Reverse Dependencies of marshmallow
The following projects have a declared dependency on marshmallow:
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- otterpy — Otter - framework for microservices.
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- Oy — A lightweight, modular, and extensible content management system based on Flask.
- p4x — Philipp Tempel's Personal Python Package. Includes lots of self-made modules and methods.
- packitos — A set of tools to integrate upstream open source projects into Fedora operating system.
- paddock — An unofficial iRacing SDK based on ir_webstats.
- panoptes-ui — panoptes: monitor computational workflows in real time
- pantos-client-library — Client library for engaging with the Pantos system
- pantos-common — Common code for Pantos off-chain components.
- pantos-service-node — Pantos Service Node (reference implementation)
- pantos-validator-node — Pantos Validator Node (reference implementation)
- paperparser — A tool for parsing academic papers
- papert-lab — papertlab is an AI pair programmer in your browser.
- paramtools — Library for parameter processing and validation with a focus on computational modeling projects
- parler-api — Parler API library - v2.7
- passwordless — Python SDK
- paynlsdk — PayNL SDK
- paynlsdk2 — PayNL2 SDK
- pcce-api — Prisma Cloud Compute Edition API Client
- peach-partner — Peach Partner Library is a platform agnostic Python package to help integrating PeachPayments with their partners.
- peachpayments-partner-marshmallow — PeachPayments Partner Marshmallow library contains Marshmallow schemas to help integrate PeachPayments with their partners.
- pedroasad-marshmallow-patch — A set of patches to the excellect marshmallow library
- PF-Flask-Rest-Com — Flask REST API Common Implementation by Problem Fighter Library
- PF-Flask-Swagger — Flask Swagger Documentation by Problem Fighter Library
- pg2elastic — Enhanced PostgreSQL to Elasticsearch Data Synchronization
- pgpt — ProgramEngineerGPT is an interactive command line tool that leverages the power of AI to assist developers with code comprehension, exploration, and generation. It serves as a virtual assistant that can analyze codebases, answer queries about code, and even help in setting up new coding projects.
- pgsync — Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
- pgsync-fork — Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
- pgsync-kaboom — Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
- pidb — Population Imaging Database (pidb) is a tool for collecting derived data in population imaging studies.
- pinhook — a pluggable irc bot framework in python
- piny — Load YAML configs with environment variables interpolation
- pixelbin — Pixelbin SDK for Python
- plain.importmap — JavaScript import maps for Plain.
- plasgate-sms — Plasgate SMS API client
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- platformio — Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence. Unlock the true potential of embedded software development with PlatformIO's collaborative ecosystem, embracing declarative principles, test-driven methodologies, and modern toolchains for unrivaled success.
- playmobile-client — Python client for API
- plenario-core — abstract bases for plenario
- plotman — Chia plotting manager
- plotmanx — Chia plotting manager
- plume — Easy webapps with falcon & mongodb
- poetrybot — poetrybot is a Telegram bot to quote poems between friends.
- polyaxon-schemas — Schema definitions and validation for Polyaxon.
- polybar-clockify — Control Clockify through Polybar
- portainerlang — no summary
- portal-gun — A command line tool that automates repetitive tasks associated with the management of Spot Instances on Amazon EC2 service.
- postschema — Async python ORM for postgres
- potnanny — Potnanny grow room automation controller.
- potnanny-core — Part of the Potnanny greenhouse controller application. Contains all core models, schemas, db interfaces, and utilities.
- ppDLI — Package and utilities for distributed learning
- ppeservice — Personal website generator(could be any website or small services generator)
- preset-cli — A CLI to interact with Preset ( workspaces.
- privacy-api — API client for
- probely — CLI and SDK wrappers for Probely's API
- prompt-verse — The PromptVerse package is designed to enhance the capabilities of developers in writing prompts, logging them, and providing a prompt registry.
- promptflow-devkit — Prompt flow devkit
- promptwizard — Prompt Wizard is a package for evaluating custom prompts using various evaluation methods. It allows you to provide your own prompts or generate them automatically and then obtain the results in a JSON file.
- proofdock-chaos-middleware-python — A chaos engineering framework for Python applications.
- proofdock-reliability-platform-core — A chaos engineering framework for Python applications.
- prospyr — ProsperWorks client library
- protean — Protean Application Framework
- protean-flask — Protean Flask Extension
- proxysix — API wrapper for Proxy6
- pubtools-quay — Pubtools-quay
- pubtools-sign — Collection of tools producing signed artifacts
- pufo-twitter-bot — Pufo Twitter Bot
- pure-safetensors — Pure-Python safetensors
- pweb-form-rest — Make Form & REST API convention, Validate request and produce response for PWeb application. It can produce Swagger API Documentation as well
- py-front — Simple API wrapper for Front.
- py-help — python支撑库
- py-snatch — The Friendly Integration Library for Data Scientists. Don't You Just Know It?
- py-stac — Python command line and library utilities for interactingwith and creating STAC compliant files.
- py-testproject — Hypermodern Python testing
- pyape — The Python Application Programming Environment.
- pyaslengine — Python engine for Amazon States Language (ASL) specification that supports parsing and serialization of definitions, and a local interpreter to run them.
- pybanyan — API library and command-line interface for Banyan Security
- PyBeatSaver — Beat Saver API wrapper
- pybudgea — Budgea API Documentation
- pybunpro — REST client for Bunpro
- pychassislib — A lightweight Python distributed microservice library
- pycornmarsh — Automated OpenAPI documentation with Pyramid Cornice and Marshmallow
- pygitguardian — Python Wrapper for GitGuardian's API -- Scan security policy breaks everywhere
- pygot — A Python library for
- pyipv8 — The Python implementation of the IPV8 library
- pyjaniml — Classes for AniML handling
- pyjolt — A batteries included async-first python webframework
- pyjson-translator — A simple JSON to Python object translator
- pyloginsight-fork — VMware vRealize Log Insight Client
- pymarketstack — A python library for the marketstack API
- pynessie — Project Nessie: Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes with Git-like semantics
- pyodhean-server — Optimization of District Heating Networks
- pypn-habref-api — Python lib related to Habref referential (INPN)
- pypws — Python library supporting Phast Web Services
- pyramid-apispec — Pyramid plugin for openapi spec generation
- pyramid-marshmallow — Validate request and response data with Marshmallow and optionally generate an OpenAPI spec.
- pyrediscore — Low-level decorators for redis instance I/O operations
- Pyresponse — Package for creating success and error responses in Python Projects
- pyrh — Unofficial Robinhood Python API