Reverse Dependencies of kaleido
The following projects have a declared dependency on kaleido:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- abrain — NeuroEvolution in Python backed by C++ computations
- AbStochKin — Agent-based Stochastic Kinetics: A method for simulating the dynamics of heterogeneous populations.
- ac_solver — no summary
- academia-rl — Easy-to-use tools for Curriculum Learning
- adelecv — no summary
- adviz — advertools visualizations
- agamPrimer — A package to design primers in Anopheles gambiae whilst considering genetic variation with malariagen_data
- aiidalab-qe-vibroscopy — AiiDAlab QE plugin for vibrational spectoscopies.
- airi-test-task — This library contains the code used to run a test job to AIRI.
- aksara — Aksara is an Indonesian NLP tool that conforms to the Universal Dependencies (UD) v2
- alphamap — Peptide level analysis of bottom-up proteomics data
- alphaml — Build a CLETE Binary Classification Model
- alphastats — An open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- analyser-hj3415 — Stock analyser and database processing programs
- AnoPrimer — A package to design primers in Anopheles gambiae whilst considering genetic variation with malariagen_data
- anrg.saga — Collection of schedulers for distributed computing
- antm — Aligned Neural Topic Model for Exploring Evolving Topics
- appia — Chromatography processing made easy
- apple-health-parser — Python package to parse, analyse, and plot Apple HealthKit data
- arctic3d — Automatic Retrieval and ClusTering of Interfaces in Complexes from 3D structural information
- arrayed-degradation-assay — Analyse the data for RNA stability assay
- assess-gtfs — Inspect & validate General Transit Feed Specification
- astartes — Train:Test Algorithmic Sampling for Molecules and Arbitrary Arrays
- ausdex — A Python package for adjusting Australian dollars for inflation
- auto-circuit — no summary
- auto-synthetic-data-platform — Google EMEA gTech Ads Data Science Team's solution to create privacy-safe synthetic data out of real data. The solution is a wrapper around the synthcity package ( simplifying the process of model tuning.
- axforchemistry — Bayesian optimization of formulations via Adaptive Experimentation (Ax) platform.
- axon-synthesis — A package to synthesize artificial axons
- backfillz — MCMC visualisations package developed at the University of Warwick and supported by The Alan Turing Institute.
- bamdash — create a interactive coverage plot dashboard from bam files and add gb, vcf and bed tracks
- BarViz — A simple python module to visualize barycentric data.
- basana — A Python async and event driven framework for algorithmic trading, with a focus on crypto currencies.
- bciavm — bciAVM is a machine learning pipeline used to predict property prices.
- beeoptimal — A Python implementation of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) optimization algorithm
- berteley — Topic modeling for scientific articles
- betting-env — Create a custom GYM environment to simulate trading strategy.
- bidsmreye — bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data
- binn — A package to generate and interpret biologically informed neural networks.
- bl-vanna — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- blotly — 基于cufflinks的绘图工具
- body-organ-analysis — BOA is a tool for segmentation of CT scans developed by the SHIP-AI group at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ( Combining the TotalSegmentator and the Body Composition Analysis, this tool is capable of analyzing medical images and identifying the different structures within the human body, including bones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels.
- boppf — Bayesian optimization of particle packing fractions.
- botorch — Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch
- braian — A python library for easy navigation, visualisation, and analysis of whole-brain quantification data.
- BraineryWiz — OpenSees Plotting Package
- bunkatopics — Bunkatopics is a Topic Modeling package and Exploration Module
- captn-nanobit-client — Project for captn-nanobit client
- ccsd — CCSD (Combinatorial Complex Score-based Diffusion) is a sophisticated score-based diffusion model designed to generate Combinatorial Complexes using Stochastic Differential Equations. This cutting-edge approach enables the generation of complex objects with higher-order structures and relations, thereby enhancing our ability to learn underlying distributions and produce more realistic objects.
- celescope — Single Cell Analysis Pipelines
- cell-decipher — Spatial-omics data embedding and analysis
- cellpy — Extract and manipulate data from battery data testers.
- CHAID — A CHAID tree building algorithm
- chart-builder — A library for building customizable charts in Python
- chemcharts — ChemCharts: Chemical Space Visualizer
- chemdraw — Drawing molecules
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chipscopy — Open-source project from Xilinx® that enables high-level control of Versal debug IP running in hardware
- citelang — Credit parser and markdown language for scientific software.
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- cl-runtime — CompatibL Runtime Community Edition
- climaticai — climaticai is a library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines
- codechembook — Companion package to 'Coding for Chemists' containing helpful functions for common tasks.
- cogent3 — COmparative GENomics Toolkit 3: genomic sequence analysis within notebooks or on compute systems with 1000s of CPUs.
- cohort-creator — Creates a neuroimaging cohort by aggregating data across datasets.
- CollabAgents — CollabAgents is a Python framework developed by Vishnu D. for developing AI agents equipped with specialized roles and tools to handle complex user requests efficiently. Users have 100 percent control over their prompts.
- comfit — no summary
- conflowgen — A generator for synthetic container flows at maritime container terminals with a focus on yard operations
- confluence-generator — Confluence Generator
- connect-reports-core — Connect Reports Core
- coverage2img — This is a tool for converting coverage.json to image.
- crispr-millipede — Calculate the enrichment scores of CRISPR alleles and variants from direct target amplicon-sequencing data using Bayesian linear regression model 'millipede'
- crystal-toolkit — no summary
- cvrmap — CVRmap is an opensource software to compute maps of Cerebro-Vascular Reactivity
- cvtk — Computer Vision Toolkit
- DA4RDM-Vis-VectorBased — Package that can be used to perform RDLC analysis by determining the correlations for the different phases of the development life cycle.
- daisypy-vis — Visualization module for Daisy log files (dlf)
- DAJIN2 — One-step genotyping tools for targeted long-read sequencing
- damnit — The Data And Metadata iNspection Interactive Thing
- damply — A Quick Tool For Sorting Dicom Files
- datascientists — Quick Data Science tools.
- decOM — decOM: Similarity-based microbial source tracking for contamination assessment of ancient oral samples using k-mer-based methods
- deepmol — DeepMol: a python-based machine and deep learning framework for drug discovery
- depht — Discovery and Extraction of Phages Tool
- df2img — Save a Pandas DataFrame as image
- digitalmodel — engineering asset digital model(s) for life cycle analysis
- dilated-attention-pytorch — project_description
- dimcat — DIgital Musicology Corpus Analysis Toolkit
- disk-tree — Disk/Cloud space usage analyzer
- diverse_seq — diverse_seq: a tool for sampling diverse biological sequences
- djalgo — A music composition toolkit
- dlsia — Deep Learning for Scientif Image Analysis
- doc2map — Beautiful and interactive visualisations for NLP Topics
- dpd-lib — A package for interacting with the USGS influx db
- dragg-comp — no summary
- drapps — CLI client for custom application in Data Robot
- durkon — A package for creating insurance-style GLM models, and extensions thereof.
- e3nn-jax — Equivariant convolutional neural networks for the group E(3) of 3 dimensional rotations, translations, and mirrors.
- easyexplore — Toolbox for easy and effective data exploration
- ecallisto-ng — A Python package for the fetching (and some processing and plotting) of eCallisto data based on request and pandas.