Reverse Dependencies of marshmallow
The following projects have a declared dependency on marshmallow:
- simple-smartsheet — Python library to interact with Smartsheet API
- sippers — sippers
- skatepark-lib — Python framework for AI workflows and pipelines.
- sleuth-pr — Pull request automation Django app
- SlideScore-sdk — SDK for using the API of Slide Score
- smore — A collection of utilities for designing and documenting RESTful APIs. Currently experimental.
- smores — Allows you to create a schema for templates with a tag syntax easy enough for end users.
- snark — Snark AI command line client
- snmpsim-control-plane — REST API driven management and monitoring supervisor to remotely operate SNMP simulator.
- snmpsim-control-plane-lextudio — REST API driven management and monitoring supervisor to remotely operate SNMP simulator.
- snow — Python asyncio library for ServiceNow
- snowstorm — ServiceNow library and UI
- soccer-sdk-utils — A python module housing Soccer SDK utilities
- social-gpt — Social gpt
- Soomgo-gather — no summary
- sos-access — Python client for sending alarm information via SOS Access v4
- sota-extractor — Automatic SOTA (state-of-the-art) extraction.
- spanconsumer — a declarative async framework for RabbitMQ consumers
- spanserver — a toolbox for REST apps
- spantools — a python template
- sparrow-loader — Utilities for loading data into Sparrow
- speakeasy-billing — Demo Billing SDK
- speakeasy-openai — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- spintop — The python client to
- splitio-requests — Admin API requests for humans
- splitsio — A Python implementation of the REST API.
- sqlask — lightweight python framework for webapplications
- SQLMatches — SQLMatches, match & demos recorder.
- sremail — Python package to make it easier to handle email.
- sslcommerz-sdk — Sslcommerz SDK for python
- st-schema-python — SmartThings Schema Connector Python SDK
- starknet-devnet — A local testnet for Starknet
- — A python SDK for StarkNet
- starknet-py-unbroken — A python SDK for Starknet
- starknet-simple-deploy — Starknet Simple Deploy
- starlette-api — Starlette API layer inherited from APIStar
- starlette-jsonapi — Tiny wrapper on starlette and marshmallow-jsonapi for fast JSON:API compliant python services.
- starlette-web — Asynchronous web framework, based on Starlette and inspired by Django
- starmallow — StarMallow framework
- statey — Graph-based provisioning framework.
- sticky-marshmallow — sticky-marshmallow provides RDMS style persistence for marshmallow schemas
- stqe — Python modules to manage SAN devices
- streamline-trp — no summary
- structure-py — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- subhelper — Helper scripts for submission to ena (microbial + sarscov2) and gisaid (sarscov2 only)
- super-ide — A professional Cross-platform IDE. Cross-platform IDE and Unified Debugger. Static Code Analyzer and Remote Unit Testing. Multi-platform and Multi-architecture Build System. Firmware File Explorer and Memory Inspection. IoT, Arduino, CMSIS, ESP-IDF, FreeRTOS, libOpenCM3, mbedOS, Pulp OS, SPL, STM32Cube, Zephyr RTOS, ARM, AVR, Espressif (ESP8266/ESP32), FPGA, MCS-51 (8051), MSP430, Nordic (nRF51/nRF52), NXP i.MX RT, PIC32, RISC-V, STMicroelectronics (STM8/STM32), Teensy
- supersecret — SuperSecret is a Python library for managing secrets in AWS Secrets Manager.
- surrealdb — SurrealDB python client
- swag-client — Cloud multi-account metadata management tool.
- swagger-marshmallow-codegen — "generating marshmallow's schema from swagger definition file"
- swap-python-sdk — SWAP Python SDK
- Swarm-Plus — Swarm-Plus is a Python framework developed by Vishnu Durairaj. for developing AI agents equipped with specialized roles and tools to handle complex user requests efficiently.
- sweetrpg-client — no summary
- sweetrpg-db — no summary
- sweetrpg-model-core — no summary
- syngen — The tool uncovers patterns, trends, and correlations hidden within your production datasets.
- syngen-databricks — The tool uncovers patterns, trends, and correlations hidden within your production datasets.
- taranis-ng-core — Taranis-NG Core
- tcgplayersdk — A sorta-typed SDK that barely works with Dataclasses and TCGPlayer's API all at once.
- tcutils — TropiCoders Utility Library
- teal — RESTful Flask for big applications.
- tefas-crawler — Crawl the public data from Tefas.
- tefas-wrapper — Tefas wrapper to fetch funds data from
- telstar — Telstar is a package to write producer and consumers groups against redis streams.
- Tera-CDP-ETL-dev — A small example package
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- terracotta — A modern XYZ tile server written in Python
- teshu — teshu rest framework
- testplan — Testplan testing framework
- testrail-yak — Python library for interacting with the TestRail API, built on top of gurock's
- textrepo-client — A Python client to access a textrepo server
- tf-ecosystem — A framework for initialising a terraform environment
- thds.atacama — A Marshmallow schema generator for `attrs` classes. Inspired by `desert`.
- the-running-api — A library for analyzing data from distance runners
- theatro-cfg-loader — A library that allows to easily load configuration settings.
- thola-snmpsim-control-plane — SNMP Simulator Control Plane.
- thomas-server — Thomas' RESTful API and webinterface.
- tic-tac-toe-backend — Tic Tac Toe Backend Python Client SDK
- ticketsdk — ticket SDK for Python
- tid-gradient-boosting-model — Gradient boosting regression model from Train In Data.
- TideServer — Flask REST API to supply tidal gravity corrections
- tilapya — TransLink Open API, in Python.
- Timetrap-Youtrack — Timetrap youtrack terminal command for sending your worktime to youtrack
- tiyaro — Tiyaro Python Package Index
- tlsmate — Simulate a TLS client and scan a TLS server
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- toodledo — Python wrapper for the Toodledo v3 API which is documented at
- topdrawersoccer-sdk — A python module for scraping TopDrawerSoccer.
- topless — Tailored OPerations for serverLESS
- toriicli — CLI utility for Torii
- tornado_battery — utilities that help write tornado apps quickly and easily
- tornado-widgets — Easier Tornado Web Application Development
- trailblazer — Keep track of and manage analyses
- transbank-sdk — Transbank Python SDK
- transform-data-schema — Define the shape and validate data
- tribler — Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
- TRIQ-Model — Random Forest Model to predict when a user should take a break
- tuicub — Online multiplayer board game in your terminal.
- tuicubserver — Back-end for tuicub - online multiplayer board game in your terminal.
- tutompy — The hypermodern Python project