Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airflow-bootstrap-utils — Collection of Python tools to generate Airflow DAGs from control and configuration files.
- airflow-cdk — Custom cdk constructs for apache airflow
- airflow-config — Airflow utilities for configuration of many DAGs and DAG environments
- airflow-dag — A tool to manage Airflow dags.
- airflow-declarative — Airflow DAGs done declaratively
- airflow-kube-job-operator — Kubernetes job operator for Airflow
- airflow-windmill — Drag'N'Drop Web Frontend for Building and Managing Airflow DAGs
- airflowdaggenerator — Dynamically generates and validates Python Airflow DAG file based on a Jinja2 Template and a YAML configuration file to encourage code re-usability
- airhttprunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- airlift — A CLI for creating a flexible Apache Airflow local development environment
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- airsupply — Manage OTA distribution for IPA and APK files.
- airypi — The server libraries for airypi
- aishalib — AI Smart Human Assistant Library
- aismt — A command-line interface for AI Smart Task.
- aisploit — Tiny package designed to support red teams and penetration testers in exploiting large language model AI solutions.
- ait-learners — Webinterface for accessing CR exercises.
- aiverify-moonshot — AI Verify advances Gen AI testing with Project Moonshot.
- aiverify-veritastool — Veritas Diagnosis tool for fairness & transparency assessment.
- aixplain — aiXplain SDK adds AI functions to software.
- aizynthfinder — Retrosynthetic route finding using neural network guided Monte-Carlo tree search
- ajv.programme — Simple programme generator
- akeyless-ansible — Ansible plugins for Akeyless
- aktools — AKTools is a tool for AKShare HTTP API!
- Alarmageddon — Automated testing and reporting
- alaudaapi — just test
- alcazar-web-framework — Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- alchemy-modelgen — no summary
- alea-data-generator — ALEA low-level data generation techniques (procedural, KL3M)
- alea-inference — A tool to perform toyMC-based inference constructions
- alectio-kms — A CLI interface to get AlectioSDK token
- alert-exporter — Extract alerts configured in different sources (eg: Prometheus Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, Pingdom)
- alex-ber-utils — AlexBerUtils is collection of the small utilities
- alexandria-tui — TUI application for downloading EBooks
- alexeygalt-framework — Alexgalt Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- alfred3 — A library for rapid development of dynamic and interactive online experiments in the social sciences.
- alfred3-reaction-times — Alfred3 library for measurement of reaction times.
- algobattle-base — The Algobattle lab course package.
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- alianator — A Discord permission name resolver for Pycord
- alida-arg-parser — Python argparser modified for Alida services
- alidock — Run your ALICE environment from a container easily
- alifedata-phyloinformatics-convert — alifedata-phyloinformatics-convert helps apply traditional phyloinformatics software to alife standardized data
- alignment-handbook — The Alignment Handbook
- alita — A simple Python async framework for building web applications.
- alita-sdk — SDK for building langchain agents using resouces from Alita
- alita-tools — Default set of tools and toolkits available within ELITEA Agents.
- alkali — alkali is a simple database engine
- all-relative — cli tool to convert a static site to use only relative urls
- allensdk — core libraries for the allensdk.
- allnc — Python Web Framework for building web applications
- allocmd — A CLI tool for creating Allora Chain Worker Nodes
- allora-wkr — A CLI tool for creating Allora Chain Worker Nodes
- allspark — AllSpark CLI
- AllSpeak — A pythonic internationalization and localization solution.
- almasql — Simple library for dynamic SQL queries
- alnoda-wrk — A tool to build Alnoda workspaces
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- aloni — no summary
- alphabase — An infrastructure Python package of the AlphaX ecosystem
- alphadetector — object detection using yolo, tf2 and detectron2
- alphahunterpro — Asynchronous driven quantitative trading framework.
- alpharaw — An open-source Python package to unify raw MS data access and storage.
- alphaserve — A local web server providing an accessible remote for controling your computer
- alt-betterproto — A CLONE of better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- altair — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair_alx_alpha — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-alx-version — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-express — Create interactive data visualizations in one line of code.
- altendpy — Extras for working with Python.
- alter-ego-llm — Library to run experiments with LLMs
- altimeter — Graph AWS resources in Neptune
- alto-dev — Run any code on the cloud, instantly.
- am91-gaia — Project generator
- amane — Instant Mailing List Manager for Support Centers
- amaranth — Amaranth hardware definition language
- amaterasu-j2 — Wandbox API Jinja2 template cli.
- ambient-edge-server — Ambient Edge Server
- ambient-package-update — Ambient package update tool for clean and swift maintenance
- ambrosia — A Python library for working with A/B tests.
- ambrozia — A Python library for working with A/B tests.
- amd2pdf — Another markdown to pdf with TOC and page index support
- amebo — HTTP Event Notifications Server - Asynchronous Communication Engine
- ami-val — AMI validation tool
- amigados-utils — amigados-utils is a collection of utilities for Amiga system development
- amirfirstpackage — Useful tools to work with Elastic stack in Python
- amis-python — 基于百度amis前端框架的python pydantic模型封装。
- amisui — Default template for PDM package
- amix — Automatic mix of audio clips.
- amlctor — AML Pipeline Constructor
- amo2kinto — Generate a blocklists.xml file from the Kinto collections.
- amock — Default template for PDM package
- amora — Amora Data Build Tool
- ampoule-ssg — A simple yet flexible static site generator based on Jinja2
- amsdal_cli — CLI for AMSDAL framework
- amsterdam-schema-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam Schema.
- amundsen-databuilder — Amundsen Data builder
- amundsen-databuilder-neo4j4 — Amundsen Data builder
- amundsen-frontend — Web UI for Amundsen