Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- djalgo — A music composition toolkit
- dkist — DKIST User Tools
- dlhub-client — DLHub Python client
- dlunch — The ultimate web app for a well organized lunch.
- dmi — An interactive question application
- dnv-oneworkflow — Python library for developing and running workflows locally or on the OneCompute cloud platform
- docile-benchmark — Tools to work with the DocILE dataset and benchmark
- dominance-analysis — Dominance Analysis
- domino — no summary
- domino-code-assist — no summary
- doubletdetection — Method to detect and enable removal of doublets from single-cell RNA-sequencing.
- doweb — KLayout API implementation of gdsfactory
- downy — Python package for Downloading Files in a blink of the eye
- doyle — doyle description
- DQMaRC — A Python Tool for Structured Data Quality Profiling
- drca — DR assisted cluster analysis for hyperspectral datasets
- DRE — Deep Recursive Embedding for High-Dimensional Data
- dreamai — no summary
- dreamai-gen — no summary
- drilsdown — A collection of tools for jupyter notebooks
- driven — driven - data-driven constraint-based analysis
- drop-backend — API and Command line tools for building drop
- DS-Students — Python package for Data Science Students
- ds4n6-chrysalis — Bringing Data Science & Artificial Intelligence to the fingertips of the average Forensicator, and promote advances in the field
- ds4n6-lib — Bringing Data Science & Artificial Intelligence to the fingertips of the average Forensicator, and promote advances in the field
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dspftwplot — Plotting functions for the dspftw package.
- dspy-inspector — DSPy program/pipeline inspector widget for Jupyter/VSCode Notebooks.
- dstl — DataSet TransLation (DSTL) provides utilities to translate annotated natural language data from one language to another.
- dsvisualizer — A simple data structure visualizer for Jupyter Notebooks
- dtcc-viewer — DTCC Viewer
- dtreeplt — Visualize Decision Tree without Graphviz.
- dug-test — Dug is a semantic searching and indexing software.
- dutch-text-analytics — Dutch Text Analytics is a versatile toolkit designed to facilitate the exploration, execution, and validation of a diverse range of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks specifically tailored for the Dutch language. This repository provides a comprehensive set of tools, including code examples, scripts, and resources, to enhance and streamline your Dutch NLP projects.
- dve-lumipy-preview — Python library for Luminesce
- dve-lumipy-testing — Python library for Luminesce
- dvuploader — Python library for uploading (bulk) data to Dataverse
- dynex — Dynex SDK Neuromorphic Computing
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- eanalytics-api-py — Locally download a datamining dataset from the Eulerian Technologies API
- earthaccess — Client library for NASA Earthdata APIs
- easy-amplicon — Add your description here
- easy_gui_jupyter — Simplify the creation of GUI elements in Jupyter notebooks
- easy-inspect — High-level, zero-code interface for evaluating LLMs using Inspect-AI
- easyexplore — Toolbox for easy and effective data exploration
- easyimages — Images made easy
- easyquiz — Module to create quick quizzes for IPython
- ebm-utils — no summary
- ecglib — ECG library with pretrained models and tools for ECG analysis
- echo-modules — Python package for analyzing the US Environmental Protection Agency's Enforcement and Compliance History Online database
- echopop — A tool to generate biological estimates from acoustic data collected from echosounders
- ecoscope — Standard Analytical Reporting Framework for Conservation
- edaha — T.B.A.
- edahub — EDAHub helps structure exploratory data analysis (EDA) results.
- edamame — Exploratory data analysis tools
- edbojz — Bayesian reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesis.
- edea-tmc — Test and Measurement as Code library for EDeA-MS
- edexplore — A simple widget for interactive EDA / QA for those who use Pandas in Jupyter Notebook.
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- edvart — Effective data visualization and reporting tool
- eeg-positions — Compute and plot standard EEG electrode positions.
- eensight — A library for measurement and verification of energy efficiency projects.
- eflow — no summary
- eh-tabular-deepchecks — mantained deepchecks tabular module
- eidein — Interactive tool for dimensionality reduction of data and their visualisation.
- eigensheep — Run Jupyter cells in AWS Lambda for massively parallel experimentation
- einsteinpy — Python package for General Relativity
- elabjournal — no summary
- element-array-ephys — DataJoint Element for Extracellular Array Electrophysiology
- element-calcium-imaging — Calcium Imaging DataJoint Element
- elixir-nbc — Converting Elixir Notebooks
- eloy — Image Processing for Astronomy
- em_examples — em_examples
- emat — Add a short description here
- emd — Empirical Mode Decomposition
- emgdecompy — A package for decomposing multi-channel intramuscular and surface EMG signals into individual motor unit activity based off the blind source algorithm described in Francesco Negro et al 2016 J. Neural Eng. 13 026027.
- EmitGCL — MarsGT: A Python library for rare cell identification (Internal testing only)
- emm — Entity Matching Model package
- emplode — Agent that performs action on your system by executing code.
- emsigma — spectral interpretation using gaussian mixtures and autoencoder
- encord-active — Enable users to improve machine learning models in an active learning fashion via data, label, and model quality.
- EnergyDataModel — Data model for energy modelling.
- engcom — Tools for engineering computing
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- ENGR131-Util-2024 — Drexel Midterm Utility Functions
- enjoyn — Generate and animate images in parallel, enjoyably.
- enot-autodl — AutoDL framework for neural network compression & acceleration
- ensembl_tui — Ensembl terminal user interface tools
- entanglement-forging — Simulate chemical and physical systems using entanglement forging.
- entity_selector_jupyter_widget — A Jupyter Widget library for selecting entities in text
- envass — ENVASS ENVironmental data quality ASSurance.
- environment-framework — Loose building blocks to create agent-environment loops.
- environmentfinder — Tool for finding atomic environments in crystal structures
- eodag — Earth Observation Data Access Gateway
- episuite — A suite of tools for epidemiology in Python
- eptium — A jupyter widget to display COPC and COGS data from Eptium.
- era5-downloader — A lightweight and fast downloader for ERA5 data from the Google Cloud ARCO store.
- eradiate — A radiative transfer model for the Earth observation community
- erlab — Python package for ARPES data analysis and visualization.
- esch — esch (v.) : to turn matricies into high quality svg (animations)