Reverse Dependencies of notebook
The following projects have a declared dependency on notebook:
- nbsysinfo — Add SysInfo to your jupyter notebook.
- nbtrash — Add Recycle bin to your jupyter notebook.
- nbtutor — Visualize Python code execution in Jupyter Notebook cells
- nbzip — Compresses and downloads all files in any of the user's directories.
- ncafs — Neighborhood Component Analysis Feature Selection
- ndpyramid — A small utility for generating ND array pyramids using Xarray and Zarr
- nekomata — Package to extract, visualize, convert and study interactions from database into executable activity flow based model
- nerblackbox — a high-level library for named entity recognition in python
- nessie — Annotation error detection and correction
- netapp-dataops-k8s — NetApp DataOps Toolkit for Kubernetes Environments
- netcdf-scm — Processing netCDF files for use with simple climate models
- network-wrangler — no summary
- neura-swift — A Python/Javascript Robot Simulator and Visualiser
- neuralhedge — Pytorch implementation of Deep Hedging, Utility Maximization and Portfolio Optimization
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- neurogym — NeuroGym: Gymnasium-style Cognitive Neuroscience Tasks
- nfem — NFEM Teaching Tool
- ngio — Next Generation file format IO
- Nikola — A modular, fast, simple, static website and blog generator
- no3gwt — Groundwater - Nitrate Decision Support Tool software for the state of Wisconsin
- nobi-pytezos — Python toolkit for Tezos
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- nostrfastr — Getting users into nostr, fastr. A basic nostr `Client` class built in the nbdev (fast) framework to get people started nostr.
- notebook-httpdbg — A notebook extension to trace HTTP(S) requests.
- notebook-vcs — Version control system for Jupyter notebooks
- notebookjs — notebookJS library - Seamless JavaScript integration in Python Notebooks
- notexbook-theme — noTeXbook is a Jupyter notebook theme for Latex lovers ❤
- novas3d — no summary
- numba-inspector — Visualize and Debug Numba compiled code in Jupyter
- nutpy — Set of tools to study how space-telescopes with spin-precession scan strategies observe the sky
- nvcs — nglview wrapper for crystal structure
- nvidia-modulus.sym — A deep learning framework for AI-driven multi-physics systems
- nvtripy — Tripy: A Python Programming Model For TensorRT
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- oae — Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees
- oasisx — A modern implementation of Oasis
- obj-tables — Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets
- ocdskingfishercolab — A set of utility functions for Google Colaboratory notebooks using OCDS data
- odahu-flow-jupyterlab-plugin — A JupyterLab Notebook server extension for jupyter_odahuflow
- odin-vision — Odin is an open-source CLI framework for managing big computer vision projects that are based on YOLO.
- ogre_cli — code dependency hypervisor
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- omegaml — An open source DataOps, MLOps platform for humans
- omlt — OMLT is a Python package for representing machine learning models (such as neural networks) within the Pyomo optimization environment.
- one-api-cli — A CLI tool for the One API project.
- onsset — OnSSET model
- ood_detectors — no summary
- opda — Design and analyze optimal deep learning models.
- open3d — ['Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data.']
- open3d-python — ['Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data.']
- openai-tools — A Python wrapper for managing OpenAI API.
- openclsim — The OpenCLSim package aims to facilitate rule based planning of cyclic activities and in depth comparison of different system concepts.
- OpenFisca-Senegal — Senegalese tax and benefit system for OpenFisca
- openml — Python API for OpenML
- opennb — Open Jupyter notebooks from GitHub repositories or URLs directly in Jupyter.
- openscm-runner — Thin wrapper to run emissions scenarios with simple climate models
- openscm-twolayermodel — Implementations of the two layer radiative forcing driven models by `Held et al. <>`_ and `Geoffroy et al. <>`_
- openseize — Digital Signal Processing for Big EEG Datasets
- opentnsim — The OpenTNSim package aims to facilitate the analysis of network performance for different network configurations, fleet compositions and traffic rules.
- opinf — Operator Inference for data-driven model reduction of dynamical systems.
- oqtant — Oqtant Desktop Suite
- orkestr8-sdk — SDK to easily interact with Orkestr8 ML entities
- ormir_xct — Scripts HR-pQCT for joint space and bone microarchitecture analysis
- orpheum — Sencha is a Python package for directly translating RNA-seq reads into coding protein sequence.
- osjupyter — Connects your Jupyter Notebook to Osyris Research Assistant
- osqur — Quantitative UX Research in Python
- ozcore — My core.
- p-tree — A program for counting CFUs in petri dishes
- paddle-aistudio — no summary
- paddle-aistudio-gpu — no summary
- paithon — Explore and share your AI Models in no time.
- palma — no summary
- pandashifu — PandaShifu is a user interface for descriptive and predictive analytics.
- Pandora — Pandora is a stereo matching framework that helps emulate state of the art algorithms
- panel — A high level app and dashboarding solution for Python.
- panel-chemistry — This project makes it super simple to do exploratory data analysis and develop high-quality Panel data apps within the domain of chemistry.
- panel-highcharts — This package makes it super simple to do exploratory data analysis and develop high-quality Panel data apps using the HighCharts plotting library.
- panel-jstree — panel-jstree is a wrapper python wrapper around the javascript library jstree for use in panel. This allows for JSON-like representations of tree data. One very useful implementation provided is a server-side file browser.
- panel-modal — This package makes it super simple to do exploratory data analysis and develop high-quality Panel data apps ...
- panel-sharing — This package makes it super simple to do exploratory data analysis and develop high-quality Panel data apps ...
- panel-sketch — To sketch high performing, interactive visualizations running in the browser and drawing inspiration from p5js
- papdl — no summary
- papermill — Parameterize and run Jupyter and nteract Notebooks
- paperview — no summary
- PAPyA — A library for performance analysis of sql based RDF graph processing systems
- paramit — Parameterize Python scripts/notebooks all from the command line.
- paramz — The Parameterization Framework
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- pdpatch — New methods for pandas DataFrame and Series.
- pepper-fusion — Pepper Fusion - A Comprehensive Testing Framework
- perch-hoplite — Tooling for agile modeling on large machine perception embedding databases.
- perfbench — perfbench measures execution time of code snippets with Timeit and uses Plotly to visualize the results.
- perfume-bench — Interactive performance benchmarking in Jupyter
- pexnb — Provide PEX-compatible entrypoint for Jupyter notebooks
- pfund-terminal — A free alternative to the Bloomberg Terminal.
- pgdtools — Read and interact with the presolar grain database with python.
- pinkfish — A backtester and spreadsheet library for security analysis.
- pint-pal — A long-lived repository for NANOGrav Pulsar Timing analysis work.