Reverse Dependencies of notebook
The following projects have a declared dependency on notebook:
- maap-jupyter-server-extension — A JupyterLab extension.
- macaulay2-jupyter-kernel — Jupyter kernel for Macaulay2
- maccorcyclingdata — Python Package for Publicationto perform basic functions on Maccor Battery Cycling Data
- macrosynergy — Macrosynergy Quant Research Package
- magic-afm — Code to analyze and understand Magic Ratio AFM
- magic-cta-pipe — pipeline for the analysis of joint MAGIC+LST-1 data
- magic-docker — Automated Docker-Image-Builder Extention for Docker
- majora — Majora is a python library that automates common tasks in your exploratory data analysis.
- malariagen-data — A package for accessing and analysing MalariaGEN data.
- mamba-gator — Manage your conda environments from the Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab
- manim — Animation engine for explanatory math videos.
- manim-community-auoie — Animation engine for explanatory math videos.
- manim-notebook — Integrates manim with jupyter notebook
- mapa — ๐ Create 3d-printable STLs from satellite elevation data ๐
- mapio — Reading/resampling of raster files (esp. across 180 meridian)
- mapmatcher — A package to map-match GPS traces onto an arbitrary network
- maps-restaurants — DStokuron report
- mapyllary — Unofficial Mapillary API
- markdown-kernel — A markdown kernel for Jupyter
- markus-jupyter-extension — Jupyter extension for integration with MarkUs
- masa-ai — MASA SDK - Masa's AI Software Architecture
- mass-database — Source code for the MASS database project managing software.
- masspy — MASSpy is a package for dynamic modeling of biological processes.
- matatika-iplotter — JavaScript Charting for iPython/Jupyter notebooks
- matcha-tts — ๐ต Matcha-TTS: A fast TTS architecture with conditional flow matching
- MatNexus — Library for natural language processing for scientific papers
- matter-persistence — Matter persistance library.
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- mdonatello — 2D small molecule visualization for MDAnalysis
- meds-torch — A MEDS PyTorch Dataset, leveraging a on-the-fly retrieval strategy for flexible, efficient data loading.
- merph — Bayesian methods for inferring mass eruption rate for column height (or vice versa) for volcanic eruptions
- mesh2vec — mesh2vec
- mesonic — Sonification Framework
- metro-sp-mdp — no summary
- mexca — Emotion expression capture from multiple modalities.
- mizani — Scales for Python
- ml-init — Install the main ML libraries
- ML-Navigator — ML-Navigator is a tutorial-based Machine Learning framework. The main component of ML-Navigator is the flow. A flow is a collection of compact methods/functions that can be stuck together with guidance texts.
- ml4h — Machine Learning for Health python package
- mlbot — Version control, experiment tracking, script exporting, etc. for Jupyter notebooks
- mlcs-assignments — no summary
- mmf-setup — Meta-package to quickly initialize my python environment.
- mmfutils — Small set of utilities: containers and interfaces.
- mmv-im2im — A python package for deep learing based image to image transformation
- mnist1d — A 1D analogue of the MNIST dataset for measuring spatial biases and answering Science of Deep Learning questions
- mobilkit — A Python Toolkit for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Analytics using High Frequency Human Mobility Data
- model-viewer — Model Viewer. Enables the exploration of temporal distribution of the model outputs in Jupyter Notebooks
- modin-spreadsheet — An implementation for the Spreadsheet API of Modin
- moirepy — Simulate moire lattice systems in both real and momentum space and calculate various related observables.
- monk-obj-test1 — Monk Object Detection's 1_gluoncv_finetune
- monk-obj-test2 — Monk Object Detection's 2_pytorch_finetune
- movelets — Movelets for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- movshon-lab-to-nwb — NWB conversion scripts and tutorials.
- mplfooty — AFL pitch plotting using matplotlib
- mpnp — Mรกrio Popolin Neto Package.
- mrbles — MRBLEs decoding and analysis package
- mrc2omezarr — Command line tool to convert MRC-files to OME-Zarr.
- MRItoolkit — This package provides useful tools for MRI reconstruction in python
- mskt — vtk helper tools/functions for musculoskeletal analyses
- msmhelper — Helper functions for Markov State Models.
- mubody — Multi-body dynamics in libration points
- mudkip — A friendly Sphinx wrapper
- mujoco_controllers — A repository for debugging controller implementations applied to mujoco models.
- mullet — Model for the evalUation of sea-LeveL risE and Temperature (MULLET), currently a playground for exploring simple climate model setups.
- multicontents — providing contents from multiple sources in jupyter notebook
- multidms — Joint modeling of multiple deep mutational scanning experiments.
- multigrate — Multigrate: multimodal data integration for single-cell genomics.
- multiscale-run — MultiscaleRun is a Python package to run brain cells simulation at different scales. It orchestrates the coupling between several brain simulators like Neuron and STEPS but also solvers like AstroVascPy for the cerebral blood flow. The package also embeds a Julia solver to simulate the astrocytes activity.
- mumot — Multiscale Modelling Tool
- munitests — A test suite for the Chatbot MUNI
- mvtsdatatoolkit — A Toolkit for Multivariate Time Series Data
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- naas — scheduler system for notebooks
- nanopub — Python client for Nanopublications
- nanosurf — Python API for Nanosurf controllers
- napari-chatgpt — A napari plugin to process and analyse images with chatGPT.
- napari-graph — Fast editable graphs in Python and numba
- napari-workshop-browser — A plugin to browse and follow napari workshops
- nasa-pace-data-reader — A package for reading NASA PACE data files.
- nb-courselevels — Jupyter nbextension to outline 3 course levels through colors
- nb-cron — Manage your crontab from the Jupyter Notebook
- nb-extension-tagstyler — Style classic notebook cells according to simple bootstrap style cell tags.
- nb2kg — Extension for Jupyter Notebook 4.2.x to enable remote kernels hosted by Kernel Gateway or Enterprise Gateway
- nbautoexport — Automatically export Jupyter notebooks to various file formats (.py, .html, and more) on save.
- nbcelltests — Cell-by-cell tests for JupyterLab
- nbcx — A framework for customizing NBConvert templates and building reports
- nbdime — Diff and merge of Jupyter Notebooks
- nbexamples — no summary
- nbfancy — Tools for rendering notebooks suitable for teaching
- nbgoogleanalytics — Simple Jupyter extension to show how much resources (RAM) your notebook is using
- nbkickoff — Launch an IPython Notebook from a template notebook file
- nbnovnc — Jupyter extension to proxy a VNC session via noVNC
- nbopen — Open a notebook from the command line in the best available server
- nbplot — Command-line utility to quickly plot files in a Jupyter notebook
- nbprint — A framework for customizing NBConvert templates and building reports
- nbresuse — Simple Jupyter extension to show how much resources (RAM) your notebook is using
- nbrsessionproxy — Jupyter extension to proxy RStudio's rsession
- nbserverproxy — Jupyter server extension to proxy web services
- nbsite — Build a tested, sphinx-based website from notebooks.
- nbsolutions — Simple Jupyter extension that allows the user to mark solution cells