Reverse Dependencies of notebook
The following projects have a declared dependency on notebook:
- pipelineprofiler — Pipeline Profiler tool. Enables the exploration of D3M pipelines in Jupyter Notebooks
- piscat — A high-performance library for interferometric scattering microscopy.
- piva — PIVA - Python Interactive Viewer for Arpes
- pkg-toml-test-2320sharon — A Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery
- ploomber — Write maintainable, production-ready pipelines using Jupyter or your favorite text editor. Develop locally, deploy to the cloud.
- pneuro — Python API for Automated ML
- poliastro — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics
- PREAGeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- predibase-pql — Predibase PQL client and proto definition.
- preliz — Exploring and eliciting probability distributions.
- pricegenerator — PriceGenerator is the platform for generating prices similar to real stock prices, but you can control the statistics of their distribution. Generates chain of candlesticks with predefined statistical parameters, return Pandas DataFrame or saving as .CSV-file with OHLCV-candlestick in every string. Use PriceGenerator to generate synthetic data to test your trading strategy.
- pricetool — no summary
- primo-optimizer — PRIMO - The P&A Project Optimizer
- PrithviWxC — Prithvi-WxC - Weather and climate foundational model.
- proactive-jupyter-kernel — A proactive kernel for Jupyter
- proceduraldata — Simple-to-understand and robust data storage for experimental data
- productivity-stack — Python Productivity stack for simple environment set up
- project-to-installer — no summary
- projectaria-atek — Aria training and evaluation kits
- proteobench — ProteoBench compares the outputs of mass spectrometry-based proteomics data analysis pipelines
- proteusPy — proteusPy - Protein Structure Analysis and Modeling Tools
- prototype-zne — Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE) prototype for error mitigation on
- provbook — Provenance and differencing of the Jupyter Notebook Execution
- ptplot — Make beautiful plots of player tracking data
- ptspy — Pts is a python package for visualization and creative coding. It's the python version of the popular [Pts.js]( library.
- pueblo — Pueblo - a Python toolbox library.
- pulser-myqlm — An extension to interface MyQLM with Pulser.
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- pureml — no summary
- pureml-evaluate — no summary
- pvdeg — Pvdeg is a python library that supports the calculation of degradation related parameters for photovoltaic (PV) modules.
- PWE-NB-Extension — A Notebook Extension for the Possible Worlds Explorer
- Pweave — Scientific reports with embedded python computations with reST, LaTeX or markdown
- py-cdhit — A Python interface for CD-HIT package.
- py-fatigue — py-fatigue bundles the main functionality for performing cyclic stress (fatigue) analysis and cycle-counting.
- py-neuromodulation — Real-time analysis of intracranial neurophysiology recordings.
- py-research — Collection of utilities for R&D coding in Python 🐍
- pya — Python audio coding classes - for dsp and sonification
- pyabc — Distributed, likelihood-free ABC-SMC inference
- pyAMARES — pyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
- pybela — pybela allows interfacing with Bela, the embedded audio platform, using python. It offers a convenient way to stream data between Bela and python, in both directions. In addition to data streaming, pybela supports data logging, as well as variable monitoring and control functionalities.
- pybl3p — A python wrapper for the bl3p cryptocurrency exchange
- pyclouds — 1D parcel models for convective clouds
- pydoit-nb — Library to support combining jupyter notebooks and pydoit.
- pydrology — A Python package for accessing and processing hydrologic data.
- PyDynamic — A software package for the analysis of dynamic measurements
- pyefriend — Python API link to 'efriend expert'
- pyfastpaper — 适合科研人员的Python快速绘图工具2.0版本!A Python tool for researchers to create figures for academic papers! V2.0.
- pyfusion — JPMC Fusion Developer Tools
- pygccxml — Python package for easy C++ declarations navigation.
- pygohome — A 100% personal route optimizer in a known environment based on experience.
- pygranso-cpu — PyGRANSO: A PyTorch-enabled port of GRANSO with auto-differentiation
- pygridnet — A python library to create simple power grid and calculate powerflow.
- pyhandsontable — View a list of dictionaries or a 2-D array, in HandsOnTable, in Jupyter Notebook.
- pyhard — Analyze, explore and visualize instance hardness within datasets
- pyimagej — Python wrapper for ImageJ
- pyirf — A python library to calculate IACT IRFs and Sensitivities
- pykoopman — Python package for data-driven approximations to the Koopman operator.
- pylattica — pylattica is a package for fast prototyping of lattice models for chemistry and materials science
- pymagicc — Python wrapper for the simple climate model MAGICC
- pymavryk — Python toolkit for Mavryk
- pymondo — python wrapper for mondo
- pyMOR — Library for building model order reduction applications with Python
- pynb-dag-runner — no summary
- pynb-dag-runner-snapshot — no summary
- pyomu — Performs accessibility analysis
- pyopenrivercam — pyorc: free and open-source image-based surface velocity and discharge.
- pyoti — Python API for Threat Intelligence
- pyparrm — A Python port of the PARRM algorithm
- pypesto — python-based Parameter EStimation TOolbox
- pyplotterlib — A package used to create plots in python
- pyqcstrc — PyQCstrc - Python library for Quasi-Crystal structure
- pyquickhelper — Various functionalities: folder synchronization, simple logging function, helpers to generate documentation with sphinx, sphinx extension, to run a command line, to run a notebook...
- pyrcmip — Tools for accessing RCMIP data
- pyrh — Unofficial Robinhood Python API
- pyrhhfbp — Unofficial Robinhood Python API...forked by HenryFBP to update an outdated PyPI package
- pyrit-library — no summary
- pyro-ppl — A Python library for probabilistic modeling and inference
- PyroLab — A framework for using remote lab instruments as local resources built on Pyro5.
- pyslingshot — Python implementation of the Slingshot pseudotime algorithm
- pytest-ipywidgets — no summary
- pytextrank — Python implementation of TextRank as a spaCy pipeline extension, for graph-based natural language work plus related knowledge graph practices; used for for phrase extraction of text documents.
- pytezos — Python toolkit for Tezos
- python-core — there is no description available
- python-vivid — Support Tools for Machine Learning VIVIDLY
- PythonicDISORT — Discrete Ordinates Solver for the (1D) Radiative Transfer Equation in a single or multi-layer atmosphere.
- pytom3d — PyToM-3D: Python Topography Manipulator in 3D
- pytorch-argus — Argus is a lightweight library for training neural networks in PyTorch.
- pytorch-tabr — no summary
- pyvespa — Python API for
- pyxll-jupyter — Adds Jupyter notebooks to Microsoft Excel using PyXLL.
- QAOAKit — A Toolkit for Reproducible Study, Application and Verification of QAOA
- qc-benchmark-dwave — caict qc benchmark tooklit for Dwave Leap cloud
- qctic — Qiskit provider to interact with the QCTIC quantum simulator platform
- qgym — Reinforcement Learning Gym for Quantum Compilation
- qiskit-classroom-converter — extend the Qiskit classroom applications.
- qiskit-superstaq — The Qiskit module that provides tools and access to Superstaq.
- qsmap — Package provides functionality for working with geographical data, routing, and mapping
- qualtran — Software for fault-tolerant quantum algorithms research.
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架