Reverse Dependencies of mkdocstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on mkdocstrings:
- prefect-sns — Prefect block for integration with AWS SNS
- prefect-soda-cloud — Collection of Prefect tasks to interact with Soda Cloud APIs.
- prefect-soda-core — Prefect 2.0 collection for Soda Core
- prefect-spark-on-k8s-operator — Prefect integrations for orchestrating and monitoring apache spark jobs on kubernetes using spark-on-k8s-operator.
- prefect-sqlalchemy — Prefect integrations for working with databases
- prefect-stitch — Prefect collection to interact with Stitch
- prefect-transform — Collection of tasks to interact with Transform metrics catalog
- prefect-twitter — Prefect integrations for interacting with Twitter.
- prefect-vault — Prefect HashiCorp Vault blocks.
- prelawsql — Fetch, store, process files prior to database insertion.
- preserves — Data serialization format
- prettypyplot — Wrapper for matplotlib to generate pretty plots.
- preusx-django-admin-extensions — Utilities and extensions for django administration panel.
- private-hello — Don't take my package name
- probatus — Validation of regression & classifiers and data used to develop them
- probdiffeq — Probabilistic numerical solvers for differential equations
- procaliper — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).
- progresso — Make iterators yield progress
- proman-versioning — Project Management Versioning Tool.
- prompt-declaration-language — Prompt Declaration Language
- prophetverse — no summary
- ProxyStore — Advanced data flow management for distributed Python applications
- proxystore-ex — ProxyStore extensions.
- psychopy-bids — A PsychoPy plugin for using the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) to organize and describe data.
- psygnal — Fast python callback/event system modeled after Qt Signals
- pte-xdf — A package for loading XDF files recorded with TMSi amplifiers.
- public-hello — Don't take my package name
- pulse-eco — API wrapper
- pulse-eco-ha — API wrapper
- purviewautomation — Purview Automation is a Python wrapper library built on top of Purview REST APIs that's designed to be simple to use and make scaling and automating Purview easier.
- pushcart — Metadata transformations for Spark
- pvoutput — Interface to the PVOutput API
- py-aternos — An unofficial Aternos API
- py-gen-ml — A Python library for generating machine learning tooling.
- py-helmet — A module providing Helmet-like security middleware for Python HTTP servers..
- py-pane — A modern dataclass & data conversion library, focused on speed and expressiveness.
- py-seasnake — A Python wrapper for accessing and managing MERMAID (Marine Ecological Research Management Aid) data with ease.
- pyant — Radar antenna models in python
- PyARV — Approximate random variables
- pybhspc — Control Becker & Hickl SPC modules from Python
- pycart — A Python package for generating Cartograms using GeoDataFrames.
- pycfmodel — A python model for CloudFormation scripts
- pycrdt — Python bindings for Yrs
- pycrdt-xml — Python bindings for Yrs with XML
- pydantic-bigstitcher — no summary
- pydantic-cereal — Advanced serialization for Pydantic models
- pydantic-kedro — Kedro
- pydantic-pint — Pydantic validation for Pint Quantities.
- pydantic-yaml — Adds some YAML functionality to the excellent `pydantic` library.
- pydasher — A small set of utility functions for deterministically hashing pydantic base-models.
- pydatagenerator — Generate template data from xml specification
- pydavinci-18 — Fork of PyDavinci supporting Resolve 18
- pydelling — Package providing a variety of utility methods for mathematical modelling
- pydev-cli — A single python development dependency to rule them all
- pydjinni — An opinionated Djinni reimplementation written in Python.
- pydts — Discrete time survival analysis with competing risks
- pyecb — no summary
- pyee — A rough port of Node.js's EventEmitter to Python with a few tricks of its own
- pyensemblorthologues — Tool to download ortologue genes from ensembl compara.
- pyfactories — Mock data generation for pydantic and dataclasses
- pyfortinet — Fortinet Python library
- PyFunceble — The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
- PyFunceble-dev — The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
- pyfusion — JPMC Fusion Developer Tools
- pyHDX — Derive ΔG for single residues from HDX-MS data
- pyhtools — Python Hacking Tools (PyHTools) (pht) is a collection of python written hacking tools consisting of network scanner, arp spoofer and detector, dns spoofer, code injector, packet sniffer, network jammer, email sender, downloader, wireless password harvester credential harvester, keylogger, download&execute, and reverse_backdoor along with website login bruteforce, scraper, web spider etc. PHT also includes malwares which are undetectable by the antiviruses.
- pyjamaz — Python JAM implementation
- pyjanitor — Tools for cleaning pandas DataFrames
- pyjas — An implementation of the JSON:API Standard in Python.
- pykirill — 🐗 A portable collection of functions for scientific exploration
- pykx — An interface between Python and q
- pylattica — pylattica is a package for fast prototyping of lattice models for chemistry and materials science
- pylnbits — Python library for LNBits.
- pymace — A package for evaluating and analysing modell Aircraft
- pymdea — Modified diffusion entropy analysis; a temporal complexity analysis method
- pymdownx-superfence-filter-lines — A custom superfence for pymdown-extensions that can filters lines and plays nice with MkDocs
- pymechtest — Python package to automate the boring bits of mechanical test data analysis!
- pymmcore-plus — pymmcore superset providing improved APIs, event handling, and a pure python acquisition engine
- pymonzo — Modern Python API client for Monzo public API.
- pymultiastar — Multi-goal A* with cpp bindings to python
- pynajax — A JAX backend for pynapple.
- pynapple — PYthon Neural Analysis Package Pour Laboratoires d’Excellence
- pynimate — Python package for statistical data animations
- pynsm — A PyTorch implementation of non-negative similarity matching
- pynxtools-spm — A plugin of pynxtools to convert exprimental file from STS, STM, and AFM to NeXus format.
- pynxtools-stm — A plugin for pynxtools to convert sts and stm files
- pyo3-stubgen — Enable hinting for pyo3 extension modules by generating type and docstring stubs
- pyodi — Object Detection Insights
- pyodk — The official Python library for ODK 🐍
- pyoframe — Blazing fast linear program interface
- pyorlib — A powerful Python library for operations research. Define, solve, and interact with mathematical models in a standardized manner across different optimization packages.
- pypdtools — Package with tools for pandas
- pyphetools — Generate and work with GA4GH phenopackets
- pypums — Download Public Use Micro Sample (PUMS) data files from the US Census Bureau's FTP server.
- pyrain — Communication network linking research infrastructure using TCP/IP json messages
- pyrobotstxt — Python Package to Generate and Analyse Robots.txt files
- pyrsec — Simple parser combinator made in Python
- pyscreeps-arena — Python api|interface to play game: Screeps: Arena.
- pysesame3 — Unofficial library to communicate with Sesame smart locks.
- pysesameos2 — Unofficial library to control smart devices running Sesame OS2.