Reverse Dependencies of nibabel
The following projects have a declared dependency on nibabel:
- nnunet — nnU-Net. Framework for out-of-the box biomedical image segmentation.
- nnunet-customized — nnU-Net. Framework for out-of-the box biomedical image segmentation.
- nnunet-inference-on-cpu-and-gpu — nnU-Net. Framework for out-of-the box biomedical image segmentation. Can do inference on both gpu(if cuda available) and cpu(if cuda not available)
- nnunetv2 — nnU-Net is a framework for out-of-the box image segmentation.
- nnunetv2-bm-custom — nnU-Net is a framework for out-of-the box image segmentation.
- nobrainer — A framework for developing neural network models for 3D image processing.
- novas3d — no summary
- nsdcode — NSD map data from various spaces
- nuclearowl — A lib handling nuclear imaging data and Ai applications on top of it
- numex — A quick-and-easy explorer for numerical data.
- nxbc — NX Bias Correction. NIfTI image bias correction, implementation of N3 (Sled) and N4 (Tustison) algorithms
- oct-tissuemasking — A PyTorch based package for automated OCT tissue masking.
- oct-vesselseg — A Label-Free and Data-Free Synthesis Engine and Training Framework for Vascular Segmentation of sOCT Data with PyTorch.
- onevox — Library for adding well described noise to images.
- optimed — Optimed
- orcaz — ORCA (Optimized Registration through Conditional Adversarial networks)
- ormir-pyvoxel — I/O routines for medical imaging data
- osl-dynamics — Models for infering dynamics in neuroimaging data
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- p-mod-api — Propelwise Modules
- p2022 — Propelwise Modules
- p2t2 — no summary
- panpipelines — MRI Processing Pipelines for PAN Healthy Minds for Life Study
- parspin — A toolbox in support of Markello et al., 2020
- patch-denoise — Denoising method for sequence of images or volumes. Primarly targeting fMRI data.
- pattools — Toolkit for neuro-imaging data manipulation and automation
- pcarpet — pcarpet: create a carpet plot from fMRI data and decompose it with PCA.
- pdfcompare — A Python package to compare files (PDF, docx, images) and generate reports in txt, html, or PDF format
- petprep-extract-tacs — PETPrep Extract Time Activity Curves Workflow
- petprep-hmc — PETPrep Head Motion Correction Workflow
- pettobids — A python implementation of an ECAT to BIDS converter.
- pfc-toolkit — The Precomputed Functional Connectome Toolkit
- pfdo-mgz2image — Runs mgz2image on each nested dir of an inputdir
- phas — PICSL Histology Annotation Server (PHAS)
- phase_unwrap — A simple, laplacian-based unwrapping pipeline for MRI phase images in Python.
- phybers — Phybers: A Package for Brain Tractography Analysis.
- phys2cvr — Python library to generate regressors for and compute Cerebrovascular Reactivity and lag maps.
- picachooser — Lightweight GUI for sorting, classifying, and matching MELODIC ICA components.
- pilab-regis — Implementation of regis
- pinr — Python tools for Interoperable Neuromorphometry Reporting
- pipetography — Pre/Post-processing pipeline for tractography wrapped around nipype and mrtrix3
- pkg-try-19-mb — A basic hello package
- popeye — popeye : voxel population receptive fields from fMRI data
- populse-mia — populse_mia
- prfsim — A free & open source python tool for population receptive field simulation of fMRI data.
- protocol — generic framework to develop protocols with implementations in neuroscience
- psmoe — A simple module for prostate segmentation of T2-W MRI sequences in Nifti format
- pumaz — PUMA (PET Universal Multi-tracer Aligner) is a robust and efficient tool for aligning images from different PET tracers. It leverages advanced diffeomorphic imaging techniques to offer high-precision alignment for multiplexed tracer images. PUMA aims to significantly enhance the accuracy and reproducibility of PET image studies.
- pyalfe — no summary
- PyBASC — A bootstrapping clustering algorithm for Python
- pybids — bids: interface with datasets conforming to BIDS
- pybids-reports — pybids-reports: report generator for BIDS datasets
- pyblm — The Big Linear Models Toolbox
- pyblmm — The Big Linear Mixed Models Toolbox
- pyBruker — Python Bruker Raw Data Handler
- pycad-medic — A medical imaging library for Python
- pydactim — A library to post-process MRI data
- PyDesigner-DWI — Python Port of NYU's Designer pipeline for dMRI processing
- PyDicomGrouping-Linux — A Python Toolbox for handing medical dicoms
- PyDicomGrouping-Mac — A Python Toolbox for handing medical dicoms
- PyDicomGrouping-Win — A Python Toolbox for handing medical dicoms
- pydra-mriqc — Pydra tasks package for mriqc
- pydra-nireports — Pydra tasks package for nireports
- pydra-niworkflows — Pydra tasks package for niworkflows
- PyDWI — Fast ADC and DKI maps
- pyfus-lib — Open source framework for functional ultrasound imaging data analysis
- PyHySCO — Pytorch toolbox for Hyperelastic Susceptibility Artifact Correction
- pymaia-learn — Python Package to support Deep Learning data preparation, pre-processing. training, result visualization and model deployment across different frameworks (nnUNet, nnDetection, MONAI).
- pymedio — read arbitrary medical images in python
- pymirc — Python imaging utilities developed in the medical imaging research center of KU Leuven
- pymrt — Python Magnetic Resonace Tools
- PyMVPA — Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python
- PyMVPD — A python package for multivariate pattern dependence
- PyMVPD-LITE — A python package for multivariate pattern dependence
- pynemaiqpet — Analysis of PET NEMA IQ phantom scans
- pynibs — A python toolbox to conduct non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) experiments.
- pynipt-plugin-uncch-core — UNCCH core module for rsfMRI analysis - pynipt plugin
- PyNIT — Python NeuroImaging Toolkit
- pypet2bids — A python library for converting PET imaging and blood data to BIDS.
- pypmi — pypmi is a Python toolbox for working with data from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI)
- pyraug — Data Augmentation with VAE
- PySiTK — Python SimpleITK/WrapITK helper scripts
- pyslicetime — Python Slice Timing Correction
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pysurfer — PySurfer: cortical surface visualization using Python.
- python-pySAP — PYthon Sparse data Analysis Package
- python3-utils-tdinoto — Useful wrapper functions for the most common python data types, and for nifti/dicom arrays.
- pytomography — Package to perform tomographic image reconstruction
- pyunc — Classes for reading UNC format MRI files
- pyvoxel — An AI-powered open-source medical image analysis toolbox
- pyVoxelStats — Python implementation of the VoxelStats toolbox for neuroimage analysis
- QbiPy — DCE-MRI analysis code from the QBI lab, University of Manchester
- qim3d — QIM tools and user interfaces for volumetric imaging
- qlayers — Quantitative layer analysis for renal MRI
- qmenta-anon — The qmenta-anon library is used to anonymize files before transferring them to the QMENTA platform.
- qsmxt — no summary
- quantiphyse — Quantiphyse is a data viewer and analysis platform for volumetric medical imaging data
- quickshear — Quickshear Defacing for Neuroimages
- rabies — RABIES: Rodent Automated Bold Improvement of EPI Sequences.
- raclahe — Original package to support Region Adaptive Magnetic Resonance Image Enhancement for improving CNN based segmentation of the prostate and prostatic zones paper