Reverse Dependencies of mkdocstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on mkdocstrings:
- sbi — Simulation-based inference.
- scalify — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- scc-pyteam-template-tools — no summary
- scdataloader — a dataloader for single cell data in lamindb
- scholarag — Pipelines for RAG on scientific papers
- scholaretl — ETL for parsing scientific papers.
- scikit-lego — A collection of lego bricks for scikit-learn pipelines
- scikit-mdn — Mixture Density Networks in scikit-learn
- scilaunch — A tiny program for you, setting up the ground for grand discoveries. (2023)
- scprint — scPRINT is a Large Cell Model for Gene Network Inference, Denoising and more from scRNAseq data
- scrape-schema — A library for converting any text (xml, html, plain text, stdout, etc) to python datatypes
- scrapli — Fast, flexible, sync/async, Python 3.7+ screen scraping client specifically for network devices
- scrapli-cfg — Network device configuration management with scrapli
- scrapli-community — Easily add support for 'non-core' platforms to scrapli
- scrapli-netconf — Fast, flexible, sync/async, Python 3.7+ NETCONF client built on scrapli
- scrapli-replay — Tools to enable easy testing of scrapli programs
- scyan — Single-cell Cytometry Annotation Network
- sde — A CLI tool to edit simple JSON and YAML data files
- sdk_entrepot_gpf — SDK Python pour simplifier l'utilisation de l'API EntrepĂ´t de la GĂ©oplateforme.
- seb — Scandinavian Embedding Benchmark
- seda — A Python toolkit to build Serverless Event-Driven Applications on AWS.
- segysak — SEG-Y Seismic Data Inspection and Manipulation Tools using Xarray
- semarchy-xdi-runtime-client — A client to interact with the Semarchy XDI runtime
- sensospot_parser — Sensospot Data Parser
- sensospot_tools — Sensospot Tools
- sepay — SePay SDK for python.
- sequel-core — A Continual Learning Framework for both Jax and PyTorch.
- sequence-stk — A virtual stack machine that executes Python code based on instructions provided in a JSON file.
- sereto — Security Reporting Tool.
- sesh — Sesh is a session management library for FastAPI
- settus — Settings management using Pydantic, with ability to retrieve cloud secrets.
- setuptools-betterproto — A modern setuptools plugin to generate Python files from proto files using betterproto
- setuptools-scm — the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
- sfapi_client — Python client for NERSC SF API
- sgn — A framework to help navigate buffers through a graph. The buffers must flow.
- shadowserver-api — Shadowserver API implementation library
- shag — Implementation of spatial hashing approximate Gaussian processes.
- shrike — Python utilities for compliant Azure machine learning
- sierraecg — Sierra ECG Tools for Python
- sim2x — Cornerpoint simulations to (2) something else (x)
- simmate — Simmate is a toolbox for computational materials research.
- simple-backups — Simple backups library.
- simple-openai — Simple OpenAI API wrapper
- simple-plugin-framework — A Simple Plugin Framework
- simplepcap — A simple pcap library for Python
- singd — KFAC-like Structured Inverse-Free Natural Gradient Descent
- sirfshampoo — Structured inverse- and root-free Shampoo
- sirqle — SurrealDB Query Interface
- sis-great-ai — Transform your prototype AI code into production-ready software.
- sitemap_grabber — Grab and recursively parse website sitemaps, robots.txt, and other related files.
- skfeature-chappers — Unofficial Fork of Feature Selection Repository in Python (DMML Lab@ASU)
- skfeature-gli — Unofficial Fork of Feature Selection Repository in Python (DMML Lab@ASU)
- skforecast — Skforecast is a Python library for time series forecasting using machine learning models. It works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API, including popular options like LightGBM, XGBoost, CatBoost, Keras, and many others.
- sklearo — A versatile Python package featuring scikit-learn like transformers for feature preprocessing, compatible with all kind of dataframes thanks to narwhals.
- skorecard — Tools for building scorecard models in python, with a sklearn-compatible API
- sl10n — Static localization system that reduces the headache of working with localization
- sleap-io — Standalone utilities for working with pose data from SLEAP and other tools.
- slimfit — SymFit's little brother
- smartmultiprocessing — Memory-managed parallel computing for medium-sized computational tasks.
- smiffer — Compute possible interaction with fields arround protein or RNA.
- smsdrop-python — A python sdk for the platform
- snailz — Synthetic data generator for snail mutation survey
- solcast — a simple Python SDK for the Solcast API
- somap — Self-Organizing Maps in python
- sonyci — A Sony Ci api client
- sopa — Spatial-omics pipeline and analysis
- sovol-xy — Library for controlling the Sovol-SO1 xy plotter using the Marlin Firmware.
- sparecores-crawler — Pull and standardize data on cloud compute resources.
- speckcn2 — Estimate Cn2 from Speckle patterns using machine learning
- spirograph — A tool to help building ML pipeline easier for non technical users..
- spnkr — Python API for retrieving Halo Infinite multiplayer data.
- SPOEF — Signal PrOcEssing Features for transaction data
- spool — Send mails with yaml
- springtime — Spatiotemporal phenology research with interpretable models
- spurt — Spatial and Temporal phase Unwrapping for InSAR time-series
- spwk-cartesius — Benchmark & Pretraining for Cartesian coordinates feature extraction
- spyglass-neuro — Neuroscience data analysis framework for reproducible research
- sqlalchemy_database — SQLAlchemy-Database provides shortcut functions to common database operations for SQLAlchemy ORM.
- sqlalchemy-file — SQLAlchemy-file is a SQLAlchemy extension for attaching files to SQLAlchemy model and uploading them to various storage.
- sqly — Write SQL in SQL
- stac-geoparquet — no summary
- starlette-admin — Fast, beautiful and extensible administrative interface framework for Starlette/FastApi applications
- starlette-admin-fields — Extra fields to use with Starlette Admin
- starlette-bridge — The Starlette events bridge that you need.
- Starlette-Plus — Additional features, utilities and helpers for Starlette.
- start-ocr — Applying pdfplumber + opencv + pytesseract to extract content and metadata from formal PDF files.
- staticwordpress — Python Package for Converting WordPress Installation to a Static Website
- station-runtime — Runtime Manager, i.e. a running-man(ager), for setting up a set of service like processes that are asynchronously managed by triggers and fed data trough queues.
- statute-utils — Toolkit for Philippine rules.
- stdl — Extended Python Standard Library
- steam-magnetic-calculations — Auxiliary STEAM code to calculate magnetic fields.
- steam-sdk — Source code for APIs for STEAM tools.
- stepup — StepUp Core provides the basic framework for the StepUp build tool
- stepup-reprep — StepUp RepRep is the StepUp extension for Reproducible Reporting
- stmtools — space-time matrix for PS-InSAR application
- stochax — no summary
- stormtrooper — Transformer/LLM-based zero and few-shot classification in scikit-learn pipelines
- stow — stow artefacts anywhere, with ease
- strawman — Library for simple dummy objects
- streetscapes — Code for downloading, segmenting and analysing images from Mapillary and KartaView, with the aim of extracting the emissivity and albedo of buildings.