Reverse Dependencies of isodate
The following projects have a declared dependency on isodate:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- acmecse — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-dev — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-test — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acomms — WHOI Micromodem Interface Library and Tools
- activitypub-py — Yet another ActivityPUB framework written in Python.
- activitystreams2 — An activity streams 2 library
- adminapi — Eucalyptus Cloud Services and General System Administrative Utilities
- agate — A data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines.
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- airbyte-cdk — A framework for writing Airbyte Connectors.
- airbyte-source-railz — Source implementation for Railz.
- alchemyjsonschema — A package for generating json-schema models from sqlalchemy models.
- anaml-client — Python SDK for Anaml
- annofabcli — Utility Command Line Interface for AnnoFab
- annoworkcli — AnnoworkのCLI(Command Line Interface)
- anubis-policy-api — The main module of anubis
- arango-rdf — Convert ArangoDB graphs to RDF & vice-versa.
- aspy — An activity streams 2 library
- async-data-api — Async Client for PSIs REST DataApi (
- asynctwitch — Asynchonous wrapper for twitch IRC3
- atlasapi — Expose MongoDB Atlas Cloud provider APIs
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- ayt-api — A basic, asynchronous, object-oriented YouTube API wrapper written in Python.
- azdatalakefacade — A package to implement a singleton for azure data storage gen2
- azdevops-cli — An Azure DevOps cli tool
- azure-ai-anomalydetector — Microsoft Cognitive Services Anomaly Detector Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-contentsafety — Microsoft Azure AI Content Safety Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-documentintelligence — Microsoft Azure AI Document Intelligence Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-inference — Microsoft Azure AI Inference Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-language-conversations — Microsoft Azure Conversational Language Understanding Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-language-questionanswering — Microsoft Azure Question Answering Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-ml — Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-personalizer — Microsoft Azure Personalizer Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-projects — Microsoft Azure AI Projects Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-textanalytics — Microsoft Azure Text Analytics Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-translation-document — Microsoft Azure Ai Translation Document Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-translation-text — Microsoft Azure Ai Translation Text Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-vision-face — Microsoft Azure Ai Vision Face Client Library for Python
- azure-ai-vision-imageanalysis — Microsoft Azure Ai Vision Imageanalysis Client Library for Python
- azure-appconfiguration — Microsoft App Configuration Data Library for Python
- azure-communication-chat — Microsoft Azure Communication Chat Client Library for Python
- azure-communication-jobrouter — Microsoft Communication JobRouter Client Library for Python
- azure-communication-messages — Microsoft Communication Messages Client Library for Python
- azure-communication-rooms — Microsoft Communication Rooms Client Library for Python
- azure-confidentialledger — Microsoft Azure Confidential Ledger Client Library for Python
- azure-containerregistry — Microsoft Azure Azure Container Registry Client Library for Python
- azure-data-tables — Microsoft Azure Azure Data Tables Client Library for Python
- azure-defender-easm — Microsoft EASM Data Plane Client Client Library for Python
- azure-developer-devcenter — Microsoft Azure Developer Devcenter Client Library for Python
- azure-developer-loadtesting — Microsoft Azure Developer LoadTesting Client Library for Python
- azure-eventgrid — Microsoft Azure Event Grid Client Library for Python
- azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob — Microsoft Azure Event Hubs checkpointer implementation with Blob Storage Client Library for Python
- azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob-aio — Microsoft Azure Event Hubs checkpointer implementation with Blob Storage Client Library for Python
- azure-health-deidentification — Microsoft Azure Health Deidentification Client Library for Python
- azure-healthinsights-cancerprofiling — Microsoft Cognitive Services Health Insights Cancer Profilings Client Library for Python
- azure-healthinsights-clinicalmatching — Microsoft Cognitive Services Health Insights Clinical Matching Client Library for Python
- azure-healthinsights-radiologyinsights — Microsoft Azure Health Insights - Radiology Insights Client Library for Python
- azure-integration — Microsoft Azure Integration
- azure-iot-deviceprovisioning — Microsoft Azure IoT Device Provisioning Client Library for Python
- azure-iot-deviceupdate — Microsoft Azure Device Update Client Library for Python
- azure-keyvault-administration — Microsoft Azure Key Vault Administration Client Library for Python
- azure-keyvault-certificates — Microsoft Azure Key Vault Certificates Client Library for Python
- azure-keyvault-keys — Microsoft Azure Key Vault Keys Client Library for Python
- azure-keyvault-secrets — Microsoft Azure Key Vault Secrets Client Library for Python
- azure-messaging-webpubsubclient — Microsoft Azure Web PubSub Client Library for Python
- azure-messaging-webpubsubservice — Microsoft Azure WebPubSub Service Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-apicenter — Microsoft Azure Apicenter Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-apimanagement — Microsoft Azure API Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-appcomplianceautomation — Microsoft Azure Appcomplianceautomation Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-appconfiguration — Microsoft Azure App Configuration Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-appcontainers — Microsoft Azure Appcontainers Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-applicationinsights — Microsoft Azure Application Insights Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-appplatform — Microsoft Azure App Platform Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-astro — Microsoft Azure Astro Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-authorization — Microsoft Azure Authorization Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-avs — Microsoft Azure Avs Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-azurelargeinstance — Microsoft Azure Azurelargeinstance Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-batch — Microsoft Azure Batch Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-batchai — Microsoft Azure Batch AI Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-billing — Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-cdn — Microsoft Azure CDN Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-chaos — Microsoft Azure Chaos Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices — Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-communication — Microsoft Azure Communication Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-compute — Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-computefleet — Microsoft Azure Computefleet Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-computeschedule — Microsoft Azure Computeschedule Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-confluent — Microsoft Azure Confluent Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-connectedcache — Microsoft Azure Connectedcache Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-connectedvmware — Microsoft Azure Connected VMWare Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-containerinstance — Microsoft Azure Container Instance Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-containerorchestratorruntime — Microsoft Azure Containerorchestratorruntime Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-containerregistry — Microsoft Azure Container Registry Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-containerservice — Microsoft Azure Container Service Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-containerservicefleet — Microsoft Azure Containerservicefleet Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-cosmosdb — Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-cosmosdbforpostgresql — Microsoft Azure Cosmosdbforpostgresql Management Client Library for Python
- azure-mgmt-costmanagement — Microsoft Azure Cost Management Client Library for Python