Reverse Dependencies of netcdf4
The following projects have a declared dependency on netcdf4:
- foxes-opt — Wind farm optimization for the FOXES package
- freva — Free Evaluation and Analysis Framework (Freva)
- frites — Framework of Information Theory for Electrophysiological data and Statistics
- froglabs — Froglabs Toolkit
- frontpy — FrontPy is a Python package designed for the detection and analysis of atmospheric fronts. It uses the Thermal Front Parameter (TFP) method to identify cold and warm fronts. The package also includes visualization capabilities, allowing users to plot the identified fronts over GOES-16 satellite imagery.
- FTPsubsetMO — Python module able to download a file from FTP and subset it using time-range,bounding-box,variables and depths
- fwl-janus — Temperature structure generator for planetory atmospheres.
- fwl-proteus — Coupled atmosphere-interior framework to simulate the temporal evolution of rocky planets
- fypy — fypy Package for FENGYUN Satellite
- fzj-ipp-webservices — Python Frontend for selected IPP webservices
- gatiab — Gasous Absorption Transmissions at Instrument Averaged Bands
- gcmprocpy — A Python3 post processing tool for TIE-GCM and WACCM-X
- gcmtools — GCM Output Analysis Tools
- gdio — Gridded data io library
- gdp — a set of tools for geophysical data processing
- gdptools — Gdptools
- geemap — A Python package for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine and ipyleaflet
- gemmr — Generative Modeling of Multivariate Relationships
- GenTS — A useful tool for post-processing CESM2 history files into the timeseries format.
- GEO-ADPTC — Adaptive Density Peak Tree Clustering
- GEOAkaze — Geolocation correction using Akaze
- geobipy — McMC inversion of airborne electromagnetic data
- geocat.comp — GeoCAT-comp is computational component of the GeoCAT project and provides implementations of computational functions for analysis of geosciences data
- geocat.viz — GeoCAT-viz is vizualization component of the GeoCAT project and
- geodata-harvester — An automation tool for harvesting and processing geodata from the web
- geodata-re — Geospatial Data Collection and Pre-Analysis Tools
- geodataExtent — Package for extracting the time and spatial extent of Geodata
- geodataset — Extension of netDCF4.Dataset for geospatial data
- geodezyx — geodezyx (a.k.a. The GeodeZYX toolbox) aims to provide simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics.
- geoenrich — A package to enrich your geo-referenced data (e.g. species occurrences) with environmental data.
- geofabrics — A package for creating geofabrics for flood modelling.
- geoget — Download geodata for anywhere in Earth
- geoips — Geolocated Information Processing System
- geokube — a Python package based on xarray for GeoScience Data Analysis
- geolake — Python client for geolake
- geomanager — Wagtail based Geospatial Data Manager
- geonum — Toolbox for 3D geonumerical calculations and atmospheric composition
- georetriever — Retrieve geological data for geothermal systems from coordinates in Python!
- georinex — Python RINEX 2/3 NAV/OBS reader with speed and simplicity.
- geoschem-gcpy — no summary
- geoslurp — Python postgreSQL-PostGIS client for managing earth science datasets
- geospacelab — Collect, manage, and visualize geospace data.
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- geotechnicalprofile — Load, manage, and plot geotechnical data, including GEF and DTS measurements
- geoutils — Analysis and handling of georeferenced rasters and vectors
- geoviews — GeoViews is a Python library that makes it easy to explore and visualize geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets, such as those used in weather, climate, and remote sensing research.
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- getdatatestbed — Data access for the Coastal Model Test Bed
- gfatpy — A python package for GFAT utilities
- gfdlvitals — Tools for calculating scalar diagnostics from GFDL models
- gfw-creator — GFW Creator allows you to generate files for the gfw_atmo switch in ECHAM6/JSBACH of AWI-ESM
- ggen — Package for generating grid meshes and performing conservative remapping
- gistim — GIS utilities for Tim(ML) Analytic Element modeling
- glaciersat — glaciersat - monitoring glaciers from space
- gldas — Readers and converters for data from the GLDAS Noah Land Surface Model.
- glider-ingest — Package for GERG to ingest raw glider data into NetCDF files
- gliderad2cp — process glider AD2CP data
- glidertest — Diagnostic tests of glider quality
- glidertools — ("A toolkit for processing Seaglider base station NetCDF files: "
- globsim — Using global reanalysis data for local permafrost simulation
- glotaran — The Glotaran fitting engine.
- glow2d — NCAR GLOW model for 2D observation geometry
- gnssr — GNSS-R Data Processing Package
- goats — A set of tools for analyzing heliophysical datasets
- GOES — Python package to download and manipulate GOES-16/17/18 data.
- goes-api — Python API for downloading and searching GOES-16/17 satellite data on local and cloud storage.
- goes-ortho — A python package for downloading GOES-R ABI imagery, orthorectifying with a DEM, and creating timeseries
- goesgcp — A package to download and process GOES-16/17 data
- goesvideo — Package to streamline operations with GOES satellite imagery
- GOESVisualizer — A simple tool to visualize GOES16/17
- google-weather-tools — Apache Beam pipelines to make weather data accessible and useful.
- gordias — A core project for climate data handling
- gplately — Object-orientated Python interface to pyGPlates for plate tectonic reconstruction
- gpm-api — Python Package for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Data Archive
- gpm-qprof — The operational QRNN-based implementation of GPROF.
- gprof-nn — Neural network version of Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF)
- granulemeta — A package designed to generate low-level metadata in a specified/supported format (i.e. gmout) for a file or set of files.
- gravitools — A collection of tools for gravimeter data analysis
- gridgeo — Convert UGRID, SGRID, and non-compliant ocean model grids to geo-like objects
- gridit — Spatial tools to translate raster or vector geometry data to regular grids
- grids — Tools for extracting time series subsets from n-dimensional arrays in several storage formats.
- gridwxcomp — Compare meterological station data to gridded data
- grim-opt — Greenfield Renewable energy source Investment Model
- GRSdriver — Driver for L1C satellite images dedicated to GRS processor
- GSForge — Feature (gene) selection package for gene expression data.
- gspy — Data handling
- gswpy — Read global surface water from
- gtap-extractor — Extract GTAP data from .har files and save it as .nc file.
- h5netcdf — netCDF4 via h5py
- halem — The Route optimization for dynamic flow field searches the optimal route for a given flow field.
- hamsci-psws — HamSCI Grape v1 Personal Space Weather Station Plotting Tools
- hans — Height-Averaged Navier-Stokes (HANS) solver for 2D lubrication problems
- harmony-py — Python library for integrating with NASA's Harmony Services.
- harpia — A Python Package for Development
- hartufo — A Python toolkit for data-driven HRTF research
- hatyan — Tidal analysis and prediction tool of Rijkswaterstaat
- hazelbean — Collection of geospatial algorithms, parallel computation utilities and project management tools.
- HBV — Dev version for a HBV hydrological model using BMI for eWaterCycle.
- heat — A framework for high-performance data analytics and machine learning.
- heightmap-interpolation — Interpolation functions for heightmaps developed within the EMODnet Bathymetry (High Resolution Seabed Mapping) project.