Reverse Dependencies of lz4
The following projects have a declared dependency on lz4:
- msgpack-lz4block — Deserialize and decompress messages serialized by the C# lib "MessagePack-CSharp" using lz4block compression.
- mt-aws-utils — no summary
- mtcnn — Multitask Cascaded Convolutional Networks for face detection and alignment (MTCNN) in Python >= 3.10 and TensorFlow >= 2.12
- muax — A library written in Jax that provides help for using DeepMind's mctx on gym-style environments.
- mxdc — Mx Data Collector
- mxio — A Simple X-ray Area Detector Data IO Library
- mysqlx-connector-python — A Python driver which implements the X DevAPI, an Application Programming Interface for working with the MySQL Document Store.
- nanocube — Lightning fast OLAP-style point queries on Pandas DataFrames.
- neo-mamba — Python SDK for the NEO 3 blockchain
- neo3-python — Python SDK for the NEO 3 blockchain
- NikeCA — Standardize and Automate processes
- nndm-library — Library to read particle files and apply machine learning to them
- nollama — A terminal-based interface for interacting with large language models (LLMs)
- ognibuild — Detect and run any build system
- omlish — omlish
- oneliner-utils — One-line Utils for Python
- oonidata — no summary
- open-tab-tracker — Graphs how many open tabs you have in your browsers.
- openplugin-py — Toolkit and Collection for Plugins of Large Language Models
- opensafely-cohort-extractor — no summary
- oradad-file — Oradad File reader in python3
- otpme — OTPme: A flexible One-Time-Password system
- outrun — Delegate execution of a local command to a remote machine.
- p115cipher — 115 cipher module.
- package-hub-test — demo
- papdl — no summary
- pdroot — utilities for working with ROOT files and pandas
- pfb-imaging — Radio interferometric imaging suite based on a preconditioned forward-backward approach
- pinecone — Pinecone client and SDK
- pinecone-client — Pinecone client and SDK
- pinecone-client-nightly — Pinecone client and SDK
- pinefarm — Generate PineAPPL grids from PineCards.
- pit30m — Development kit for the Pit30M large scale localization dataset
- plume-python — Set of utilities to work with PLM record files.
- poktbot — Pocket telegram bot for handling nodes tracking information and stats
- practicus — Practicus AI is an end-to-end Data Science platform, which works like a spreadsheet.
- practicuscore — Practicus AI core library is the SDK that offers programmatic access for Practicus AI platform
- proJSON — A python library to compress a dict into a bytearray.
- proton-driver — Python driver with native interface for Proton
- pvapy — Python library for EPICS PV Access
- py-config-handler — Create, update, and remove values from a configuration file made by ConfigHandler.
- py-data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- py115 — Python SDK for 115 cloud storage service.
- py115j — Python SDK for 115 cloud storage service.
- Py3ComUtils — A collection of commonly used utility functions for Python 3
- py3dtiles — Python module for 3D tiles format
- PyAFF4 — Advanced Forensic Format Version 4 (AFF4) Python module.
- pyalbert — The Albert toolkit -- CLI, libraries and lexicons
- pybiographs — Graphs of biological data for research.
- pydvpl — A CLI Tool Coded In Python3 To Convert WoTB ( Dava ) SmartDLC DVPL File Based On LZ4 High Compression.
- pyepwmorph — A python package to enable simple and easy gathering of climate model data and morphing of EPW files
- pymagnitude-light — Magnitude fork that only supports Word2Vec, GloVe and fastText embeddings
- pymagnitude-lite — Magnitude fork that only supports Word2Vec, GloVe and fastText embeddings
- pymars — MARS: a tensor-based unified framework for large-scale data computation.
- pyrefox — Firefox tools
- pyriksprot — Python API for Riksdagens Protokoll
- pyrodigal — Cython bindings and Python interface to Prodigal, an ORF finder for genomes and metagenomes.
- pysandra — Python driver for Cassandra focusing on asyncio users (INCOMPLETE).
- pytblocklib — a python library for youtube blocking function.
- pyterrier-caching — Caching components for PyTerrier
- python-fsrpcclient — Fusion Solutions RPC client
- pytorchrl — Disributed RL implementations with ray and pytorch.
- pywxdump — 微信信息获取工具
- qc-benchmark-dwave — caict qc benchmark tooklit for Dwave Leap cloud
- qcware — The python client for QC Ware's Forge SaaS quantum computing product
- quantile-data-kit — An internal Quantile development kit for making working with data easier
- quickdump — Quickly store arbitrary Python objects in unique files.
- ranx — ranx: A Blazing-Fast Python Library for Ranking Evaluation, Comparison, and Fusion
- ratarmountcore — Random Access To Archived Resources Library
- ReacNetGenerator — ReacNetGenerator: An automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.
- redvox — Library for working with RedVox files.
- redvox-base — Specifies base dependencies used by multiple RedVox, Inc projects.
- reinforced-lib — Reinforcement learning library
- remotedict — Remote dictionary backed up by cloud services
- reolinkfw — Extract information and files from Reolink firmwares.
- ReplayTables-andnp — A simple replay buffer implementation in python for sampling n-step trajectories
- resworb — Manage browser data in Python.
- rlgraph — A Framework for Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning
- robustraster — Running user-defined functions on large datasets via out-of-core computation simplfied.
- rogue-tools — private tools
- rosbags — Pure Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files.
- rtx-torch — rtx - Pytorch
- ruamel.yaml.cmd — commandline utility to manipulate YAML files
- runnel — Distributed event processing for Python based on Redis Streams
- runnelpy — Distributed event processing for Python based on Redis Streams
- safeserializer — Hopefully safe and deterministic serializer to binary format, including Pandas data
- salmon-triplets — Efficient crowdsourcing for ordinal embeddings
- sc-file — Utility & Library for decoding stalcraft assets
- sdc11073 — Pure python implementation of IEEE11073 SDC protocol
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- sedpack — General ML dataset package
- serde2 — Utilities for deserializing/serializing Python objects
- servicex-transformer — ServiceX Data Transformer for HEP Data
- sf-hamilton — Hamilton, the micro-framework for creating dataframes.
- sgm-data — Module for loading, interpolating and plotting data taken at the SGM Beamline at the Canadian Light Source.
- shareddata — Memory Mapped / Shared Memory Database with S3 repository
- shelchemy — Shelve-like dict using sqlalchemy as a backend, and lazy scheduler for resuming tasks
- shockdb — A python wrapper on lmdb for a simple dbm key-value database
- signed-pickle — Description