Reverse Dependencies of mkdocstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on mkdocstrings:
- pysitemaps — Python Package for Sitemaps
- pyspark-data-sources — Custom Spark data sources for reading and writing data in Apache Spark, using the Python Data Source API
- PyStemmusScope — Python modules for running the STEMMUS-SCOPE model.
- pystickywicket — A python library for interacting with the API provided by the national cricket board of England and Wales
- pysuso — Sudoku sovler written in Python
- pytekla — Bringing CPython power to Tekla
- pytemplates-pypackage — A production ready python library template.
- pytemplates-typer-cli — A production ready python CLI template.
- pytere — A Python Template Repository
- pytest-aiomoto — pytest-aiomoto
- pytest-better-parametrize — Better description of parametrized test cases
- pytest-doctest-mkdocstrings — Run pytest --doctest-modules with markdown docstrings in code blocks (```)
- pytest-slow-last — Run tests in order of execution time (faster tests first)
- python-aternos — An unofficial Aternos API
- python-debianbts — Python interface to Debian's Bug Tracking System
- python-dogecoin — Friendly Dogecoin JSON-RPC API binding for Python 3
- python-ember-mug — Python Library for Ember Mugs.
- python-eventemitter — A Python port of Node.js EventEmitter that supports both synchronous and asynchronous event execution
- python-json-logger — JSON Log Formatter for the Python Logging Package
- python-multimapwithttl — An implementation of multimap with per-item expiration backed up by Redis.
- python-ntfy — An ntfy library aiming for feature completeness
- python-openhab — python library for accessing the openHAB REST API
- python-package-template-demo — A description of the project.
- python-process — A Python package that provides a simple and intuitive interface for spawning, managing, and interacting with processes
- python-re3data — The Pythonic client for the re3data API.
- python-twonms-config — Python package to manage configs based on OmegaConf.
- pytoolbelt-toolkit — no summary
- pytorch-adapt — Domain adaptation made easy. Fully featured, modular, and customizable.
- pytorch-tabular — A standard framework for using Deep Learning for tabular data
- pytrans — Generation of potentials and waveforms for trapped ions
- pyventus — A powerful Python package for event-driven programming; define, emit, and orchestrate events with ease.
- pyvigate — A brief description of what your package does
- pyvint — A Python library for pure Python encoding and decoding of integers using Variable-Size Integer (VINT).
- pyvis4wave — Bring interactive network visualization to H2O wave web-apps
- pywebschema — Python Package for Website Schema
- pyxxl — A Python executor for XXL-jobs
- q19_nlp — no summary
- qablet-contracts — qablet_contracts created by qablet
- qcmanybody — QCManyBody
- qfieldcloud-sdk — The official QFieldCloud SDK and CLI.
- QIRT — A quantum information research toolkit
- qoptcraft — A package for the design and study of linear optical quantum systems.
- qsavvy — savvy's Quantum Stuff.
- qseek — qseek - The earthquake detector.
- quacc — A platform to enable high-throughput, database-driven quantum chemistry and computational materials science
- quam — Quantum Abstract Machine (QuAM) facilitates development of abstraction layers in experiments.
- quantfreedom — I don't want to put a description here, so I wont
- quantstream — 'QuantStream' is a Python library for financial data analysis and visualization.
- qubit-approximant — Approximate a function using a single qubit.
- query-flow — A library for visualizing your Queries as Sankey-diagrams..
- quokka-project — Quokka: A Fast and Accurate Binary Exporter
- radboud-el — REL: Radboud Entity Linker
- raga-llm-eval — Package for LLM Evaluation
- raga-llm-hub — Package for LLM Evaluation
- ragas — no summary
- raggy — scraping stuff
- ralph-malph — Ralph, the ultimate Learning Record Store (and more!) for your learning analytics.
- ramjam — no summary
- ramodels — Pydantic data models for OS2mo
- ray-haystack — Haystack pipelines with Ray
- rcdesign — A Python package for reinforced concrete analysis and design as per IS 456:2000
- rdsa-utils — A suite of PySpark, Pandas, and general pipeline utils for Reproducible Data Science and Analysis (RDSA) projects.
- receptiviti — Process texts with the Receptiviti API
- recipe-scrapers — Python package, scraping recipes from all over the internet
- recurtools — Tools for handling recursive sequences (of sequences of sequences of ...)
- red-molsim — Robust Equilibration Detection
- red-utils — Collection of utility scripts/functions that I use frequently.
- refiners — The simplest way to train and run adapters on top of foundation models
- refuel-autolabel — Label, clean and enrich text datasets with LLMs
- releaseherald — Git tag based release note generator
- render-engine — A Flexible Static Site Generator for Python
- reportly — An Open Source Python Report Engine for Data Visualization with HTML.
- retrigen — A package for automatically generating datasets for training or evaluating retrieval models
- retryhttp — Retry potentially transient HTTP errors in Python.
- rezup-api — Rez launching environment manager
- rfproto — Python for RF and SDR prototyping.
- rich-click — Format click help output nicely with rich
- rigour — Financial crime domain data validation and normalization library.
- rimsschemedrawer — Drawing of RIMS schemes in python and/or with a Python GUI.
- rio-tiler — User friendly Rasterio plugin to read raster datasets.
- river-torch — Online Deep Learning for river
- rlbcore — Common functionality for all rlbaselines projects
- rn3 — Useful library
- roar-yolo — Ultralytics YOLOv8
- rooster-client — Rooster Python client
- rrsdk — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).
- rsmime — Python package for signing and verifying S/MIME messages
- rst-in-md — Convert reStructuredText within Markdown to HTML.
- rstudio-hpc — RStudio Server on high-performance computing clusters.
- rtasr — 🏆 Run benchmarks against the most common ASR tools on the market.
- rule-based-retrieval — Python package for Rule-based Retrieval using RAG
- runcon — Manage a multitude of runs through hierarchical configuration
- runnerase — An Interface between the Runner Neural Network Energy Representation (RuNNer) and the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE).
- ruptures — Change point detection for signals in Python.
- sadif — Secure Asses Data Insight Framework - SADIF
- safejax — Serialize JAX, Flax, Haiku, or Objax model params with `safetensors`
- saffier — The only python ORM you will ever need.
- sankaku — Asynchronous API wrapper for Sankaku Complex.
- sanpy-ephys — Whole cell current-clamp analysis.
- sarxarray — Xarray extension for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data