Reverse Dependencies of nibabel
The following projects have a declared dependency on nibabel:
- mne-bids-pipeline — A full-flegded processing pipeline for your MEG and EEG data
- mne-connectivity — mne-connectivity: A module for connectivity data analysis with MNE.
- mne-gui-addons — MNE-Python GUI addons.
- mne-pipeline-hd — A Pipeline-GUI for MNE-Python from MEG-Lab Heidelberg
- mni-to-atlas — A simple Python-based tool for finding brain atlas regions based on MNI coordinates.
- mnisiscom — A simple command line tool and GUI for computing subtraction ictal SPECT coregistered to MRI (SISCOM). mnisiscom is exclusively intended for research use!
- monai — AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
- monai-weekly — AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
- moosez — An AI-inference engine for 3D clinical and preclinical whole-body segmentation tasks
- morphometry — FreeSurfer E2E pipeline
- morphonet — Python API to interact with MorphoNet
- mosamaticdesktop — Desktop tool for analyzing medical images
- moval — Model evaluation without manual labels
- mpunet — Multi-Planar UNet for autonomous segmentation of 3D medical images
- MR-OCTOPUS — Off-resonance correction of MR images
- mrainet — MR acquisition-invariant network.
- mrdataset — MRdataset
- mrftools — Tools for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
- mri_tools — Various tools for MRI related work.
- mri2mesh — Tool for converting labeled MRI data to a mesh
- mriqc — Automated Quality Control and visual reports for Quality Assessment of structural (T1w, T2w) and functional MRI of the brain.
- mrirage — MRI visualization
- MRISeg — A deep learnign based method to segment deep brain structures from T1w MRI
- mrisnapshot — QC tool for verification of datasets with MRI images and derived maps
- mrivis — Intuitive high-level classes for visualization of medical imaging data
- mrQA — mrQA suite of tools offering automatic evaluation of protocol compliance
- mrs-denoising-tools — Package for low-rank denoising of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging
- msiimport — Access analyze75 formatted mass spec images
- mssfp — mSSFP is library for image reconstuction for multi-acqusition SSFP
- multi_med_image_ml — Deep learning library to encode multiple brain images and other electronic health record data in disease detection.
- multiecho — Combine multi-echoes from a multi-echo fMRI acquisition.
- muscle-bids — Library for standardized data input/output for muscle MR imaging, based on BIDS
- MVComp — Multivariate Comparisons using Whole-brain and ROI-derived Metrics from MRI
- nanslice — Scripts to slice and display neuroimages (probably stored in nifti format)
- napari-mri — A simple plugin to use with napari for 3D-viewing of Magnetic Resonance Imaging file formats
- napari-nibabel — Read access to some common neuroimaging file formats
- navinibs — Software for neuronavigated non-invasive brain stimulation
- nctpy — Python implementation of concepts from network control theory
- ndagen — Command Line Tool to Generate Metadata Spreadsheet for NDA Upload
- ndexchange — Python 3 program to download data from NeuroData
- ndmg — Neuro Data MRI to Graphs Pipeline
- ndslib — Utility functions for Neuroimaging and Data Science
- nekton — A python package for DICOM to NifTi and NifTi to DICOM-SEG and GSPS conversion
- netneurotools — A toolbox for network neuroscience
- netneurotools-scipyfix — Commonly used tools in the Network Neuroscience Lab
- netplotbrain — Package to plot networks on brains
- neurite — Neural Networks Toolbox for Medical Imaging
- neuroboros — Neuroimaging analysis in Python
- neurocaps — Co-activation Patterns (CAPs) Python package
- NeuroConn — A BIDS toolbox for connectivity & gradient analyses.
- neurofeatures — Generic feature extraction package for neuroimaging features (examples include: connectivity from rs-fmri, regional mean fractional anisotropy, structural covariance etc)
- neuroglancer-scripts — Conversion of images to the Neuroglancer pre-computed format
- NeuroGraph — no summary
- neurohab — Voxelwise brain habituation
- neurolang — "NeuroLang: Probabilistic Logic Programming for NeuroScience Research"
- neuromaps — A toolbox for projecting, resampling, and comparing brain maps
- neuropredict — easy and standardized predictive analysis for biomarkers, neuroimaging, and beyond
- NeuroRA — A Python Toolbox for Multimodal Neural Data Representation Analysis
- ngtools — Tracts visualization and annotation in neuroglancer
- nib-save-wrapper — no summary
- nibabies — Processing workflows for magnetic resonance images of the brain in infants
- nibetaseries — BetaSeries Correlations implemented in Nipype
- NiChart-DLMUSE — Run NiChart_DLMUSE on your data (currently only structural pipeline is supported).
- NiChart-Viewer — Viewer to visualize neuroimaging chart (NiChart) image descriptors and biomarkers
- NiChartHarmonize — Harmonization tools for multi-center neuroimaging studies.
- nidb-to-bids — Our lab's code to convert data dumped from NiDB to BIDS
- nidmresults — Export of neuroimaging statistical results using NIDM as specified at
- nifti-converter — Convert NIfTI files to usual image formats
- nifti-mrs — Software tools for the NIfTI-MRS data format
- nifti2dicom — A package to convert NIfTI images to DICOM format using a reference DICOM series.
- niftithings — A Python library for working with Nifti images.
- NiftyNet — An open-source convolutional neural networks platform for research in medical image analysis and image-guided therapy
- niftypad — Neuroimaging for the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
- niftytorch — Deep Learning Library for NeuroImaging
- nigsp — A python library (and toolbox!) to run Graph Signal Processing on multimodal MRI data.
- nii-info — Display NIfTI image information in a tabular format
- nii-plot — Plot mean NIfTI timeseries
- nii2dcm — nii2dcm: NIfTI to DICOM creation with Python
- nii2png — A lightweight neuroimaging .nii to .png converter
- niicat — Preview nifti images on the terminal
- nilabels — Toolkit to manipulate and measure image segmentations in nifti format.
- nilearn — Statistical learning for neuroimaging in Python
- NiMARE — NiMARE: Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis Research Environment
- nimesh — A Python package to manipulate neuroimaging triangular meshes.
- nipreps-synthstrip — NiPreps implementation of FreeSurfer's SynthStrip
- nipy — A python package for analysis of neuroimaging data
- nipy-gradunwarp — HCP version of Gradient Unwarping Package for Python/Numpy
- nipype — Neuroimaging in Python: Pipelines and Interfaces
- nipype-fsl-anat — Nipype interface(s) wrapping the `fsl_anat` command line tool
- nipype-generate-fieldmaps — Nipype workflow to generate fieldmaps from EPI acquisitions with differing phase-encoding directions
- nireports — NiReports - The Visual Report System (VRS) of NiPreps
- nisnap — nisnap
- nistats — Modeling and Statistical analysis of fMRI data in Python
- nitime — Nitime: timeseries analysis for neuroscience data
- nitransforms — NiTransforms -- Neuroimaging spatial transforms in Python.
- niutils — Various utilities to fast-track some boring python coding.
- niworkflows — NeuroImaging Workflows provides processing tools for magnetic resonance images of the brain.
- nixtract — A unified interface for timeseries extraction from different functional neuroimaging file types
- nlsam — Implementation of "Non Local Spatial and Angular Matching : Enabling higher spatial resolution diffusion MRI datasets through adaptive denoising"
- nltools — A Python package to analyze neuroimaging data