Reverse Dependencies of marshmallow
The following projects have a declared dependency on marshmallow:
- tutorial-hypermodern-python-winand — The hypermodern Python project
- tyba-client — A Python API client for the Tyba Public API
- typedmongo — A production-ready modern Python MongoDB ODM
- typemallow2 — An elegant and automatic solution for generating/outputting Typescript interfaces and enums from your Marshmallow Schemas and enums classes.Extension of Aden Harold works on typemallow.
- types-smorest — Type Stubs for flask-smorest
- typical — Typical: Python's Typing Toolkit.
- udata-hydra — Async crawler and parsing service for
- umongo — sync/async MongoDB ODM, yes.
- unboxapi — The official Python API library for Unbox: the Testing and Debugging Platform for AI
- unmanic — A simple tool for optimising your video library to a single format
- unplugged — Django based plugin system
- uplink — A Declarative HTTP Client for Python.
- uri_handler — standardized operations on s3 and file uris
- urlDNA — The DNA test for websites.
- ussl — Пакет разработчиков USSC-SOC для упрощения взаимодействия с АРМ, серверами и сетевыми устройствами
- utils-flask-sqlalchemy — Python lib of tools for Flask and SQLAlchemy
- vaa — Validators Adapter. The common interface for all validators.
- valiant — Audit tool to help investigate Python dependencies
- Validata-API — Validata Web API
- validation-utils — Validation utils library
- vantage — Package and utilities for distributed learning
- vantage6-algorithm-store — Vantage6 algorithm store
- vantage6-backend-common — Vantage6 common backend functionalities
- vantage6-server — Vantage6 server
- varroa — Vulnerability management for Opentack
- vda — virtual disk array
- veriteos — Veriteos sentinel events registry
- vesselapi — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- victor-smart-kill — A simple unofficial async Python wrapper for Victor Smart-Kill API.
- victoria — Automation toolbelt -- a single command with multiple pluggable subcommands for automating any number of 'toil' tasks that inhibit productivity.
- victoria-gwemail-rebuilder — Victoria Plugin that allows the creation and DESTRUCTION of Glasswall Email on the cloud.
- victoria-rebuilder — Victoria Plugin that allows the creation and DESTRUCTION of SAAS on the cloud.
- vision-client-library — Client library for engaging with the Vision system
- vision-common — Common code for Vision-web3 off-chain components.
- visma — A Python Client/ORM library for integration to Visma e-Accounting, Visma e-Ekonomi
- vital-agent-container-sdk — Vital Agent Container SDK
- vnow-aider-chat — Vnow Fork of Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- vpplib — simulating distributed energy appliances in a virtual power plant
- vrs-clients — E360 Visualization Resource Clients for Python
- vsw — Command line tool for interacting with the verifiable software repository
- walnats — Nats-based event-driven background jobs and microservices framework.
- wappstore — Improve Web App discoverability
- warn-transformer — Consolidate, enrich and analyze the data gathered by warn-scraper
- waste-uploader — Upload script
- weatherflow4py — Python library used by Home Assistant to interact with the WeatherFlow REST API
- weavc-fir — no summary
- webargs — Declarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, Falcon, and aiohttp.
- webargs-starlette — Declarative request parsing and validation for Starlette with webargs
- webcoreframe — web develop core frame
- webull-options — no summary
- weeknotebot — A bot for generate WeekNote for Hugo
- wiki-con — A hypermodern Python console project
- windmill-airflow — no summary
- windsor — Bootstrap your AWS CDK project resources by running CLI commands
- wingmonkey — mailchimp api v3 client
- wingspan-benefits — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-bookkeeping — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-cms — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-experiments — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-files — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-integrations — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-notifications — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-payments — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-users — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wipo-gbd-pypers — Pypers package
- wok — Wok is a tool to manage several `git` repos in a single workspace.
- wordcloud-create-worker-NLEaser — Consumer do rabbit para gerar o wordcloud do dataset
- worf — Wade's own REST Framework: A more Djangonic approach to REST APIs
- wos-search-service — Web of Science Search Service
- writerai-api — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wsidicom — Tools for handling DICOM based whole scan images
- x-ae-a-12 — The X-AE-A-12 Python project
- xgclient — Python client for football (soccer) expected goals (xG) statistics API
- xiaogpt — Play ChatGPT or other LLM with xiaomi AI speaker
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- XTCryptoSignals — Platform that collects cryptocurrencies price data, fires alerts based on price sentiment and performs automatic trading.
- xxxy-cli — Command line tool for russell
- xxxy-test — Command line tool for russell
- yandex2lightroom — Python Script to download images from Yandex.Images for the use in Adobe Lightroom.
- yarn-dev-tools — no summary
- yggdrasil-shared — Yggdrasil Shared library
- yModel — Marshmallow subclasses with extended features
- youtube-summary — no summary
- zemfrog — Zemfrog is a simple framework based on flask for building a REST API quickly.
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zhixin — no summary
- zillion — Make sense of it all. Data modeling and analytics with a sprinkle of AI.
- zocalo — Infrastructure components for automated data processing at Diamond Light Source
- zoopla — A Python wrapper for the Zoopla API
- zpy-api-core — Helper layer for backend application development to Aws Lambda
- zpy-flask-msc — Helper layer for apis development with Python and Flask
- zsm — ZFS Snapshot Manager
- zsm-lib — ZFS Snapshot Manager Library
- zvtm — unified,modular quant framework for mysql