Reverse Dependencies of networkx
The following projects have a declared dependency on networkx:
- BlackBoxAuditing — Sample Implementation of Gradient Feature Auditing (GFA)
- blackduck-direct-scan-action — Community Github Action to scan for SCA using Synopsys Black Duck.
- blackduck-python-utils — Python wrapper for common patterns used with Black Duck.
- blackhc.mdp — MDP framework for the OpenAI Gym
- blacksquare — A package for creating crossword puzzles
- Blauwal3 — 蓝鲸,一个基于组件的数据挖掘框架。
- blifparser — A simple BLIF parser
- Bliss — BeamLine Instrumentation Support Software
- blockingpy — Blocking records for record linkage and data deduplication based on ANN algorithms.
- blockmatching — Block Matching Algorithm
- blocksnet — Package provides methods of master plan requirements automated generation for urban areas
- BlooPy — BlooPy: Black-box optimization Python for bitstring, categorical, and numerical discrete problems with local, and population-based algorithms.
- blue-assistant — 🧠 An AI Assistant.
- bluecellulab — Biologically detailed neural network simulations and analysis.
- blueflow — 📜 workflow management on aws batch and more.
- blueqat — Quantum Computer Library for Everyone
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- bmgedit — Best match graph editing.
- bmitools — no summary
- bms — Block-Model Simulator for python
- bmtool — BMTool
- bmxp — LCMS Processing tools used by the Metabolomics Platform at the Broad Institute.
- bn-testing — A test bench to benchmark learn algorithms for graphical models
- bnlearn — Python package for Causal Discovery by learning the graphical structure of Bayesian networks, parameter learning, inference and sampling methods.
- bocoel — Bayesian Optimization as a Coverage Tool for Evaluating Large Language Models
- body-measurements — It allows us to measure the human body generated by SMPL model.
- bokehgraph — Interactive Graph visualization for networkX Graphs
- bomf — BO4E Migration Framework
- BondGraphTools — Bond Graph Modelling Toolkit
- bonesis — Synthesis of Most Permissive Boolean Networks
- bookmark-tk — Bookmark Toolkit. Helps manage, analyze, and visualize bookmarks
- booleabayes — A suite for network inference from transcriptomics data
- boolxai — BoolXAI: Explainable AI using expressive Boolean formulas
- bootplot — bootplot is a package for black-box uncertainty visualization.
- botshot — A framework for creating stateful chatbots on Django.
- BotsOnRails — BotsOnRails makes it easy to write LLM-controlled programs without outsourcing all of the logic and decisions to stochastic models. It facilitates the seamless integration of function-based nodes into an execution tree, enabling conditional and sequential task execution tailored to complex, resumable processing flows.
- boundary-layer — Builds Airflow DAGs from configuration files
- bourbaki.introspection — no summary
- bout-runners — Manage your BOUT++ runs through python
- bp-neurotools — General helper functions for working with neuroimaging data.
- bq-airflow-dag-generator — Generate Airflow DAG from DOT language to execute BigQuery efficiently mainly for AlphaSQL
- bq-jobrunner — Enables to easily query multiple BigQuery queries with any dependencies.
- bqrun — Query runner for BigQuery. It automatically analyzes dependencies and runs only necessary queries in parallel.
- BRAD-Chat — This package connects large language models with bioinformatics workflows.
- brain-loop-search — Screen loops among brain structures(or any entities comprising a graph).
- brain-slam — Surface anaLysis And Modeling
- BrainGB — Emory Brain Benchmark package
- brainglobe-ccf-translator — a package to translate data between common coordinate frameworks
- brainlit — Code to process and analyze brainlit data
- brainwalk — Spatial graph embeddings for ObsidianMD
- brainways — Brainways
- breakfast — breakfast: fast putative outbreak cluster and infection chain detection using SNPs
- brec — pypi distribution for BREC
- brent — no summary
- brep-to-h5m — Converts Brep CAD geometry files to h5m geometry files compatible with DAGMC simulations
- brickflows — Deploy scalable workflows to databricks using python
- brickschema — A library for working with the Brick ontology for buildings (
- brokerscore — Meso level network measure pbroker score as defined by Paquet-Clouston and Bouchard
- bsimx — The agent-based modeling tool with, networkx and osmnx.
- build2vec — Python package for building data embeddings
- buildingmotif — Building Metadata OnTology Interoperability Framework
- bunka-superfunctions — some functions often used to do diverse Data Science Projects
- bunnyplot — A utility for producting GraphML from RabbitMQ
- butcher — General-purpose build system for projects spanning multiple git repos
- byecycle — Find and expose cyclic imports in python projects.
- byron — An evolutionary source-code fuzzer
- c2s2-standard — Consensus clustering for a number of individuals with HPO terms or phenopackets.
- cad-to-dagmc — Converts CAD files to a DAGMC h5m file
- CAD-to-OpenMC — Package to automagically convert step-geometries to h5m descriptions for neutronics by OpenMC
- cadbiom — Cadbiom library v1.1.0
- cafe-autofe — Component Automated Feature Engineer - Sistema de Engenharia Automática de Features
- cag — This is a general framework to create arango db graphs and annotate them.
- cagraph — A package to generate graphs from calcium imaging data of neural activity.
- cai-causal-graph — A Causal AI package for causal graphs.
- cajal — A library for multi-modal cell morphology analyses using Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance.
- calisim — A toolbox for the calibration and evaluation of simulation models.
- CallFlow — no summary
- CAMD — camd is software designed to support autonomous materials research and sequential learning
- camel-ai — Communicative Agents for AI Society Study
- CaMo — CaMo: A Causal Model Library
- camper-dramkit — A tool to use the CAMPER dataset
- CAMSA — CAMSA: a tool for Comparative Analysis and Merging of Scaffold Assemblies
- cana — This package implements a series of methods used to study control, canalization and redundancy in Boolean networks.
- canals — A component orchestration engine for Haystack
- canalyst-candas — The official Canalyst Software Development Kit (SDK) for our public API
- canoPyHydro — An Innovative Approach to Vegetative Precipitation Partitioning
- capablanca — Find a 2-Approximate Dominating Set for undirected graph encoded in DIMACS format.
- capital — Single-Cell Analysis, comparing pseudotime trajectories with tree alignment
- capstone-text-mining — Capstone Text Mining Techniques
- capsul — CAPSUL
- capybara-docsaid — OpenCV with ONNX Runtime Inference Toolkit.
- carate — Chemical and Pharmaceutical Autoencoder - Providing reproducible modelling for quantum chemistry
- carbonplan-forest-risks — forest carbon potential and risks
- carbonplan-forests — forest carbon potential and risks
- carbontrace — carbon tracing using networkx
- carla-gym — Multi-agent reinforcement learning interface for CARLA Autonomous Driving simulator compatible with PettingZoo.
- CarlAdam — Petri net tools and interactive simulator
- carpoolsim — A simulation tool to find as many as carpool-able trips given drive-alone trips
- carport — Dependency Graph from Python imports
- carta-cell — Python package for cell differentiation mapping