Reverse Dependencies of jupyterlab
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyterlab:
- tts-stt-tools — A package for text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools
- tudthemes — TU Dresden Corporate Design for Jupyter Notebooks
- tuna-cli — Fine tuning, reimagined. Welcome to tuna - we're simplifying cloud compute architecture, datasets, and more, to get your specialized AI from 0 to 1 ASAP.
- turbo-ajedrez — Chess board - enumerate possible moves fast - immutable boards. Each move comes with the resulting board.
- tvb-ext-unicore — TVB Widgets - A Unicore Lab extension
- tvb-ext-xircuits — Jupyterlab extension for building TVB workflows in a visual and interactive manner
- twinbooster — Python package for TwinBooster: Synergising Chemical Structures and Bioassay Descriptions for Enhanced Molecular Property Prediction in Drug Discovery
- twiss — Differentiable Wolski twiss matrices computation for arbitrary dimension stable symplectic matrices
- Twista — Twitter streaming and graph-based analysis framework
- TXM-Sandbox — Integrated Spectro-Imaging Analysis Toolbox
- txp — Txp is the main Python Package from Tranxpert predictive maintenance solution
- ubermag — Meta package for Ubermag project.
- ucsc-cse40 — Dependencies for UCSC's CSE 40 - ML Basics: Data Analysis and Empirical Methods
- — Jupyter Widget for Foursquare Studio Maps
- unimernet — UniMERNet: A Universal Network for Real-World Mathematical Expression Recognition
- unite_toolbox — A toolbox for practical applications of information theory.
- urbantrips — A library to process public transit smart card data.
- uscrn — Load `U.S. Climate Reference Network <>`__ (USCRN) data.
- usfm-grammar — Python parser for USFM files, based on tree-sitter-usfm3
- uwnet — PyTorch training code for climate modeling
- vanguard-gp — Various easy-to-use extensions for Gaussian process models and a framework for composition of extensions.
- varv — Python module for processing of variable bias voltage nanopore sequencing
- vasca — Ultraviolet Variability Analysis is an astronomy pipeline for time-variable sources.
- VASPsol — A VASPsol python helper package to simplify calculations and analysis
- vdk-jupyterlab-extension — A Jupyterlab extension for using VDK
- veg-workflows — VEG workflows
- vega-sim — Simulator for running self-contained Vega chain on local PC
- velocycle — Bayesian model for RNA velocity estimation of periodic manifolds
- VeVaPy — A Python package for streamlined V&V of HPA axis models.
- vflow — A framework for doing stability analysis with PCS.
- viewscad — Jupyter renderer for the OpenSCAD & SolidPython constructive solid geometry systems
- VirtualFleet — ``Virtual Fleet`` is a Python package to compute and analyse simulations of virtual Argo float trajectories.
- vision-rt-engine — no summary
- visual-automata — Visual Automata is a Python 3 library built as a wrapper for the Automata library to add more visualization features.
- visual-automata-demo — Visual Automata is a Python 3 library built as a wrapper for the Automata library to add more visualization features.
- vitamin-model-checker — The VITAMIN model checker python package
- vitamin-model-checker-test — The VITAMIN model checker python package
- vivs — Calibrated Variational Inference for single-cell omics.
- VMH-Escher — Escher: A Web Application for Building, Sharing, and Embedding Data-Rich Visualizations of Metabolic Pathways
- vmod-geodesy — Versatile Modeling of Deformation
- vocalpy — A core package for acoustic communication research in Python
- voila-materialscloud-template — Voilà template for Materials Cloud that implements the Materials Cloud header and CSS.
- waldiez — waldiez
- waldiez_jupyter — A Waldiez JupyterLab extension.
- warden-spex — Statistical Proof of Execution (SPEX) by Warden Labs
- wavemap-paper — no summary
- weas-widget — A widget to visualize and interact with atomistic structures in Jupyter Notebook.
- webdataset — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- webdatasetng — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- wenvkernel — Jupyter kernel for Python on Wine
- wfgenes — Scientific workflow
- whatlies — Tools to help uncover `whatlies` in word embeddings.
- widget-bandsplot — A Jupyter widget to plot band structure and density of states.
- widget-bzvisualizer — A Jupyter widget to show the Brillouin zone of periodic crystals.
- widget-code-input — A jupyter widget which allows users to implement small python functions dynamically and interactively.
- widget-dropdown — no summary
- widget-periodictable — A jupyter widget of the periodic table of elements.
- wids — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- wombat — Windfarm operations and maintenance cost-benefit analysis tool
- WPSProtocol — A package for Implementing Walsh Pulse Sequenece constructed out of XY Hamiltonian based on Votto, M., Zeiher, J., & Vermersch, B. (2023). Robust universal quantum processors in spin systems via Walsh pulse sequences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10600.
- wraplorenzmie — A package to easely fit movies using pylorenzmie.
- wsa-toetsing-tool — Postprocessing tool voor WSA toetsing
- wxyz-core — experimental Jupyter widgets for JSON and evented transformations
- wzlight — Light asynchronous wrapper for COD Warzone API
- xarpes — Extraction from angle resolved photoemission spectra
- xarray-eopf — A backend implmentation for xarray that allows for analysis-ready reading of ESA EOPF data products.
- xarray-fancy-repr — Fancy reprs for Xarray objects in Jupyter notebooks
- xarrayaita — Python librairy to process AITA data
- xcube-eopf — xcube datastore for accessing datasets of ESA EOPF data products.
- xdart — A pyFAI based GUI utility to rebin and visualize X-ray Diffraction data
- xiaoranli-quiz — A quiz application
- xircuits — A JupyterLab extension for rendering and editing xircuit files.
- xit-books — Documentation manager based on 'Sphinx' and some extensions.
- xport — SAS XPORT file reader
- xradio — Xarray Radio Astronomy Data IO
- xueqiu-funds — ❄️ 雪球基金 Python Client
- yapss — A Python package for solving optimal control problems using pseudospectral methods.
- yby-list — yanbingyang personal packages
- ylearn — A python package for causal inference
- yooink — A package for accessing OOI data via the m2m protocol
- yuuno — Yuuno = Jupyter + VapourSynth
- zarth-utils — Package used for my personal development on ML projects.
- zep2md — no summary
- zero-mech — A zero-dimensional mechanics solver
- zero-shot-re — A zero-shot relation extractor
- zhiweimorgenexamplehahaha — example for March 31st
- zipndel — Zipndel is a lightweight python package equipped with two main functionalities; Zipndel or Unzipndel The Zipndel class provides automatic functionality for zipping or unzipping a password-protected pandas DataFrame file, and then deleting the original file.
- Zodiax — Equinox extension for scientific programming
- zyh — Easily show off amazing scripys by zyh