Reverse Dependencies of networkx
The following projects have a declared dependency on networkx:
- 5dee — A package to install all necessary dependencies for spatial compute and remote agtech
- aa-rag — RAG server for ai2apps.
- aa-routing — AllianceAuth Routing and Pathfinding
- aamutils — Collection of atom-atom-mapping utility functions.
- aatools — Utility tools for advanced analytics
- abc-network — This package provides code linked to the paper "Multimorbidity analysis with low condition counts: a robust Bayesian approach for small but important subgroups" <>.
- abcd-graph — A python library for generating ABCD graphs.
- abcvoting — A Python library of approval-based committee (ABC) rules
- abdelrahman-obfuscate — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- abdo — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- abdo-obfuscate — Obfuscate Convo Test
- abdoconvo — dynamic forms updated
- abm-colony-collection — Collection of tasks for analyzing colony dynamics.
- absorbing_centrality — An implementation of the absorbing random-walk centrality measure for graphs.
- ac_solver — no summary
- account-codes-jp — e-Tax / EDINETタクソノミ / 青色申告 の勘定科目(コード)表のラッパー (非公式)
- acmenewscollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect news articles, videos, and images.
- acopy — Ant Colony Optimization for Tthe Traveling Salesman Problem.
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- acqdp — Alibaba Cloud Quantum Development Platform
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- active-time-scheduling — A collection of methods for Active Time Problem
- acuity — no summary
- acuitypro — no summary
- acycling-digraph-problem — no summary
- AD20 — Automatic Differentiation package
- adaflow-python — AdaFlow is a multimedia pipeline frameworks to offer Deep Learning model integration.
- adage — Running dynamic DAG workflows
- adamalib — Adama Library
- adbnx-adapter — Convert ArangoDB graphs to NetworkX & vice-versa.
- adbpyg-adapter — Convert ArangoDB graphs to PyG & vice-versa.
- addy-mpc — mpc implementation of all pairs shortest path
- adg — A powerful diagram generator and evaluator for many-body formalisms in physics and chemistry
- adhesive — adhesive
- adhesive-zeebe — adhesive fork with support for Zeebe XML extension
- adsg-core — Design Space Graph (ADSG Core)
- Adsorber — This program is designed to adsorb molecules to the surface of a cluster in all various ways..
- advent-of-code-wim — Wim's solutions for
- adze-modeler — Creates an encapsulated FEM simulation
- aegypti — Solve the Triangle-Free Problem for an undirected graph encoded in DIMACS format.
- aeiva — aeiva is a general AI agent framework
- afipcaeqrdecode — Package to decode and extract invoice metadata from an AFIP CAE qr code link
- ag-lbpt — Algoritmo Genético
- agbenchmark — Benchmarking the performance of agents far and wide, regardless of how they are set up and how they work
- agent-torch — large population models
- agentic-devops — Agentic DevOps Tool for automating and managing various DevOps tasks and configurations.
- agentiq — AgentIQ
- agentmake — AgentMake AI: a software developement kit for developing agentic AI applications that support 16 AI backends and work with 7 agentic components, such as tools and agents. (Developer: Eliran Wong)
- agentMET4FOF — A software package for the integration of metrological input into an agent-based system for the consideration of measurement uncertainty in current industrial manufacturing processes.
- agentpy — Agent-based modeling in Python
- agentUniverse — agentUniverse is a framework for developing applications powered by multi-agent base on large language model.
- AgilisysDailyTenders — Agilisys Tender Alert is a data processing, web scraping, and classification tool focused on tender data. The project uses Playwright to automate web filtering and scraping, then processes and classifies the scraped data using various NLP techniques to retain only relevant tenders.
- aglite-test.tabular — AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
- agora-gw — A semantic gateway for the Web of Things
- agora-py — A Python library for Web-scale Ontology-driven Access to Distributed Linked Data
- agora-wot — A Python-based framework for describing, discovering and accessing a Web of Things
- aha-tools — no summary
- ahjo — Database deployment framework
- AhpAnpLib — Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) Library
- ai-commands — A Python package for simple but complex computer functions.
- ai-db — Analyze your unstructured data
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- aiarc — Chemical and Pharmaceutical Autoencoder - Providing reproducible modelling for quantum chemistry
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aika-putki — Task framework designed for time series data
- aikit — An automated machine learning framework
- Aiklyra — A Python client library for Aiklyra API
- aim2dat — Automated Ab-Initio Materials Modeling and Data Analysis Toolkit: Python library for pre-, post-processing and data management of ab-initio high-throughput workflows for computational materials science.
- aima — Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach 4th Ed by Peter Norvig and Stuart Russel
- aima3 — Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, in Python3
- aind-metadata-service — REST service to retrive metadata from databases.
- aind-segmentation-evaluation — Python package for evaluating neuron segmentations in terms of the number of splits and merges
- aio-overpass — Async client for the Overpass API
- aiogossip — AsyncIO implementation of Gossip protocol
- aiondao — no summary
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airflow-ditto — An airflow DAG transformation framework
- airflow-windmill — Drag'N'Drop Web Frontend for Building and Managing Airflow DAGs
- airfly — Auto generate Airflow's on the fly
- aironsuit — A model wrapper for automatic model design and visualization purposes.
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- airqtl — Array of Interleaved Repeats for Quantitative Trait Loci
- airtk — Comprehensive and simple framework for conducting AI robustness experiments
- airway — Automatic classification of tertiary bronchi based on bronchus masks using a rule-based approach.
- aisa — AISA: Auto-Information State Aggregation
- aistudent — A simple AI utilities package for search, CSP, and games.
- AITrafficLab — Un paquete para entrenar modelos de optimizacion del trafico basados en sistemas multiagente.
- aiutil — A utils Python package for data scientists.
- aizynthfinder — Retrosynthetic route finding using neural network guided Monte-Carlo tree search
- ak-androguard — A fork of official Androguard project. Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
- al360-trustworthyai — SDK API to explain models, generate counterfactual examples, analyze causal effects and analyze errors in Machine Learning models.
- aladindb — 🔮 Super-power your database with AI 🔮
- alcpack — Adaptive Local Complementation Package
- algebraic-connectivity-directed — Python functions to compute various notions of algebraic connectivity of directed graphs
- algo-utils-hr — A collection of utility functions for algorithm development and data analysis
- algoai — A collection of AI algorithms
- algobattle-problems — no summary
- algofresco — A library to visulize algorithms and data structures