Reverse Dependencies of jupyterlab
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyterlab:
- fenics-smart — Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reactions and Transport (SMART) is a high-performance finite-element-based simulation package for model specification and numerical simulation of spatially-varying reaction-transport processes in biological cells.
- fern-labextension — Fern Jupyter lab Extension
- finai-mac — REMOTE_USER Authenticator: An Authenticator for Jupyterhub to read user information from HTTP request headers, as when running behind an authenticating proxy.
- finailab — REMOTE_USER Authenticator: An Authenticator for Jupyterhub to read user information from HTTP request headers, as when running behind an authenticating proxy.
- finailab-install — REMOTE_USER Authenticator: An Authenticator for Jupyterhub to read user information from HTTP request headers, as when running behind an authenticating proxy.
- findmycells — An end-to-end bioimage analysis pipeline with state-of-the-art tools for non-coding experts
- fintech-test — REMOTE_USER Authenticator: An Authenticator for Jupyterhub to read user information from HTTP request headers, as when running behind an authenticating proxy.
- fitterpp — Fitter parameters for an SBML model
- flashbax — Flashbax is an experience replay library oriented around JAX. Tailored to integrate seamlessly with JAX's Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.
- floatview — A floatview output widget for JupyterLab + GlueViz Visualization with plotly
- flourishcharts — no summary
- flowcept — Capture and query workflow provenance data using data observability
- fluidml — FluidML is a lightweight framework for developing machine learning pipelines. Focus only on your tasks and not the boilerplate!
- fluidsimfoam — Python framework for OpenFOAM
- fluxus — *fluxus* is designed to handle data flows in a pipeline-like manner. It provides a
- FlyBrainLab — FlyBrainLab User-side Backend
- flytezen — Library for benchmarking the impact of transcript count type stratification on trajectory inference.
- folioflex — A collection of portfolio tracking capabilities
- — Jupyter Widget for Foursquare Studio Maps
- fps-jupyterlab — An FPS plugin for the JupyterLab API
- fugue — An abstraction layer for distributed computation
- fugue-incubator — Fugue based experimental projects
- fugue-jupyter — Jupyterlab Extension for Fugue
- fugue-jupyterlab — Jupyterlab Extension for Fugue
- functime — Time-series machine learning at scale.
- functional-connectivity — Sensing functional connectivity in the brain, in Python
- funsql-python — library to write compositional sql
- g2nb — Meta-package for installing all the g2nb tools
- galaxy-galahad — Connect to the Galaxy platform within Jupyter notebooks
- galaxy-gin — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- galaxysled — A code to reproduce and fit a galaxy CO SLED
- game-vision-targeting-model — A small example package
- ganymede-logo — Set a Systemathics logo for ganymede
- Gao-Anime — AI Head
- gasp-ssfp — Generation of Arbitary Spectral Profiles using bSSFp MRI
- gaston-spatial — GASTON: interpretable deep learning model for spatial transcriptomics
- gatenlp — GATE NLP implementation in Python.
- gcp-jupyterlab-shared — Shared libraries for JupyterLab extensions
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- geemap — A Python package for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine and ipyleaflet
- gemo — Visualise sets of geometric objects.
- gene-trajectory — Compute gene trajectories
- genQC — Generating quantum circuits with diffusion models
- geodesic-api — Python API for the Geodesic Datascience Platform
- georges-core — Georges' accelerator physics library - Core
- geowrangler — 🌏 A python package for wrangling geospatial datasets
- gepetuto — Tutorial edition framework
- geti-sdk — Software Development Kit for the Intel® Geti™ platform
- getml — Python API for getML
- ghostumap — GhostUMAP2 for Measuring and Analyzing (r,d)-Stability of UMAP
- gine — Interactive netlist visualisation tools compatible with GDSFactory
- gitmiller — A tool to run a Jupyter Notebook from a (partial) Github repository.
- globus-jupyterlab — JupyterLab extension that incorporates Globus functionality
- gordo — Train and build models for Argo / Kubernetes
- gpilot — AI Journalist
- gpmicrobiome — Temporal probabilistic modeling of bacterial compositions derived from 16S rRNA sequencing
- grader-labextension — Grader Labextension is a JupyterLab extension to enable automatic grading of assignment notebooks.
- graphfleet — A graph-based knowledge management and query system
- graphviper — Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction for Radio Astronomy
- graphviz-anywidget — Interactive Graphviz visualization widget for Jupyter notebooks using anywidget.
- gravlax — Basic training utils for JAX.
- greenflowlab — greenflow Jupyterlab extension
- GreenHEART — Green Hydrogen Energy and Renewable Technologies
- grote — Groningen Translation Environment
- GroundingMeasurementApplication — Jupyter Notebook zur Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Erdungsmessungen.
- group10pack — This package contains the functions for the Statistics Canada investment income analysis,by group 10
- GSForge — Feature (gene) selection package for gene expression data.
- gw-chirpy — no summary
- h3 — Uber's hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
- HackerGprat — Here You can find Userfull fucntion which you need in your every python packages.
- handcalcs — Render arithmetic calucations in Jupyter as though they were written by hand.
- handygenome — An integrated platform for genome sequencing analysis
- harmonix — Analytic interferometry of stellar surfaces using spherical harmonics in Jax
- harmony-py — Python library for integrating with NASA's Harmony Services.
- hbac-bias-detection — no summary
- hcc-topbar-buttons — JupyterLab Logout Button
- hdfsbrowser — Jupyter Server extension to browse HDFS filesystem
- hdfviewer — HDF viewer for Jupyter lab notebooks
- helipad — An agent-based modeling framework for Python with a shallow learning curve and powerful visualization capabilities.
- hep-tables — Tables for structured data
- here-search-demo — HERE Geocoding and Search demo and widgets
- hide-markdown — Hides markdown cells
- hierarqcal — no summary
- highlighter-sdk — Package to interact with the Highlighter Perception System
- higlass — Python bindings for HiGlass
- higlass-widget — A Jupyter Widget for HiGlass
- hippo-db — Hit Interaction Profiling and Procurement Optimisation
- hl-tables — Tables for structured data - universal backend
- hnscraper — Hackernews Scraper
- hocmo — A Generalized Higher-Order Correlation Model (HOCMO) tool to generate scores modeling the strength of the relationship between triplicate entities using a tensor-based approach
- HolisticTraceAnalysis — A python library for analyzing PyTorch Profiler traces
- holonote — Annotate your data
- hra_jupyter_widgets — no summary
- human-learn — natural intelligence benchmarks for scikit-learn
- humlab-disutrano — Media discourses of a sustainable Norrland: journalism, places, and practices in transformation.
- humlab-inidun — INIDUN research project text analysis tools and utilities
- humlab-westac — Welfare State Analytics
- hvsrpy — A Python package for horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio processing
- hw-runner — no summary