Reverse Dependencies of lz4
The following projects have a declared dependency on lz4:
- AERzip — Useful tools to compress and decompress AEDAT files in Python
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- aigc-evals — aigc_evals
- aioinflux — Asynchronous Python client for InfluxDB
- aiotrino — Asyncio client for the Trino distributed SQL Engine
- airqtl — Array of Interleaved Repeats for Quantitative Trait Loci
- aiuna — Science as data transformation
- amulet-core — A Python library for reading/writing Minecraft's various save formats.
- amunpy — Python Interface for the AMUN code's snapshots
- anchorage — Anchor your little piece of internet.
- anson — Columnar Data Format
- ap-mal — Import and Export of lists between Anime-Planet and MyAnimeList
- APIDevTools — All in one tools for API development.
- apipt — Install Python packages by apt
- appfl — An open-source package for privacy-preserving federated learning
- aquacropgym — openai-gym crop simulation environment
- arctic — AHL Research Versioned TimeSeries and Tick store
- arctic-aarch64 — AHL Research Versioned TimeSeries and Tick store
- arctic-latest — AHL Research Versioned TimeSeries and Tick store. We are publishing the latest version of it.
- arcticdb — ArcticDB DataFrame Database
- asamint — Adds high-level, convenience, integration related functions for several opensource projects.
- asammdf — ASAM MDF measurement data file parser
- asdf — Python implementation of the ASDF Standard
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- asynch — An asyncio driver for ClickHouse with native TCP support
- asynch-lxneng — A asyncio driver for ClickHouse with native tcp protocol
- asynch-tikon93 — A asyncio driver for ClickHouse with native tcp protocol
- asyncio-rpc — Asyncio RPC client/server with redis/msgpack/dataclasses
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- aylien-message-puller — Tool for pulling messages from pubsub subscriptions
- bagbag — An all in one python library
- baluchon — A tool for managing migrations in Clickhouse
- barman — Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
- barracks — Simple file storing util for reading & writing series of data for data mining
- bigeye-sdk — Bigeye SDK offers developer tools and clients to interact with Bigeye programmatically.
- browser-cookie-3x — Loads cookies from your browser into a cookiejar object so can download with urllib and other libraries the same content you see in the web browser.
- browser-cookie3 — Loads cookies from your browser into a cookiejar object so can download with urllib and other libraries the same content you see in the web browser.
- browser-cookie4 — Original author Boris Babic
- browsercookie — Loads cookies from your browser into a cookiejar object so can download with urllib and other libraries the same content you see in the web browser.
- bssapi — Функционал перефирийного взаимодействия корпоративной учетной системы BSS
- buildbot — The Continuous Integration Framework
- bytehouse-connect — ClickHouse Database Core Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- bytehouse-driver — Python driver with native interface for ByteHouse
- c2dataviewer — Python based data viewer for next generation of APS control system (C2)
- caasm-adapter-sdk — 未岚科技CAASM平台适配器SDK
- cached-historical-data-fetcher — Python utility for fetching any historical data using caching.
- CADPR — Standardize and Automate processes utilized by the DAMs at Nike in CA
- canopy-sdk — Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) framework and context engine powered by Pinecone
- capreolus — A toolkit for end-to-end neural ad hoc retrieval
- catalyst-rl — Catalyst.RL. PyTorch framework for RL research.
- chatgptTTS — This is the simplest module for AI Conversations with TTS.
- cherry-indexer — A flexible blockchain indexing and data processing pipeline
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chimerapy — ChimeraPy: Python Distributed MultiModal Data Framework
- chimerapy-engine — ChimeraPy-Engine: The Cluster Networking Engine for the ChimeraPy framework
- clarinpl-embeddings — no summary
- clickhouse-connect — ClickHouse Database Core Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- clickhouse-connect-demo — ClickHouse Database Core Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- clickhouse-connect-micropip — ClickHouse Database Core Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- clickhouse-driver — Python driver with native interface for ClickHouse
- cloudam-stream — no summary
- cloudly — Utilities for cloud computing.
- cloudspeak — Set of python tools that eases integration of cloud services in Python projects
- cnspy-rosbag2csv — ROS1 rosbag to CSV file converter and vice versa.
- cnspy-rosbag2image — ROS1 rosbag to image file converter.
- coax — Plug-n-play reinforcement learning with Gymnasium and JAX
- coffea — Basic tools and wrappers for enabling not-too-alien syntax when running columnar Collider HEP analysis.
- coiled-runtime — Simple and fast way to get started with Dask
- colaburl — Colab URL Generator from Code
- compress — Package short description.
- compress-pickle — Standard pickle, wrapped with standard compression libraries
- ConfigHandler-python — Create, update, and remove values from a configuration file made by ConfigHandler.
- connector-factory — Connector Factory;
- construct — A powerful declarative symmetric parser/builder for binary data
- corintick — Column-based datastore for historical timeseries
- covigator — no summary
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- dask — Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling
- data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- databricks-sql-connector — Databricks SQL Connector for Python
- databricks-sql-connector-core — Databricks SQL Connector core for Python
- datachain — Wrangle unstructured AI data at scale
- datasets — HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of datasets
- datasets-fast — Optimisations for HuggingFace Datasets with array features
- datim — Data as an image.
- dbdreader — A python module to access binary data files generated by Teledyne WebbResearch gliders
- dcompressee — A small library to return temporary decompressed files when one needs them.
- debgpt — DebGPT -- General Purpose Terminal LLM Tool with Some Debian-Specific Design
- decentmesh — Simple connection over decentralized network
- dedl-stack-client — Python client for DEDL Stack services
- demography-datamoo-faceviz — Age and Gender detection using PyQt UI
- dexteritysdk — Client for Dexterity - a modular derivatives decentralized exchange reference implementation
- DI-engine — Decision AI Engine
- diaspora-python — Pure Python client for Apache Kafka
- diengine-connect — Diengine core driver, SqlAlchemy, and Superset libraries
- diffsyncer — A tool to auto sync git diffs to a remote server
- dingodb — dingodb is dingodb sdk
- dioptra — Client library to log data to Dioptra API
- dissect.squashfs — A Dissect module implementing a parser for the SquashFS file system, commonly used in appliance or device firmware
- dissect.util — A Dissect module implementing various utility functions for the other Dissect modules