Reverse Dependencies of networkx
The following projects have a declared dependency on networkx:
- barf — A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework
- barfi — Framework for building custom visual no-code workflows for AI and data apps. Also commonly known as: graphical flow based programming framework
- barfi-ext — Framework for a graphical programming environment. Forked from Krish-adi's Barfi.
- basic-influence-roles — Detect and measure the Basic Influence Role each node holds within a Directed Network.
- BasicToolsFrozen — Tools for finite element computations - fork for pymicro
- basis-core — Functional Data Pipelines
- batches-n-more — Align feature tables from multiple GC/LC-MS batches into one feature table and correct for batch effects
- Bayanpy — Bayanpy is a powerful Python library for community detection in complex networks, designed to provide optimal or near-optimal solutions for modularity maximization. It features a highly efficient branch-and-cut algorithm and is backed by Integer Programming (IP) formulations.
- bayesclass — A collection of Bayesian Estimators.
- BayesIA — redes bayesianas
- bayesian-cut — An implementation of bayesian cut methods
- bayesian-inference — Bayesian Inference library over network
- bayesian-network-generator — A random bayesian network generator
- bayesian-networks — Implementation for bayesian network with Enumeration, Rejection Sampling and Likelihood Weighting
- BayesMBAR — Add your description here
- bayesNestor — Nestor is a Bayesian Network implementation designed to dynamically generate personalized learning paths tailored to the unique psychological traits of each learner, optimizing educational outcomes.
- BayNet — (another) Python Bayesian Network library
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- bbndb — BBN Configuration Database
- bbopt — The easiest hyperparameter optimization you'll ever do.
- bciavm — bciAVM is a machine learning pipeline used to predict property prices.
- bdo-empire — Worker empire optimizer for BDO using HiGHS mip solver.
- beambusters — no summary
- beatles-chords-markov-chain — A package containing a Markov Chain trained to generate chord progressions.
- bedrockz — no summary
- bel-commons — A web application exposing core PyBEL functionalities
- bel2scm — A package for creating causal graphs in pyro
- belief-propagation-ldpc — Belief propagation on Tanner graphs. Implements an LLR based LDPC decoder.
- bella-tdsa — Target Dependent Sentiment Analysis (TDSA) framework.
- benchkit — Your End to End ML workbench.
- benchq — "BenchQ platform for resource estimation"
- benjy — Benjy
- bent — BENT: Biomedical Entity Annotator
- bera-centerlines — An advanced forest line feature analysis platform
- berry-suite — The berry suite of programs extracts the Bloch wavefunctions from DFT calculations in an ordered way so they can be directly used to make calculations.
- best-first-search — My package description
- betaMixPy — A Python package to find strong correlations among P variables, each with N observations.
- BETSE — The BioElectric Tissue Simulation Engine (BETSE) is a discrete exterior calculus simulator for 2D computational multiphysics problems in the life sciences -- including (electro)diffusion, (electro)osmosis, galvanotaxis, voltage-gated ion channels, gene regulatory networks, and biochemical reaction networks.
- bf-nlu — no summary
- bf-nlu-banki — no summary
- bflower — A Python package with a built-in web application
- bg — Implementation of Breakpoint Graph data structure
- bgenv — no summary
- bgraph — no summary
- BiasedErasure — Simulate logical circuits with loss errors with efficient smart decoding
- bibliometa — A package for manipulating, converting and analysing bibliographic metadata
- bibliometa-vis — An extension package for Bibliometa that provides visualization functions
- bibx — Python bibliometric tools.
- biclustpy — bi-cluster editing library
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bigbang-py — BigBang is a toolkit for studying communications data from collaborative projects. It currently supports analyzing mailing lists from Sourceforge, Mailman, ListServ, or .mbox files.
- bigmultiplier — A package for help matrix multiplication
- bigraph — Python package for link prediction in bipartite graphs and networks
- bijou — A fastai-like framework for training, tuning and probing pytorch models, which is compatible with pytorch_geometric.
- bilateralshapley — Employs Bilateral Shapley Value from coalition game theory as a tool to assess agent coalition formation
- bimlpa — Community detection in bipartite networks using multi-label propagation algorithm
- binarize2pcalcium — no summary
- binca — no summary
- binchicken — Bin Chicken - targeted recovery of low abundance metagenome assembled genomes through intelligent coassembly
- binette — Binette: accurate binning refinement tool to constructs high quality MAGs.
- bingraphvis — no summary
- binn — A package to generate and interpret biologically informed neural networks.
- BINocular — Common Binary Framework
- bio-present — Cross-modality representation and multi-sample integration of spatially resolved omics data
- bio-pyminer — PyMINEr: automated biologic insights from large datasets.
- bio2bel-expasy — A package for parsing and storing the ExPASy Enzyme Database
- bio2bel-go — A package for converting GO to BEL
- bio2bel-interpro — A package for converting InterPro to BEL
- bio2bel-mesh — A package for converting MeSH to BEL
- biobalm — Boolean Attractor Landscape Mapper
- biobiobalm — Boolean Attractor Landscape Mapper
- biobridge — A library for simulating all biology related things, analyzing them and visualizing them.
- biocomet — A brief description of the biocomet package
- biocrnpyler — A chemical reaction network compiler for generating large biological circuit models
- biocypher — A unifying framework for biomedical research knowledge graphs
- bioDAG — This is a package to preprocess DAG-structure biological data.
- bioflow-insight — A software to extract and analyze the structure and associated metadata from a Nextflow workflow.
- BioFusion — Multilayer networks for biological multimodal data fusion and analysis.
- biographs — A package to work with protein structure networks
- bioinf-common — Aggregation of functionalities needed in multiple projects
- biomappings — Curated and predicted mappings between biomedical identifiers in different namespaces
- biometrics — Package to generate sample based biometrics.
- bionemo-controlled-generation — Guided molecule generation via the BioNemo cloud service
- bionetcomp — BioNetComp: A Python package for biological network comparison from STRING database.
- bioneuralnet — A comprehensive framework for integrating multi-omics data with neural network embeddings.
- bionic — A Python framework for building, running, and sharing data science workflows
- bioplexpy — Python-side access to PPI data from Gygi lab
- BioSAK — BioSAK
- biosimulators-utils — description
- biosynfoni — a *biosynformatic* fingerprint to explore natural product distance and diversity
- biothings — a toolkit for building high-performance data APIs in biology
- biothings-explorer — Python Client for BioThings Explorer
- biotranslator — BioTranslator: Cross-modal Translation for Zero-shot Biomedical Classification
- birankpy — Ranking nodes in bipartite networks with efficiency and flexibility
- birkhoff — Birkhoff--von Neumann decomposition for doubly stochastic matrices
- birm-nm-foo — Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularization
- BisPy — A bisimulation library for Python
- bitcoin-graph — A Python library for making matrices and graphs of Bitcoin wallet transactions
- bitcoin-toolkit — bitcoin toolkit
- bitcoind-mock — A tiny and non-exhaustive mock for bitcoind