Reverse Dependencies of marshmallow
The following projects have a declared dependency on marshmallow:
- abrechnung — Abrechnung - feature complete payment management and bookkeeping.
- absio — Python Absio Library
- acapy-agent — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- acapy-agent-jamie-testing — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- acapy-patched — no summary
- acapy-patched-old — no summary
- acapy-wallet-groups-plugin — Agent plugin to add a group id to a wallet
- aceql — Python 3 Client toolkit for easy access of remote SQL databases managed with AceQL HTTP.
- aclients — 基础封装库
- acquantum-qiskit — A qiskit provider for the Alibaba's quantum computer.
- acryl-datahub-airflow-plugin — Datahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- act-workflow — A library for executing workflow nodes based on Actfile configuration
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- advent-of-code-wim — Wim's solutions for
- affo-event-service — no summary
- agreement-api — Provides an Api powered by flask and connexion.
- ahbicht — Python Library to parse AHB expressions.
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- aibs-informatics-core — Core package for informatics projects at the Allen Institute for Brain Science
- aide-sdk — AI Deployment Engine SDK. This package allows you to build AI inference models to be run on the AIDE platform.
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aiohttp-apigami — API documentation and validation for aiohttp using apispec
- aiohttp-boilerplate — no summary
- aiohttp-rest-framework — Rest framework for aiohttp web server
- aiohttp-ws — Nano-framework for working with websockets, powered by aiohttp and redis
- aionewsapi — Asyncio client for interacting with
- aioqueuerpc — JSON RPC with asyncio queues (no transport layer implementation).
- aiosnow — Asynchronous Python ServiceNow library
- aiowrpr — no summary
- air-sdk-python — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- airbyte-api — Python Client SDK for Airbyte API
- airflow-aggua-plugin — Exposes 'Aggua' Apache Airflow management capabilities via secure API
- airflow-api-plugin — Exposes 'Aggua' Apache Airflow management capabilities via secure API
- airflow-windmill — Drag'N'Drop Web Frontend for Building and Managing Airflow DAGs
- aki — Wok is a tool to manage several `git` repos in a single workspace.
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- aliceplex-schema — Schema library for Plex
- aliceplex-serialize — Serialization library for Plex
- aliyunoss2-autoupload — Monitor files by wildcard patterns, upload them to ALIYUN OSS, then move to backup directory.
- allophant — A multilingual phoneme recognizer capable of generalizing zero-shot to unseen phoneme inventories.
- alloy-python-sdk-ai — Alloy Python SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- always-list-field — Ensure that your schema field will be a list
- amazon-textract-idp-cdk-manifest — Amazon Textract IDP CDK Manifest
- amazon-textract-response-parser — Easily parse JSON returned by Amazon Textract.
- ambiverseclient — no summary
- amqp-framework — Awesome producers and consumers powered by aio_pika.
- amr-um — Unified Messaging for AMR and MDM systems. A way to enable and simplify multi-utility operations.
- amundsen-common — Common code library for Amundsen
- amundsen-frontend — Web UI for Amundsen
- amundsen-metadata — Metadata service for Amundsen
- amundsen-metadata-neo4j4 — Metadata service for Amundsen
- amundsen-search — Search Service for Amundsen
- analyser-hj3415 — Stock analyser and database processing programs
- ansible-role-algosec — Set of Ansible modules for AlgoSec services management
- ansys-hps-client — A python client for Ansys HPC Platform Services
- antistasi_logbook — Antistasi Logbook
- anyblok_bus — Bus for anyblok
- anyblok_marshmallow — Add validator, serializer and deserializer to AnyBlok
- anywhere — Turn logical sentences into serializable, executable queries.
- apartment-browser — Backend used by "apartment browser" web extensions
- api-client-lnx-edge — Client for the LNX Edge API
- api-entreprise — no summary
- api-orm — Interact with API endpoints as Python objects and manage resources in an ORMy way
- apiFlask — A lightweight web API framework based on Flask and marshmallow-code projects.
- apispec — A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification).
- apispec-hapic-marshmallow — Marshmallow apispec plugin for hapic
- apispec-marshmallow-advanced — Marshmallow apispec plugin for hapic
- apispec-oneofschema — Plugin for apispec providing support for Marshmallow-OneOfSchema schemas
- apispec-swaggerinherit — Plugin for apispec adding support for Swagger-style inheritance using `allOf`
- apitable — APITable OpenAPI Python SDK
- app-common-libs — Mobilads common libs and functions for backend application
- aprsd — APRSd is a APRS-IS server that can be used to connect to APRS-IS and send and receive APRS packets.
- archer-tools — Archer Tools CLI for multiple things!.
- archive-query-log — Mining Millions of Search Result Pages of Hundreds of Search Engines from 25 Years of Web Archives.
- areader — Terminal based archives reader for Hyperkitty, GNU Mailman's archiver
- argschema — a wrapper for setting up modules that can have parameters specified by command line arguments, json_files, or dictionary objects. Providing a common wrapper for data processing modules.
- aries-cloudagent — Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- aries-cloudagent-vsw — no summary
- arquants — arquants strategy engine
- astraszab-hypermodern-python — The hypermodern Python project
- attrs-marshmallow — no summary
- attrsmallow — Integration of attrs and marshmallow.
- authease — Authease is a lightweight and flexible authentication package for Django, offering essential tools for secure user authentication, including JWT support, with minimal setup required.
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- auto-pr — Perform bulk updates across repositories
- auto-switch-providers — Auto Switch Providers
- AutoMD — AutoMD is a documentation library for Flask APIs build with FlaskRESTful and Webargs.
- avatar-utils — Common utils for services in ecosystem
- Avlos — Avlos Remote Object Templating System
- awokado — Fast and flexible API framework based on Falcon and SQLAlchemy
- aws-gate — aws-gate - AWS SSM Session Manager client CLI
- aws-iam-generator — Utilities package for pynamodb.
- aws-parallelcluster — AWS ParallelCluster is an AWS supported Open Source cluster management tool to deploy and manage HPC clusters in the AWS cloud.
- axonius-api-client — Axonius API client for Python
- azure-ai-ml — Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python
- azureml-assets — Utilities for publishing assets to Azure Machine Learning system registries.
- azureml-featurestore — Azure Machine Learning Feature Store SDK
- babbagecoin — Second edition of Project Babbage, create a blockchain from scratch.
- badwolf — Docker based continuous integration and code lint review system for BitBucket
- barnhunt — Helpers for drawing Barn Hunt course maps using Inkscape