Reverse Dependencies of kaleido
The following projects have a declared dependency on kaleido:
- phamclust — Cluster genomes based on gene phamily data
- pharaoh-report — Pharaoh is a Sphinx-based Python framework for generating reports in various formats by combining the power of configurable Jinja templates and Python scripts for asset generation.
- PhenoQC — Phenotypic Data Quality Control Toolkit for Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)
- phitter — Find the best probability distribution for your dataset and simulate processes and queues
- pih-doc — PIH Documents service package
- plably — A simple plotly utility to generate graphs for my lab reports.
- plopp — Visualization library for Scipp
- plot-antenna — Antenna plotting program for plotting antenna simulation results
- plotgen — A plotly plotting script generator and data parser
- plotly-extend-wrapper — no summary
- plotly-football-pitch — Package to allow creation of football pitch charts using plotly
- plotly-gif — Create gif from your plotly figures!
- plotly-resampler — Visualizing large time series with plotly
- plotneat — A simple library to make cleaner plots.
- plottah — Univariate Analysis
- pnpxai — XAI Recommendation Toolkit
- polar-diagrams — Interactive Polar Diagrams for Model Comparison
- polarimetry-lc2pkpi — Symbolic expressions that describe an aligned polarimeter vector field
- polygenic — Polygenic score toolkit
- pozo — Help visualizing well log data - Herramienta para visualizar registros de pozos
- ppg-log — Helper Tools for PPG FlySight Flight Log Management
- primalscheme3 — Generation of highly multiplexed primer schemes
- project-pareto — Project PARETO - The Produced Water Optimization Initiative
- protspace — A visualisation tool for protein embeddings from pLMs
- psychoanalyze — Interactive analysis and simulation of psychophysical data.
- ptlflow — PyTorch Lightning Optical Flow
- ptr-claim — Scrape the Tamriel Rebuilt or Project Tamriel websites and visualize claim progress.
- pv-evaluation — Tools to evaluate PatentsView's disambiguation algorithms
- py4vasp — Tool for assisting with the analysis and setup of VASP calculations.
- pyabc — Distributed, likelihood-free ABC-SMC inference
- pyacoustics-stc — The Python library for Sound Transmission Class (STC) calculation
- pyAFQ — pyAFQ: Automated Fiber Quantification ... in Python
- pyBKTR — Python implementation of the Scalable Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficient Modelling with Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression
- pybloqs — Data Visualization and Report Building
- pycaret — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-ts-alpha — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycyclops — Framework for healthcare ML implementation
- pydiceplot — Plot multidimensional categorical data
- pyeeg-toolbox — Toolbox to read, write, create montages, apply dsp transforms and conduct analysis of EEG signals
- pyet-mc — Python package for calculating energy transfer rates between lanthanide ions
- pyfbad — anomaly detector
- pyflapjack — Python package that interfaces the Flapjack API
- pygenricher — no summary
- pyharmonics — no summary
- pyhms — The HMS (Hierarchic Memetic Strategy) is a composite global optimization strategy consisting of a multi-population evolutionary strategy and some auxiliary methods. The HMS makes use of a tree with a fixed maximal height and variable internal node degree. Each component population is governed by a particular evolutionary engine. This package provides a simple python implementation with examples of using different population engines.
- pylgs — Modeling atomic physics of laser guide stars
- PyMacroFin — Python toolbox for solving continuous-time macro-financial models using monotone finite difference schemes
- pymatviz — A toolkit for visualizations in materials informatics
- pyodi — Object Detection Insights
- pyqalloy — PyQAlloy is a tool for detection of abnormal data in alloy datasets (and other chemical spaces), allowing removal of hard-to-find erros in the data which often introduce systematic errors throwing off machine learning and researchers alike. Its development is a part of ULTERA Project carried under the DOE ARPA-E ULTIMATE program that aims to develop a new generation of materials for turbine blades and related applications.
- pyquac — Useful tools for quantum computing experiments, provided for BMSTU FMN
- pyright-analysis — Visualise Python project type completeness
- pyrtz — Force spectroscopy in Python
- pyrtz2 — Automated analysis of AFM force curves and images via Python.
- pysarpro — SAR processing in Python
- pyskindose — Tools and script for calculating peak skin dose and create dose maps for fluoroscopic exams from RDSR data
- pyswcloader — analysis tool for neuron swc files
- pyText2Sql — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- PyToneAnalyzer — A Python package for analyzing musical instruments through Fourier analysis.
- pytorch-tabular — A standard framework for using Deep Learning for tabular data
- qcg-pilotjob-cmds — Manage many jobs inside one allocation
- qd-plot — quickdraw - a cli plotting tool
- qimchi — Plot your spicy quantum measurements with ease
- qmlmch — library ML
- quafel — no summary
- quant-vnpy — 基于VNPY进行功能增强
- quantfreedom — I don't want to put a description here, so I wont
- quara — Quara, which stands for "Quantum Characterization", is an open-source library for characterizing elementary quantum operations.
- raesl — Ratio ESL support in Python.
- ragmap — RAGmap is a simple RAG visualization package for exploring document chunks and queries in embedding space
- ragraph — Ratio graph handling in Python.
- ragstack-ai-ragulate — A tool for evaluating RAG pipelines
- ragulate — A tool for evaluating RAG pipelines
- ramifi — Script to do recombinant read analysis
- raplan — Ratio planning and scheduling in Python.
- rate-my-project — Swiss knife tool for analyzing project efficiency
- REHO — Renewable Energy Hub Optimizer (REHO) - A Decision Support Tool for Renewable Energy Communities
- reliabots — Improve the reliability of machine learning models with conformal prediction
- report-ranger — Create a report using markdown files.
- revel-xai — A Python package for the REVEL framework
- RiboMetric — A python command-line utility for the generation of comprehensive reports on the quality of ribosome profiling (Ribo-Seq) datasets
- RiboParser — A pipeline for ribosome profiling data analysis
- rideology2gpx — A simple command line program to transform log files obtained with the Kawasaki Rideology App into GPX files.
- rl-algo-impls — Implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
- RobustifyToolkit — Robustify:
- robustnessgym — Robustness Gym is an evaluation toolkit for machine learning.
- rotman-ncs — UoT Rotman NLP Case Study
- roxie-api — A Python API for ROXIE to build a model data input, modify cable database file, and control simulation with a tool adapter
- sapiopylib — Official Sapio Informatics Platform Python API
- sc3020-g6-2024 — SC3020 Project-2
- scegot — single cell trajectory inference framework based on Entropic Gaussian mixture Optimal Transport
- sciengdox — Science/engineering dynamic doc generation
- sciviso — sciviso: Wrapper for common visualisations for sci constellation.
- scslat — A graph deep learning based tool to align single cell spatial omics data
- sea-starterkit — A module to designed to perform package installations, and verification of install,
- seismic-rna — Structure Ensemble Inference by Sequencing, Mutation Identification, and Clustering of RNA (SEISMIC-RNA)
- self-driving-lab-demo — Software and instructions for setting up and running an autonomous (self-driving) laboratory optics demo using dimmable RGB LEDs, a 10-channel spectrometer, a microcontroller, and an adaptive design algorithm.
- sensor-dataset — Put a description
- seqbank — A database to quickly read and write DNA sequence data in numerical form.
- sf-hamilton — Hamilton, the micro-framework for creating dataframes.