Reverse Dependencies of kaleido
The following projects have a declared dependency on kaleido:
- echoviz-MALOU — Visualisation of 3D mitral valve
- ECMpy2.0 — Automated construction of enzyme constraint models using ECMpy workflow.
- ecoscope — Standard Analytical Reporting Framework for Conservation
- EEGraph — no summary
- elastool — Elastic tool for zero and finite-temperature elastic constants and mechanical properties calculations
- electionGraphs — Create graphs for displaying the result of a election based on a csv-inputfile.
- eleuther-elk — Keeping language models honest by directly eliciting knowledge encoded in their activations
- emat — Add a short description here
- embedding-explorer — Tools for interactive visual inspection of semantic embeddings.
- ensembl_tui — Ensembl terminal user interface tools
- enviRobot-scoop — enviRobot service that can be held by Scoop.
- esmecata — EsMeCaTa: Estimating Metabolic Capabilties from Taxonomy
- esneft-tools — Utilities to analyse population and deprivation data.
- ethoscopy — A python based toolkit to download and anlyse data from the Ethoscope hardware system.
- evalml — an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions
- excel2flapjack — upload excel resources to flapjack
- EZPlotly — An easy wrapper for making Plotly plots in Jupyter notebooks
- faccent — A pytorch tool for feature visualizations of various types
- faceai-bgimpact — FaceAI-BGImpact implements various generative methods and studies the impact of altering the background on the generated images and the training of the models.
- fastbet — Create a custom gym environment to simulate simple betting strategy.
- fastestimator — Deep learning framework
- fastestimator-nightly — Deep learning framework
- femder — A simple acoustic FEM package
- fhdw-modelling — A collection of modelling tools. Intended for generic usage in FHDW projects.
- fhir-kindling — Python library to simplify working with FHIR servers and resources.
- fiftyone — FiftyOne: the open-source tool for building high-quality datasets and computer vision models
- fiftyone-eval-only — FiftyOne, for evaluation only.
- fimpef — A Framework for Automatic Evaluation of Flood Inundation Mapping Predictions Evaluation
- FineST — FineST: Fine-grained Spatial Transcriptomic
- fiser-tools — Personal DS tools
- flanautils — Set of utilities of all kinds to develop python projects.
- fmbench — Benchmark performance of **any Foundation Model (FM)** deployed on **any AWS Generative AI service**, be it **Amazon SageMaker**, **Amazon Bedrock**, **Amazon EKS**, or **Amazon EC2**. The FMs could be deployed on these platforms either directly through `FMbench`, or, if they are already deployed then also they could be benchmarked through the **Bring your own endpoint** mode supported by `FMBench`.
- fmpy — Simulate Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) in Python
- foambo — Configuration-based Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization on OpenFOAM cases with Ax-platform
- folioflex — A collection of portfolio tracking capabilities
- forexflaggr — A minimal package to pull and analyse financial (exchange rate) data.
- freyja-plot — Plotting lineage abundance for individual samples from aggregated freyja demix results
- fsqc — Quality control scripts for FastSurfer and FreeSurfer structural MRI data
- fudstop — no summary
- fudstop2 — no summary
- fugw — A collection of gpu-compatible solvers for fused unbalanced gromov-wasserstein optimization problems
- funcnodes-plotly — no summary
- functime — Time-series machine learning at scale.
- gam — Global Explanations for Deep Neural Networks
- gamspy — Python-based algebraic modeling interface to GAMS
- gator-eda — Hierarchical job execution and logging
- gemdat — Generalized Molecular Dynamics Analysis Tool
- genai-perf — GenAI Perf Analyzer CLI - CLI tool to simplify profiling LLMs and Generative AI models with Perf Analyzer
- gennet-forked — Framework for Interpretable Neural Networks
- genz-llm — GenZ is designed to simplify the relationship between the hardware platform used for serving Large Language Models(LLMs) and inference serving metrics like latency and memory.
- geohexviz — A library for the visualization of hexagonally binned data sets.
- gimodules — Python package to deliver a Gantner cloud interface
- giotto-deep — Toolbox for Deep Learning and Topological Data Analysis.
- gitly — This is a lib to help you plot your fency graphs from plotly in github while using Google Colab notebook.
- gnss-lib-py — Modular Python tool for parsing, analyzing, and visualizing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data and state estimates
- gofigr — GoFigr client library
- google-calendar-analytics — A Python library for analyzing Google Calendar data.
- govdata — no summary
- GPS-mapping — Genetics-informed pathogenic spatial mapping
- gradientcobra — Python implementation for Gradient COBRA by S. Has (2023) with other aggregation and kernel methods.
- graph-express — Python package for the analysis and visualization of network graphs.
- graph-jsp-env — A flexible enviorment for job shop scheduling using the disjunctive graph apporach.
- graphxl — Workbench for Deep Learning on network datasets
- graspgraph — Create easy-to-understand graphs
- grouped-query-attention-pytorch — grouped-query-attention-pytorch
- GSG — no summary
- gsMap — Genetics-informed pathogenic spatial mapping
- gtbook — Frank Dellaerts book support lib, made with nbdev
- gym-PBN — A Gymnasium environment modelling Probabilistic Boolean Networks and Probabilistic Boolean Control Networks.
- halib — Small library for common tasks
- hipsta — A python package for hippocampal shape and thickness analysis
- Hive-ML — Python package to run Machine Learning Experiments, within the Hive Framework.
- HomologyViz — Make graphical representations of BLASTn alignments
- hotaru — High performance Optimizer to extract spike Timing And cell location from calcium imaging data via lineaR impUlse
- html-dom-visualize — A simple HTML to Tree Diagram library that outputs HTML DOM as image for visualization.
- huawei-fusionsolar — API to the Huawei Fusion Solar web interface.
- huble — no summary
- ia-sdk — SDK for Intelligent Artifact's GAIuS agents.
- ibis-bench — benchmarking with Ibis
- ie-package — Insight Extractor Package
- ifermi — Fermi surface plotting tool from DFT output
- imsy-htc — Framework for automatic classification and segmentation of hyperspectral images.
- information-resource-registry — A registry of information resources used in NCATS Data Translator
- insight-extractor-packaage — Insight Extractor Package
- insight-extractor-package — Insight Extractor Package
- inspirems — Helping to integrate Spectral Predictors and Rescoring.
- instacrawl — A simple CLI Instagram crawler with a focus on algorithm analytics.
- interplot — Create matplotlib and plotly charts with the same few lines of code.
- iprPy — Interatomic Potential Repository Python Property Calculations and Tools
- — Export tables and plots from Jupyter notebooks, along with metadata for embedding interactive tables in downstream apps.
- itba-cde-tpf-python-applications-fvidal90 — TP Vidal
- ITR-examples — Example code and user interface for the ITR project.
- jeddinformatics — Convert bioinformatics data to plots
- jetto-mobo — no summary
- jijbench — Experiment management and benchmark tools for mathematical optimization
- jrpyvisualisation — Jumping Rivers: Introduction to Visualisation in Python
- jsp-vis — A visualization tool for job shop scheduling problems.
- JSSEnv — An optimized OpenAi gym's environment to simulate the Job-Shop Scheduling problem.
- jupyter-docx-bundler — Jupyter bundler extension to export notebook as a docx file
- jupyter-Pandas-GUI — Pandas expression composers using Jupyter widgets.