Reverse Dependencies of netcdf4
The following projects have a declared dependency on netcdf4:
- xglider — Generic tools to handle underwater gliders' data
- xmca — Maximum Covariance Analysis in Python
- xncml — Tools for manipulating and opening NCML (NetCDF Markup) files with/for xarray
- xnemogcm — Interface to open NEMO global circulation model output dataset and create a xgcm grid.
- xoa — xarray-based ocean analysis library
- xpersist — xpersist provides custom caching utility functions in Python
- xradar — Xradar includes all the tools to get your weather radar into the xarray data model.
- xrd-simulator — Tools for diffraction simulation of s3dxrd type experiments.
- xrlint — A linter for xarray datasets.
- xroms — Package for working with ROMS output in xarray
- xscen — A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with xclim/xarray.
- xsdba — Statistical correction and bias adjustment tools for xarray.
- xugrid — Xarray extension for unstructured grids
- yodapy — Your Ocean Data Access in Python
- yooink — A package for accessing OOI data via the m2m protocol
- yori — User-customizable set of tools to easily grid satellite data
- yt-xarray — interface between yt and xarray
- YW-matchups — Find satellite matchups for aquatic remote sensing
- zampy — python package for getting Land Surface Model input data.
- zoidberg — Generate flux-coordinate independent (FCI) grids for BOUT++
- zonarPy — Read and process Zooglider Zonar data