Reverse Dependencies of isodate
The following projects have a declared dependency on isodate:
- Growthaxl-SDK — A package for sending and receiving data via bus and filtering responses.(Fixed import error in filter_response function and global_storage receive.)
- halogen — Python HAL generation/parsing library
- hmd-cli-build — Generic build tool.
- hmd-cli-librarian-sync-manager — no summary
- hmd-cli-librarian-sync-watcher — no summary
- hmd-cli-transform-deploy — Command for deploying transforms
- hmd-entity-storage — basic storage library for entities and entity definitions
- hmd-graphql-client — A client for the graphql servers.
- hmd-lib-librarian-client — A client library to interface with librarian.
- hmd-lib-naming — Naming service library client
- hmd-lib-robot-shared — Shared Robotframework libraries
- hmd-lib-transform — Transform service client
- hmt-azure-funcs — code to interact with azure
- hyperglyph — hyperglyph is ducked typed ipc over http
- ignos-api-client — ignos-api-client
- ignos-internal-api-client — ignos-internal-api-client
- in-dbt-core — Release for LinkedIn's changes to dbt-core.
- inbound — declarative data ingestion.
- incydr — Code42's Incydr Python SDK
- inspire-schemas — Inspire JSON schemas and utilities to use them.
- intake-ids — Intake plugin for local artifacts in IDS connectors.
- isodaterange — Python module to convert an ISO date/time into a range
- jdmn-python-runtime — jdmn-python-runtime is a library that supports the execution of DMN
- jsontableschema — A utility library for working with JSON Table Schema in Python
- katonic — A modern, enterprise-ready MLOps Python SDK
- kgdd — no summary
- kisters.water.hydraulic-network.models — Model library for the Kisters Hydraulic Network Storage service
- Kqlmagic — Kqlmagic: Microsoft Azure Monitor magic extension to Jupyter notebook
- KqlmagicCustom — Kqlmagic: Microsoft Azure Monitor magic extension to Jupyter notebook (Custom Dependencies)
- krxmarket — read krxmarket information
- kuflow-rest — Client for KuFlow Rest Api
- kvfile — Simple File-based KV-Store
- kzr-snowflake — Snowflake helper library
- laboris — no summary
- lagtraj — Python trajectory code for Lagrangian simulations
- lamatic-airbyte-cdk — A framework for writing Airbyte Connectors.
- linkml — Linked Open Data Modeling Language
- lixi — lixi is a python package to manipulate a valid LIXI 2 message and schema.
- lpaas-client — Python implementation of a client for LPaaS
- lseg-analytics — LSEG Analytics SDK for Python
- lst-pressure — Determine periods of "LST pressure" by querying for intersections between LST/Solar intervals
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- masioware — no summary
- maykin-json-logic-py — Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in Python
- maykin-python3-saml — Saml Python Toolkit. Add SAML support to your Python software using this library
- media-muncher — A module to work with media assets, in particular DASH and HLS streams
- mend-azure-wi-sync — Synchronize Mend SCA security alerts with Azure Work Items
- mesiqi — mesiqi helps you build data microservices
- metador-core — Core of Metador, the metadata-first research data management framework.
- meteomatics — Meteomatics API connector
- mllam-data-prep — dataset preparation for data-driven weather models
- morph-api-tomcart — Morpheus API Functions
- mpd-inspector — A module to parse, analyze and validate MPEG-DASH MPD
- mpd-parser — lxml based parser for DASH manifests (mpd files)
- msrest — AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime.
- mwcp — A framework for malware configuration parsers.
- mxsearchstorage — Mexico search object store Library
- nautobot-chatops-grafana — Nautobot Plugin Chatops Grafana
- nba-analytics — A package for collecting and analyzing NBA player data.
- neurdflib — TEMP RELEASE of new features for RDFLib
- neuronsphere — Python bundle for all public NeuronSphere components
- nextstrain-augur — A bioinformatics toolkit for phylogenetic analysis
- ngcsdk — NVIDIA GPU Cloud SDK
- ngsildclient — A Python library that helps building NGSI-LD entities and interacting with a NGSI-LD Context Broker
- niceml — Welcome to niceML 🍦, a Python-based MLOps framework that uses TensorFlow and Dagster. This framework streamlines the development, and maintenance of machine learning models, providing an end-to-end solution for building efficient and scalable pipelines.
- nimbalwear — NiMBaLWear wearable device data processing pipeline.
- nrk-psapi — Unofficial python library for interacting with the NRK Podcast API.
- nti.externalization — NTI Externalization
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nwbinspector — Tool to inspect NWB files for best practices compliance.
- oadr30_ven_ud — Open Source OpenADR 3.0 VEN Implementation
- oatlib — Observation Analysis Tool: library to handle time series
- odd-cli — Command line tool for working with OpenDataDiscovery.
- oldaplib — Open Media Access Server Library (Linked Open Data middleware/RESTApi)
- oldp — Open Legal Data Platform
- omaslib — Open Media Access Server Library (Linked Open Data middleware/RESTApi)
- onegov.core — Contains code shared by all OneGov applications.
- onegov.file — Images/files organized in collections.
- openapi-core — client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3
- openapi3-fuzzer — Openapi3 fuzzer
- openimis-be-core — The openIMIS Backend Core reference module.
- ops-cli — Ops - wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, and SSH for cloud automation
- OSD-LibraryPython — Generic Library OSDental LLC
- ou-tm351-py — Python package installation for OU module TM351
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- paperpilot-common — PaperPilot 公共包及接口定义
- par_yt2text — Extracts metadata about a video, such as the transcript, duration, and comments, with optional audio transcription using OpenAI Whisper.
- pdfcompare — A Python package to compare files (PDF, docx, images) and generate reports in txt, html, or PDF format
- piigpt — Provides a mechanism to anonymize PII and PHI before sending to a LLM API
- pluma-analysis — A low-level interface to data collected with the pluma urban data acquisition system
- podme-api — A client library for using the web API
- polybar-clockify — Control Clockify through Polybar
- pre-assistant — Edition
- prefab-cloud-python — Python client for Prefab Feature Flags, Dynamic log levels, and Config as a Service:
- prismatic — Serialization between JSON dicts and data objects designed for REST APIs
- provena-interfaces — Interfaces for Provena Application (see
- provit — A light, dezentralized provenance tracking framework using the W3C PROV-O vocabulary
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- py-liant — Glue together pyramid, sqlalchemy, simplejson to provide a read-write, object-graph-aware JSON API