Reverse Dependencies of jupyterlab
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyterlab:
- aalto-gpu — An extension designjobs to a kubernetes cluster
- aaps — Paquete con todas las herramientas para la aplicacion AAPS-LAB.
- acme_config — System to store application configuration
- acme_dw — Simple data warehouse using S3
- acme-project-create — Sets up a new (python) project using a template
- acme_s3 — Efficient access to S3
- ada-client — A client for getting metadata from the NOIRLab Astro Data Archive.
- adopy — Adaptive Design Optimization on Experimental Tasks
- adversarial-insight-ml — no summary
- aeromaps — AeroMAPS: Multidisciplinary Assessment of Prospective Scenarios for air transport
- afd-measures — A collection of measures for Approximate Functional Dependencies in relational data.
- agrivoltaics-supply-side-management — Optimizes Supply Side Management with Agrivoltaics by Artificial Intelligence
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- aics-dask-utils — Utility functions and documentation related to Dask and AICS
- aicsdaemon — Python Class defining a daemon process. An implemented class that inherts from this should be runnable as a daemon.
- aicsimageprocessing — A generalized scientific image processing module from the Allen Institute for Cell Science.
- aicspylibczi — A python module and a python extension for Zeiss (CZI/ZISRAW) microscopy files.
- aigs — no summary
- aij — AI Journalist
- aims-immune — A software for the analysis of immune repertoires
- aiorequestful — An asynchronous HTTP and RESTful API requests framework for asyncio and Python
- aiproteomics — A package for MSMS spectral library prediction models from the field of (phospho-)proteomics, intended to facilitate the testing and comparison of different neural network architectures and existing models.
- albert-toolkit — Python toolkit for Albert Invent
- algorithmx — A library for network visualization and algorithm simulation.
- allowedflare — Authenticate to Django with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) signed by Cloudflare Access
- alpaca-eval — AlpacaEval : An Automatic Evaluator of Instruction-following Models
- Alpha-Mind — no summary
- alphai — no summary
- alphapulldown — Pipeline allows massive screening using alphafold
- altair-express — Create interactive data visualizations in one line of code.
- amazon-textract-textractor — A package to use AWS Textract services.
- amds — American Data Science Python SDK and CLI
- amphi-etl — Amphi is a low-code and python-based data manipulation tool
- anchor-droplet-chip — Segment organoids and measure intensities
- andeplane-pyodide-kernel — Python kernel for JupyterLite powered by Pyodide
- anim-community-auoie — Animation engine for explanatory math videos.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anjl — A neighbour-joining library for Python.
- anndash — no summary
- AnnoMate — A general tool to create dashboards for manual review
- annsel — A Narwhals powered DataFrame-style selection, filtering and indexing operations on AnnData Objects.
- anonymeter — Measure singling out, linkability, and inference risk for synthetic data.
- ansys-aedt-toolkits-common — User interface example repository to create your toolkit.
- ansys-grantami-bomanalytics — Perform compliance and sustainability analysis on materials data stored in Granta MI.
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- ansys-math-core — A Python wrapper for PyAnsys Math libraries.
- ansys-mechanical-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Mechanical
- ansys-speos-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys Speos
- antakia — AI made Xplainable
- anywidget_3dviewer — no summary
- anywidget-ipyniivue — no summary
- api-testing-toolkit — A set of functions to facilitate API testing with jupyter lab.
- aplusml — Conduct usefulness simulations of ML models embedded in workflows
- appmode-jupyterlab — A JupyterLab extension for Appmode.
- apsbits — Model of a Bluesky Data Acquisition Instrument in console, notebook, & queueserver.
- apsg — APSG - The package for structural geologists
- aquirdturtle-collapsible-headings — Make headings collapsible like the old Jupyter notebook extension and like mathematica notebooks.
- aquitania — Algorithmic Trading with Artificial Intelligence
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- arlunio — Drawing and animating with a blend of Python and mathematics.
- armory-testbed — Adversarial Robustness Test Bed
- arpespythontools — Explore, analyze, visualize Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) data.
- arrayscaler — A simple python code for Scale arrays
- artkit — This section of the documentation provides detailed information
- assess-gtfs — Inspect & validate General Transit Feed Specification
- astro-elk — This python package computes, and corrects ensemble light curves for TESS pixels within a specified aperature, from TESS FFI data.
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- astroedu — A python package for astronomy educators
- astrohack — Holography Antenna Commissioning Kit
- astroviper — Astro Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction
- astrowidgets — Widgets for the Jupyter notebook and JupyterLab
- atacworks — NVIDIA genomics python libraries and utiliites
- ATLAS-Object — For clening ATLAS light curves
- atoti-jupyterlab — Extension to create interactive Atoti widgets in JupyterLab
- atoti-jupyterlab3 — Plugin to interactively visualize Atoti sessions in JupyterLab
- auroris — Data Curation in Polaris
- auth-checker — Contains the AuthChecker class for apps using the Auth Service
- auto-qchem — auto-qchem
- autoanno — Investigation into using AutoML and Topological Data Analysis for Automated Annotation
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- aver — Active Vision models, built with the Nengo neural simulator
- aws-orbit-jupyterlab-orbit — AWS Orbit Workbench JupyterLab extension.
- b2aiprep — A small package to generate features from acoustic
- babbab — BAyesian Beta-Binomial AB testing (BABBAB), is an implementation
- backbones — Backbone networks for computer vision research.
- backtest-reg — no summary
- balanced-clustering — Clustering metrics for imbalanced datasets
- ballet-assemble — Submit ballet modules from within JupyterLab
- ballet-submit-labextension — Submit ballet modules from within JupyterLab
- banchi — Financial securities valuation library.
- bavisitter — no summary
- bayes-mapvar — Bayesian Maximum a Posteriori/Variance estimation
- bayesian-lora — Bayesian LoRA adapters for Language Models
- beaker-kernel — no summary
- biaslyze — The NLP Bias Identification Toolkit
- bible-alignments — Word-level alignments for Bibles, including both automatic alignments and manually corrected alignments.
- biblealignlib — Code for managing Word-level alignments for Bibles, including both automatic alignments and manually corrected alignments.
- bindle — My blanket stick.
- biolearn — Machine learning for biomarkers computing
- biorxivist — Tools to access prepublications from BioRxiv and integrate LLM tools.