Reverse Dependencies of netcdf4
The following projects have a declared dependency on netcdf4:
- lfmaptools — Mapping tools for LaharFlow data
- lib-munpy — Package to process MUNICH input/output data
- lib-munpy-dev — Package to process MUNICH input/output data
- libinsitu — This library provides tools to transform solar irradiation data from various networks to uniform NetCDF files. It also provides tools to request and manipulate those NetCDF files
- libinsitu-dev — This library provides tools to transform solar irradiation data from various networks to uniform NetCDF files. It also provides tools to request and manipulate those NetCDF files
- libpypsg — A Python library for accessing the Planetary System Generator.
- lidar-processing — Routines for atmospheric lidar processing.
- lidarSuit — LIDAR procedures
- lidarwind — LIDAR procedures
- lifewatch-pypam — Facilitate acoustic processing from underwater acoustic recorders
- lilio — python package for generating calendars for machine learning timeseries analysis.
- linc — A package to handle LICEL Binary format
- linopy — Linear optimization with N-D labeled arrays in Python
- lisflood-lisvap — LISVAP model python module
- lisflood-utilities — A set of utilities for lisfloodutilities users. pcr2nc: Convert PCRaster files to netCDF; cutmaps: cut netCDF files;compare: to compare two set of netcdf files
- livvkit — The land ice verification and validation toolkit
- Lmgeo — Python raster GIS library with low memory requirements.
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lonlatProj — lonlat_pred_utils
- LoopProjectFile — Open source structural geology data storage for Loop Projects
- loren-frank-data-processing — Import data from Loren Frank lab
- LorenzCycleToolkit — no summary
- lrtm-s5ptn — Low Rank Tensor Modeling of Sentinel 5P Tropospheric NO2
- ls2d — Python toolkit to downscale ERA5 with doubly-periodic large-eddy simulation
- ltool — Automated aerosol layer detection algorithm.
- ltool-standalone — Automated aerosol layer detection algorithm.
- luccpy — LUCC & Climate Group for Personal Use
- luts — Multidimensional labeled arrays and datasets in Python, similar to xarray.
- lytools — no summary
- macosko2015 — Expression data for Macosko et al, "Highly Parallel Genome-wide Expression Profiling of Individual Cells Using Nanoliter Droplets," Cell (2015)
- mapio — Reading/resampling of raster files (esp. across 180 meridian)
- MapPlotter — 2D map plots of data and NetCDF files using Cartopy
- maresb-copernicusmarine-unpin-numpy — A temporary workaround to use Copernicus Marine with Numpy v2
- marisco — MARIS companion package and tutorials
- matplotlibXtns — matplotlib extension functions.
- MDAnalysis — An object-oriented toolkit to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories.
- MDCraft — no summary
- mdhelper — A batteries-included toolkit of analysis modules and helper functions
- mdtf-test-data — Tools for working with MDTF Diagnostics test data sets
- mdtraj — MDTraj: A modern, open library for the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories
- medenv — no summary
- meillionen — A model interface serialization and rpc framework
- MerOC — Software to download/manipulate netCDF files
- meshio — I/O for many mesh formats
- meshio2 — I/O for many mesh formats
- meshiphi — MeshiPhi: Earth's digital twin mapped on a non-uniform mesh
- mET-weap — ERA5/MODIS Preprocessor for WEAP 21
- met4dream — ROMS-Norkyst800m Metocean Data Extraction and Analysis
- MetaCSV — Tools for documentation-aware data reading, writing, and analysis
- metadata-inspector — Inspect metadata of weather/climate datasets
- MetDL — Extended library to read Meteorological data for AI Study
- meteva — A collections of functions for meteorological verification.
- meteva-base — base classes and functions of generally meteorogical usage, like Basic_class/IO/calculation/plot .etc
- metocean-api — metocean-api - Tool to extract time series of metocean data from hindcasts/reanalysis
- metocean-stats — metocean-stats - Tool for generation of metocean statistics
- MetPy — Collection of tools for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
- metsim — Meteorology Simulator
- metyanc — Yet another NetCDF checker
- mget3 — Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools: access and manipulate marine ecological and oceanographic data
- mhkit — Marine and Hydrokinetic Toolkit
- mhm — Python distribution of mHM with bindings.
- mia-api — A package to communicate with MIA API
- microsoft-aurora — Implementation of the Aurora model
- mikeio — A package that uses the DHI dfs libraries to create, write and read dfs and mesh files.
- miles-guess — no summary
- minimulti — Mini Extendable framework of multi Hamiltonian
- miranda — Python utilities for climate data collection, conversion, and management
- MISA-XGModel — A Python library for predicting electron density using XGBoost
- mixmasta — A library for common scientific model transforms
- mjoindices — Calculation of indices that describe the Madden-Julian-Oscillation (only OMI by now)
- ml-ocean-bl — Machine Learning Ocean Boundary Layer
- mlmicrophysics — Machine learning emulator testbed for microphysics.
- mlossp — A package to spatially join and concatenate Satellite data into time series.
- mlstream — Machine learning for streamflow prediction
- mne-connectivity — mne-connectivity: A module for connectivity data analysis with MNE.
- mod16 — Python tools for MOD16 algorithm
- mod17 — Python tools for MOD17 algorithm
- model-catalogs — Catalogs for known models
- modelmimic — Generate model-like data, _mimic_ the output of various CIME tests.
- modelskill — Compare results from simulations with observations.
- modflow-setup — Rapid and robust construction of MODFLOW groundwater flow models
- modisconverter — A library for converting MODIS data files
- mooda — Module for Ocean Observatory Data Analysis
- mooseherder — A herder for calling MOOSE and gmsh to run parallel parametric sweeps of simulations.
- movici-simulation-core — Core package for running Movici geospatial temporal simulations
- mpilot — MPilot is a plugin-based, environmental modeling framework
- mpolar — A package to parse and evaluate polar tables for marine navigation
- mrio-toolbox — Basic manipulation of Multi-Regional Input-Output tables.
- msise00 — Python API for Fortran MSISE-00 neutral atmosphere model.
- multi-interface-inversion — calculate gravity anomalies from multi-interfaces and estimate double-interfaces model from gravity anomalies, given prior information about constraints between the density interfacesthe using Crust1.0 model, where Vertical Gravity Gradient data are used asinputs
- mwr-raw2l1 — Readers for the most prominent types of operational ground-based K- and V-band microwave radiometers and a writer for NetCDF files according to E-PROFILE/ACTRIS standards.
- mwrpy — Python package for Microwave Radiometer processing in ACTRIS
- nais-processor — Code to process ion spectrometer data files
- napari-geoscience-viewer — A napari plugin for quick-viewing HDF5 and NetCDF files
- napari-hdf5-netcdf-viewer — A napari plugin for quick-viewing HDF5 and NetCDF files
- nasa-pace-data-reader — A package for reading NASA PACE data files.
- nasa-visualizations — Visualization tools for various NASA datasets including Hyperion EO-1.
- nc2 — NCĀ² NetCDF viewer
- nc2csv — Dump NetCDF file to CSV
- nc2gj — no summary