Reverse Dependencies of nibabel
The following projects have a declared dependency on nibabel:
- 2404-segmentation-pipeline — no summary
- abagen — A toolbox for working with the Allen Brain Atlas genetic data
- AbdomenAtlas — A package for 3D medical image segmentation using deep learning techniques.
- alcoholic-tfe22540 — Framework of my master thesis on the effect of withdrawal on the white matter of alcoholic patients using dMRI data.
- algo-utils-hr — A collection of utility functions for algorithm development and data analysis
- alphacsc — Convolutional dictionary learning for noisy signals.
- altadb — AltaDB platform Python SDK!
- amap — Automated mouse atlas propagation
- amypad-core — Core utilities for the AMYPAD project
- antspymm — multi-channel/time-series medical image processing with antspyx
- ardent — A tool for nonlinear image registration.
- asldro — ASL Digital Reference Object
- AstecManager — This package creates a management system to run the ASTEC algorithms for developmental biology live imaging.
- atlalign — Blue Brain multi-modal registration and alignment toolbox
- atlannot — Align and improve brain annotation atlases
- atlaspy — Python library for working with brain atlases
- atommic — Advanced Toolbox for Multitask Medical Imaging Consistency (ATOMMIC)
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autodmri — Implementation of "Automated characterization of noise distributions in diffusion MRI data".
- autorad — Radiomics-related modules for extraction and experimenting
- autosegl3 — Tool for automatically segmenting muscle and fat tissue in CT images acquired at the 3rd vertebral level
- auxiliary — TODO.
- ba-tsconcat — BIDS App and Python library for concatenating MRI time series.
- babs — BIDS App Bootstrap (BABS) is a reproducible, generalizable, and scalable Python package for BIDS App analysis of large datasets. It uses DataLad and adopts FAIRly big framework.
- banana — Brain imAgiNg Analysis iN Arcana (Banana): brain imaging analysis workflows implemented in the Arcana framework (
- barbell2 — Collection of Python libraries and tools
- barbell2-bodycomp — components for command-line body composition analysis
- bbrc-bx — BarcelonaBeta + XNAT = bx
- bbrc-pyxnat — XNAT in Python
- bbrc-validator — Systematic sanity checks on imaging datasets within an XNAT environment
- bcblib — no summary
- bdpy — Brain decoder toolbox for Python
- bids-neuropoly — An open-source BIDS parser.
- bids2table — Efficiently index large-scale BIDS datasets and derivatives
- bidscoin — Converts and organises raw MRI data-sets according to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
- bidsonym — A BIDSapp for deidentification of neuroimaging data.
- bifs — Bayesian Imaging in Fourier Space (BIFS)
- bimcvcovid19i — Interface for working with BIMCV COVID 19 dataset
- BioProps — A Python library for computing properties of cell nuclei and colonies from NIfTI files, enabling analysis of cellular structures in medical images.
- birdbrain — Tools for using the songbird brain atlas
- biswebpython — A Medical Image Analysis Package
- body-composition-analysis — A package for body composition analysis from DICOM images.
- body-organ-analysis — BOA is a tool for segmentation of CT scans developed by the SHIP-AI group at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ( Combining the TotalSegmentator and the Body Composition Analysis, this tool is capable of analyzing medical images and identifying the different structures within the human body, including bones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels.
- boldqc — BOLD QC
- bonndit — The bonndit package contains the latest diffusion imaging tools developed at the University of Bonn.
- boyle — Medical Image Conversion and Input/Output Tools
- bp-neurotools — General helper functions for working with neuroimaging data.
- brain-slam — Surface anaLysis And Modeling
- brainbow — Script for visualizing ICA/ROI brain parcellation
- brainchop — Portable and lightweight brain segmentation using tinygrad
- brainextractor — brain extraction in python
- brainglobe-ccf-translator — a package to translate data between common coordinate frameworks
- brainglobe-utils — Shared general purpose tools for the BrainGlobe project
- brainiak — Brain Imaging Analysis Kit
- brainio — Loading and saving of brain imaging data.
- BrainLes-AURORA — Segmentation models for cancer metastasis in brain MR.
- brainload — Load FreeSurfer brain imaging data with minimal cognitive load.
- brainsmash — Brain Surrogate Maps with Autocorrelated Spatial Heterogeneity.
- brainstat — A toolbox for statistical analysis of neuroimaging data
- brainview — Visualize morphometry neuroimaging data on 3D brain meshes.
- brainviewer — A brain viewer in Python.
- brainweb-dl — Download BrainWeb MRI data
- BraTS — BraTS algorithms
- brickstudy — A package for analysis of MRI
- brkraw — Bruker PvDataset Loader
- bronchipy — Supporting tools for processing the output of the AirFlow pipeline.
- bruker — Bruker PvDataset Loader
- bruker2nifti — From raw Bruker to nifti, home-made converter.
- bss — BrainSuite statistics toolbox
- camri — Useful utility module for CAMRI at UNC at Chapel Hill
- capcalc — Tools for performing coactivation pattern analysis on fMRI data.
- capsul — CAPSUL
- CardiacModelGenerator — Generate 3D model from clinical cardiac imaging data
- CartiMorph-nnUnet — nnU-Net with minor revisions tailored for the CartiMorph framework.
- CartiMorph-vxm — Image Registration with Convolutional Networks tailored for the CartiMorph framework
- cbicqc — MRI phantom quality control tool
- cbig-network-correspondence — A toolbox for exploring network correspondence across atlases
- cbptools — Regional Connectivity-Based Parcellation tool for Python
- Cerebro-Viewer — Cerebro Viewer - A pythonic 3D viewer to visualize and plot brains
- cerebrumscanner — Cerebrum Scanner Project
- cifti — Interface to handle CIFTI files
- clinica — Software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies
- clria — Package to decipher LRI-mediated brain network communication
- cmb — Cere-MEG-Bellum (CMB) - Cerbellum segmentation and forward solution calculation
- cobcom-talon — A Python package that implements Tractograms As Linear Operators in Neuroimaging
- cohort-creator — Creates a neuroimaging cohort by aggregating data across datasets.
- coinstacparsers — fsl, vbm and csv parsers
- comet-toolbox — Dynamic functional connectivity toolbox for multiverse analysis
- Connectome-Spatial-Smoothing — Connectome Spatial Smoothing
- connPFM — no summary
- convert-source — Converts and organises source MR image data-sets in accordance with the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
- convexAdam — Convex Adam
- conwhat — python library for connectome-based white matter atlas analyses in neuroimaging
- cornucopia — An abundance of augmentation layers
- cpac — C-PAC Python Package
- crop-nifti-by-mouse-click — open nifti and crop it
- crtoolbox — The Confidence Regions Toolbox
- CTlessPET — CTlessPET for synthetic CT from NAC PET data
- cubric-mrs — a collection of processing scripts for handling MRS data at CUBRIC
- cvpl-tools — A Python package for utilities and classes related to the file I/O, dataset record keeping and visualization for image processing and computer vision.