Reverse Dependencies of jupyterlab
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyterlab:
- aalto-gpu — An extension designjobs to a kubernetes cluster
- aaps — Paquete con todas las herramientas para la aplicacion AAPS-LAB.
- acme-project-create — Sets up a new (python) project using a template
- ada-client — A client for getting metadata from the NOIRLab Astro Data Archive.
- adopy — Adaptive Design Optimization on Experimental Tasks
- adversarial-insight-ml — no summary
- aeromaps — AeroMAPS: Multidisciplinary Assessment of Prospective Scenarios for air transport
- afd-measures — A collection of measures for Approximate Functional Dependencies in relational data.
- agrivoltaics-supply-side-management — Optimizes Supply Side Management with Agrivoltaics by Artificial Intelligence
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- aics-dask-utils — Utility functions and documentation related to Dask and AICS
- aicsdaemon — Python Class defining a daemon process. An implemented class that inherts from this should be runnable as a daemon.
- aicsimageprocessing — A generalized scientific image processing module from the Allen Institute for Cell Science.
- aicspylibczi — A python module and a python extension for Zeiss (CZI/ZISRAW) microscopy files.
- aigs — no summary
- aij — AI Journalist
- aims-immune — A software for the analysis of immune repertoires
- aiorequestful — An asynchronous HTTP and RESTful API requests framework for asyncio and Python
- aiproteomics — A package for MSMS spectral library prediction models from the field of (phospho-)proteomics, intended to facilitate the testing and comparison of different neural network architectures and existing models.
- albert-toolkit — Python toolkit for Albert Invent
- algorithmx — A library for network visualization and algorithm simulation.
- allowedflare — Authenticate to Django with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) signed by Cloudflare Access
- alpaca-eval — AlpacaEval : An Automatic Evaluator of Instruction-following Models
- Alpha-Mind — no summary
- alphai — no summary
- alphapulldown — Pipeline allows massive screening using alphafold
- altair-express — Create interactive data visualizations in one line of code.
- amazon-textract-textractor — A package to use AWS Textract services.
- amphi-etl — Amphi is a low-code and python-based data manipulation tool
- anchor-droplet-chip — Segment organoids and measure intensities
- andeplane-pyodide-kernel — Python kernel for JupyterLite powered by Pyodide
- anim-community-auoie — Animation engine for explanatory math videos.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anjl — A neighbour-joining library for Python.
- anndash — no summary
- AnnoMate — A general tool to create dashboards for manual review
- annsel — A Narwhals powered DataFrame-style selection, filtering and indexing operations on AnnData Objects.
- anonymeter — Measure singling out, linkability, and inference risk for synthetic data.
- ansys-aedt-toolkits-common — User interface example repository to create your toolkit.
- ansys-grantami-bomanalytics — Perform compliance and sustainability analysis on materials data stored in Granta MI.
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- ansys-math-core — A Python wrapper for PyAnsys Math libraries.
- ansys-mechanical-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Mechanical
- antakia — AI made Xplainable
- anywidget_3dviewer — no summary
- anywidget-ipyniivue — no summary
- api-testing-toolkit — A set of functions to facilitate API testing with jupyter lab.
- aplusml — Conduct usefulness simulations of ML models embedded in workflows
- appmode-jupyterlab — A JupyterLab extension for Appmode.
- aquirdturtle-collapsible-headings — Make headings collapsible like the old Jupyter notebook extension and like mathematica notebooks.
- aquitania — Algorithmic Trading with Artificial Intelligence
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- arlunio — Drawing and animating with a blend of Python and mathematics.
- armory-testbed — Adversarial Robustness Test Bed
- arrayscaler — A simple python code for Scale arrays
- artkit — This section of the documentation provides detailed information
- assess-gtfs — Inspect & validate General Transit Feed Specification
- astro-elk — This python package computes, and corrects ensemble light curves for TESS pixels within a specified aperature, from TESS FFI data.
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- astroedu — A python package for astronomy educators
- astrohack — Holography Antenna Commissioning Kit
- astroviper — Astro Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction
- astrowidgets — Widgets for the Jupyter notebook and JupyterLab
- atacworks — NVIDIA genomics python libraries and utiliites
- ATLAS-Object — For clening ATLAS light curves
- atoti-jupyterlab — Extension to create interactive Atoti widgets in JupyterLab
- atoti-jupyterlab3 — Plugin to interactively visualize Atoti sessions in JupyterLab
- auroris — Data Curation in Polaris
- auth-checker — Contains the AuthChecker class for apps using the Auth Service
- auto-qchem — auto-qchem
- autoanno — Investigation into using AutoML and Topological Data Analysis for Automated Annotation
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- aver — Active Vision models, built with the Nengo neural simulator
- aws-orbit-jupyterlab-orbit — AWS Orbit Workbench JupyterLab extension.
- b2aiprep — A small package to generate features from acoustic
- babbab — BAyesian Beta-Binomial AB testing (BABBAB), is an implementation
- balanced-clustering — Clustering metrics for imbalanced datasets
- ballet-assemble — Submit ballet modules from within JupyterLab
- ballet-submit-labextension — Submit ballet modules from within JupyterLab
- banchi — Financial securities valuation library.
- bavisitter — no summary
- bayes-mapvar — Bayesian Maximum a Posteriori/Variance estimation
- bayesian-lora — Bayesian LoRA adapters for Language Models
- beaker-kernel — no summary
- biaslyze — The NLP Bias Identification Toolkit
- bible-alignments — Word-level alignments for Bibles, including both automatic alignments and manually corrected alignments.
- biblealignlib — Code for managing Word-level alignments for Bibles, including both automatic alignments and manually corrected alignments.
- bindle — My blanket stick.
- biolearn — Machine learning for biomarkers computing
- biorxivist — Tools to access prepublications from BioRxiv and integrate LLM tools.
- biosimulator-processes — Core implementations of process-bigraph.composite.Process aligning with BioSimulators simulator tools.
- biosimulators-processes — Core implementations of process-bigraph.composite.Process aligning with BioSimulators simulator tools.
- biosspheres — Python package to obtain Helmholtz or Laplace boundary integral operator on spheres using spherical harmonics. It also implements the Multiple Traces Formulation to solve scattering transmission problems in an ensemble of spheres.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- blender-plot — A High-Level Plotting Interface for Blender in Python.
- blosc2 — A high-performance compressed ndarray library with a flexible compute engine
- bluesearch — Blue Brain text mining toolbox for semantic search and information extraction
- boar-pv — High throughput parameter extraction and experimental design with Bayesian optimization
- bodo-jupyterlab — A JupyterLab extension.
- bookirds3 — Pricing and Trading Interest Rate Derivatives