Reverse Dependencies of lz4
The following projects have a declared dependency on lz4:
- dpsutil — This repository contain all util
- dumpyara — Android firmware extractor
- dvcx — DVCx
- dvplc — CLI app to convert Dava SmartDLC .dvpl files used in's World of Tanks Bliz MMO game
- eko — Evolution Kernel Operators
- emptydrops — Python implementation of emptydrops() in CellRanger v3.0.2
- era-5g-interface — An interface for 5G-ERA Network Applications
- evals — no summary
- evals-nightly — no summary
- evo-framework — evo framework python
- ezfs — Minimalistic virtual filesystem adapters for Python
- farmi — Multisensory processing framework
- fastavro — Fast read/write of AVRO files
- fastavro-gen — Generation of classes from Avro schemas
- fastBloomFilter — A fast and simple probabilistic bloom filter that supports compression
- faststream-compressors — A middleware for the FastStream framework to support message compression.
- FastWARC — A high-performance WARC parsing library for Python written in C++/Cython.
- feagi-agent — Feagi agent to work with general and simulation robots
- feagi-connector — Feagi agent to work with general and simulation robots
- fieldcompare — Read and compare numerical data against reference data using exact, fuzzy or custom comparison operations. Simplify your regression testing pipeline.
- filepack — A user-friendly interface for handling files, archives, and compressed files in Python
- files3 — (pickle+lz4 based) save Python objects in binary to the file system and manage them.
- finlab — Analyzing stock has never been easier.
- finrl-meta — FinRL-Meta: A Universe of Market Environments for Data-Driven Financial Reinforcement Learning
- firefed — A tool for Firefox profile analysis, data extraction, forensics and hardening
- firefox-open-tabs — Get information about currently opened tabs in Firefox
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- flow.record — A library for defining and creating structured data (called records) that can be streamed to disk or piped to other tools that use flow.record
- fnal-column-analysis-tools — Tools for doing Collider HEP style analysis with columnar operations at Fermilab
- FontTools — Tools to manipulate font files
- freaddb — Fast Read DB
- fsspec — File-system specification
- fudstop — no summary
- fudstop2 — no summary
- fukkatsu — Dynamic Software Improvement and Mutation using LLMs for Stochastic Synthetic Code Injections.
- gatetools — Python tools for GATE, see
- gawseed-threat-feed-tools — Tools to search network data logs for threat feed data
- generic-encoders — A set of encoders which provide a simple string/byte based interface.
- gnocchi — Metric as a Service
- gobigger — Go-Bigger: Multi-Agent Decision Intelligence Environment
- good-clickhouse — Add your description here
- gpt-readme-reader — A utility to extract setup commands from a GitHub repository
- graphchain — An efficient cache for the execution of dask graphs.
- graphsense-lib — Graphsense backend lib and automation cli
- gym-recorder — A simple and ubiquitous transition recorder wrapper for Gym Environments to facilitate offline reinforcement learning dataset manufacturing.
- hashstash — A simple file-based caching system using hash-based file names
- hdict — A versatile dictionary based on a novel paradigm useful for computing, caching, experiments, distributed data, among others.
- hepaccelerate — Fast kernels for analyzing jagged columnar data common in high-energy physics.
- hhdm-apiclient-wrapper — Wrapper for use of the HH Data Management Api Client
- HlightReaxMD — Projects for analysis of cascade collision processes and molecular chemical reactions
- hopeit.engine — Hopeit Engine: Microservices with Streams
- ht2 — Just a bag of quality of life tools for Machine Learning Engineers
- hub-v1 — Activeloop Hub
- huggingface-tool — Toolkit for managing huggingface models and datasets
- ibm-watson-machine-learning — IBM Watson Machine Learning API Client
- ibm-watsonx-ai — IBM API Client
- idict — Lazy dict with predictable deterministic universally unique identifiers
- imagebackup — Python package to read partclone, partimage and ntfsclone backup images & utility to mount images as virtual partitions.
- imaxt-mosaic — Image stitching
- imix — multimodal deep learning framework
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- impresso-essentials — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- ipytablewidgets — A set of widgets to help facilitate reuse of large tables across widgets
- ir-axioms — Intuitive interface to many IR axioms.
- ir-datasets — provides a common interface to many IR ad-hoc ranking benchmarks, training datasets, etc.
- jamboree — A multi-layer event sourcing and general data library. SQL, Search, Event Sourcing, and File/Model storage combined into one.
- jks-system — JKS Measurement database system
- jy_lib — Python SDK for jyfund
- kafka-client-new — no summary
- kafka-python-ng — Pure Python client for Apache Kafka
- keyvalues3 — Read and write Valve's KeyValues3 format
- kf-d3m-primitives — All Kung Fu D3M primitives as a single library
- kgtk — no summary
- kgtk-wukunhuan — no summary
- kiara — Data-centric workflow orchestration.
- klog-sdk — Kingsoft Log Service SDK
- kompress — pathlib.Path adapters to transparently read data from compressed files and folders
- konfuzio-sdk — Konfuzio Software Development Kit
- langchain-g4f — LangChain gpt4free is an open-source project that assists in building applications using LLM (Large Language Models) and provides free access to GPT4/3.5.
- leveled-hotbackup-s3-sync — Tool to syncrhonise LevelEd hotbackup files to Amazon S3
- libhum — Libhum is a Python GPU-accelerated library to extract and compare Electricity Frequency Signals (ENF)
- lifeblood — LIFEBLOOD !!
- lifeblood-viewer — view the LIFEBLOOD !!
- live-trading-indicators — A package for obtaining quotation data from various sources and saving them to a database. Quotes can be quickly extracted and used for calculations and forecasts. It is possible to receive and process data in real time. There are a significant number of ready-to-use indicators. The integrity of the data stored in the database is carefully monitored.
- llm-foundry — LLM Foundry
- llmbench-cmri — A framework for load testing llmbench APIs
- log2s3 — log directory management CLI utility
- LogQS — A client for interacting with the LogQS Service.
- lqs-client — LogQS Client
- lz4unipy — unity3d compatible lz4 (un)compress tool working on Python3.
- mabel — Python Data Libraries
- MagneticReadoutProcessing — This library was created for the Low-Field MRI project and allows processing of data measured by magnetic field sensors. The focus is on visualization, followed by the provision of simple interfaces to work with this data. In general its possible to use this lib on all kinds of sensor data.
- marv-robotics — Data management platform for robot logs
- mcap — MCAP libraries for Python
- mddatasetbuilder — A script to generate molecular dynamics (MD) datasets for machine learning from given LAMMPS trajectories automatically.
- mdw — High Energy Photon Source Big Data Pipe Network
- modelforge — APIs and tools to work with abstract "models" - files with numpy arrays and metadata. It is possible to publish models, list them. There is a built-in cache. Storage has backends.
- modulename — this is a description
- mozi-ai — 墨子AI:军事人工智能领航者, developed by HSFW
- ms-entropy — This package provides a Python implementation of calculating spectral entropy, entropy similarity, and Flash entropy search for mass spectrometry data.