Reverse Dependencies of isodate
The following projects have a declared dependency on isodate:
- azure-schemaregistry — Microsoft Azure Azure Schema Registry Client Library for Python
- azure-search-documents — Microsoft Azure Cognitive Search Client Library for Python
- azure-servicebus — Microsoft Azure Service Bus Client Library for Python
- azure-storage-blob — Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python
- azure-storage-file-datalake — Microsoft Azure File DataLake Storage Client Library for Python
- azure-storage-file-share — Microsoft Azure Azure File Share Storage Client Library for Python
- azure-storage-queue — Microsoft Azure Azure Queue Storage Client Library for Python
- azure-synapse-artifacts — Microsoft Azure Synapse Artifacts Client Library for Python
- azuretoolbox — Tools for Azure
- azvaultcopy — cmdline tool to copy Azure Key Vault certs and secrets from one vault to another in same or a different tenant
- bamboo-pipeline — runtime for bamboo-engine base on Django and Celery
- bing-commerce-ingestion — Microsoft Bing for Commerce ingestion SDK for Python
- bing-commerce-search — Microsoft Bing for Commerce ingestion SDK for Python
- biolinkml — Biolink Modeling Language
- Biryani — Toolbox to convert and validate data (for web forms, CSV files, XML files,
- bycon — A Python-based environment for the Beacon v2 genomics API
- c2cgeoportal_geoportal — c2cgeoportal geoportal
- c7n_azure — Cloud Custodian - Azure Support
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- camcops-server — CamCOPS server
- cfbuild — Used for generating netCDF files compliant with CF Conventions or ACDD
- chalkpy — Python SDK for Chalk
- chaste-codegen — Code generation for cardiac Chaste
- chat-analyzer — A tool used to process and analyze chat data from past live streams, providing summarized information about chat activity over the stream's lifetime.
- chat-downloader — A simple tool used to retrieve chat messages from livestreams, videos, clips and past broadcasts. No authentication needed!
- chat-replay-downloader — A simple tool used to retrieve chat messages from livestreams, videos, clips and past broadcasts. No authentication needed!
- checkifc — A package to work with IFC meshes
- clarku-youtube-crawler — Clark University, Package for YouTube crawler and cleaning data
- climix — A climate index package
- clockifytool — Tool to list, create, and delete time entries in Clockify
- cloud-pipelines — SDK for Cloud Pipelines
- cloudmarker — Cloudmarker - Cloud security monitoring framework.
- cloudscript — Implementation of the cloudscript specification in python.
- cnvrgv2 — Python SDK library for using cnvrg
- commonground-api-common — Commonground API tooling
- compliance-checker — Checks Datasets and SOS endpoints for standards compliance
- connector-factory — Connector Factory;
- convml-data — Dataset creation for neural network classification of clouds
- corgibrowser — Corgi Browser
- coscine — The Coscine Python SDK provides a pythonic high-level interface to the Coscine REST API.
- cpix — CPIX
- CSET — Toolkit for evaluation and investigation of numerical models for weather and climate applications.
- csvw — Python library to work with CSVW described tabular data
- cubicweb-oaipmh — OAI-PMH server for CubicWeb
- cubicweb-saem-ref — Référenciel de Système d'Archivage Électronique Mutualisé
- data-catalog-dcat-validator — Validator for value types
- dataconf — Simple dataclasses configuration management for Python with hocon/json/yaml/properties/env-vars/dict support.
- dataschool — Full kit to analyse datas (data transformation, clustering, graphs)
- dbnomics-pptx-tools — DBnomics PowerPoint (pptx) tools
- dbt-common — The shared common utilities that dbt-core and adapter implementations use
- deetly — toolkit for creating data packages
- degiro-connector — This is yet another library to access Degiro's API.
- diracx-client — TODO
- django-adx — no summary
- django-iso8601 — Django tools for working with ISO 8601
- django-mellon — SAML 2.0 authentication for Django
- django-ows-lib — Well layered ows lib with a client implementation to communicate with ogc services with django based objects, including xml mapper classes to serialize and deserialize ows xml files, such as capabilities.
- djangocms-youtube — YouTube embed plugin for your django-cms powered site with options for custom video thumbnails, analytics, SEO and more.
- docker-registry-purger — A simple docker registry cleaner
- doctor — This module uses python 3 type hints to validate request and response data in Flask Python APIs and generate API documentation.
- dplib-py — Python implementation of the Data Package standard
- dpnext — Python implementation of the Data Package standard
- dsp-metadata-conversion — ython CLI for converting project metadata from JSON to RDF
- dsp-metadata-gui — Python GUI tool to collect metadata for DSP projects.
- dug-test — Dug is a semantic searching and indexing software.
- dverse-agent-python — A package for creating an Agent for the DVerse platform.
- dyff-client — Python client for the Dyff AI auditing platform.
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- edx-event-routing-backends — Various backends for receiving edX LMS events.
- ehelply-bootstrapper — no summary
- etk — extraction toolkit
- eumetsat2ani — Create animations directly from EUMETSAT data
- exchangelib — Client for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS)
- fabric-ops — English: Fabric-ops is a library for automating tasks with Microsoft Fabric resources. Español: Fabric-ops es una biblioteca para automatizar tareas con los recursos de Microsoft Fabric.
- fastr — Workflow creation and batch execution environment.
- fdk-rdf-parser — no summary
- fhirclientr4 — A flexible client for FHIR servers supporting the SMART on FHIR protocol
- fhirclientr4e — A flexible client for FHIR servers supporting the SMART on FHIR protocol
- fhirpath — FHIRPath implementation in Python.
- fhirtordf — FHIR JSON to RDF Conversion Tool
- fixinventorylib — Fix Inventory common library.
- flexiai — FlexiAI: A dynamic and modular AI framework leveraging Multi-Agent Systems and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for seamless integration with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI services.
- flexmeasures — The *FlexMeasures Platform* is the intelligent backend to support real-time energy flexibility apps, rapidly and scalable.
- FranKGraphBench — pip install package for frankgraphbench.
- frat-brain — Application for ROI fMRI data analysis.
- frequency-ai — Effiently serve LoRA tuned models
- frictionless — Data management framework for Python that provides functionality to describe, extract, validate, and transform tabular data
- gantry — Gantry Python Library
- geoips — Geolocated Information Processing System
- gfe-fhir — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- ghminer — Github mining tool for MSR research
- gitberg — A library and command for interacting with the GITenberg books project
- globus-action-provider-tools — Tools to help developers build services that implement the Action Provider specification.
- gordias — A core project for climate data handling
- grader-service — Grader service
- graphene-django-tools — Tools for use [`graphene-django`](
- graphene-resolver — Using mongoose-like schema to write apollo-like resolver for graphene.
- graphique — GraphQL service for arrow tables and parquet data sets.
- grater-expectations — A grated application of Great Expectations to create greater Expectations
- gremlinpython — Gremlin-Python for Apache TinkerPop