library to help structure an application with an eye towards CLI apps, not just web.
- flask-me — Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine and WTF model forms. This project is a forked of flask-mongoengine for compatable of new flask version
- flask-mongoengine-3 — Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine and WTF model forms.
- flask-mongoengine-tschaume — Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine and WTF model forms.
- flask-mongoengine2 — Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine.
- flipvision — Detect tricks done on skateboard
- flores — Yet another static site generator.
- flozz-daily-mix — Generates thematic playlists like Spotify's Daily Mix from a Subsonic API
- formelsammlung — Collection of different functions
- frd-score — Package for calculating Fréchet Radiomics Distance (FRD)
- frequenz-api-common — Frequenz common gRPC API and bindings
- frequenz-api-dispatch — Frequenz gRPC API to propagate dispatches to microgrids
- frequenz-api-electricity-trading — Specification for Electricity Trading API.
- frequenz-api-microgrid — Frequenz gRPC API for monitoring and control of microgrids
- frequenz-api-reporting — Frequenz gRPC API to aggregate component data from microgrids
- frequenz-api-weather — Frequenz gRPC API for retrieving weather forecasts.
- frequenz-channels — Channel implementations for Python
- frequenz-client-base — Utilities for writing Frequenz API clients
- frequenz-client-common — Common code and utilities for Frequenz API clients
- frequenz-client-dispatch — Dispatch API client for Python
- frequenz-client-electricity-trading — Electricity Trading API client for Python
- frequenz-client-microgrid — Microgrid API client for Python
- frequenz-client-reporting — Reporting API client for Python
- frequenz-dispatch — A highlevel interface for the dispatch API
- frequenz-microgrid-betterproto — Bindings to the microgrid API generated using betterproto
- frequenz-quantities — Types for holding quantities with units
- frequenz-repo-config — Frequenz repository setup tools and common configuration
- frequenz-reporting-python — A highlevel interface for the reporting API
- frequenz-sdk — A development kit to interact with the Frequenz development platform
- fuzzylearn — no summary
- gab-tidy-data — Python script to take gab data (from Garc) and put it into a relational SQLite database
- gai-sdk — Refer to for more information
- galax — Galactic Dynamics in Jax.
- gauze — Small library for filtering and collecting objects
- geetools — A collection of tools to work with Google Earth Engine Python API
- generic-crawler-sdk — Generic Crawler SDK
- getfactormodels — Retrieve data for various multifactor asset pricing models.
- getswish — Getswish python client library
- gFlex — One- and two-dimensional plate bending, designed for Earth's lithosphere
- gh-issues — no summary
- gimli.units — An object-oriented Python interface to udunits
- glest — Estimate the grouping loss of your probabilistic classifiers.
- gnatss — Community Seafloor Global Navigation Satellite Systems - Acoustic (GNSS-A) Transponder Surveying Software
- go-vendor-tools — Tools for handling Go library vendoring in Fedora
- go2rpm — Convert Go packages to RPM
- goe-framework — no summary
- goes-ortho — A python package for downloading GOES-R ABI imagery, orthorectifying with a DEM, and creating timeseries
- google-ads — Client library for the Google Ads API
- google-ads-megalista — Customized version of google-ads for Megalista
- google-music — A Google Music API wrapper.
- google-music-proto — Sans-I/O wrapper of Google Music API calls.
- google-music-scripts — A CLI utility for interacting with Google Music.
- google-music-utils — A set of utility functionality for google-music and related projects.
- graphbin — GraphBin: Refined binning of metagenomic contigs using assembly graphs.
- graphbin2 — GraphBin2: Refined and Overlapped Binning of Metagenomic Contigs Using Assembly Graphs
- graphlog — API to interface with the GraphLog Dataset
- grott-ha-plugin — An extension for grott to enable HA support
- gsffile — Read and write Gwyddion Simple Field files
- gval — Flexible, portable, and efficient geospatial evaluations for a variety of data.
- hapless — Run and track processes in background
- hbtools — Package containing a few python utils functions.