Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- corpussearch — Tools for loading and analyzing large text corpora.
- corradin-opioid-project — no summary
- cortexannotate — Toolbox for flexible annotation of the cortical surface by many raters
- cosapp — CoSApp, the Collaborative System Approach.
- cosmica — COnstellation Satellite sIMulator for optical CommunicAtion
- CourseZero — Tools for finding what may have been stolen from teachers.
- covigator — no summary
- cpg-flow — CPG Flow API for Hail Batch
- cpg-gnomad — Hail utilities for the Genome Aggregation Database
- crime-hotspots-uk — A python module that identifies and produces graphs of assult hotspots within the UK.
- crimm — Chemistry with the ReInvented Macromolecular
- crispr-millipede — Calculate the enrichment scores of CRISPR alleles and variants from direct target amplicon-sequencing data using Bayesian linear regression model 'millipede'
- crosscheck-widget — Model comparison and debugging
- crossval-ensemble — A scikit-learn wrapper for CrossValidation Ensembles
- crowd-kit — Computational Quality Control for Crowdsourcing
- crowdom — Crowdom
- cryodrgn — cryoDRGN heterogeneous reconstruction
- cryogrid-pytools — Tools to read in CryoGrid MATLAB data to Python and create forcing data
- cs107-team31-2023 — An API for interfacing with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- CS270Boi — An awesome package for discussions.
- csghub-sdk — no summary
- csoundengine — An audio synthesis framework using csound
- cufflinks-ardihikaru — Productivity Tools for Plotly + Pandas
- cufflinks1 — Productivity Tools for Plotly + Pandas
- cuisto — Quantification of objects in histological slices
- curious-me — Small project for aiding in research and development
- curvenote — Helper library from Curvenote for data science in Jupyter notebooks
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- custom-bgr — Customized background removal app
- cv-validator — Tool for validating your computer vision data and model results.
- cvd-color-palette-generator — librerÃa para generar paletas de colores para personas con discapacidad visual
- cyberlabrat — Contains the classes used for generix data analysis
- cyjupyter — Cytoscape.js widget for Jupyter Notebook
- cywidget — A user-friend widget for Jupyter that accepts a Cytoscape file and visualizes the network
- D3vis-ipynb — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library with visualizations created with D3.js.
- dallinger — Laboratory automation for the behavioral and social sciences
- dapla-statbank-client — Handles data transfer Statbank <-> Dapla for Statistics Norway
- dart-fss — Web-scraping
- dascore — A python library for distributed fiber optic sensing
- dasp-stacker — Dimensionally aligned signal projection library
- data-purifier — A Python library for Automated Exploratory Data Analysis, Automated Data Cleaning and Automated Data Preprocessing For Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Applications in Python.
- databricks-genai — Interact with the Databricks Generative AI APIs in python
- databricks-runtime-python-env — Python dependencies installed on Databricks Runtimes
- databricks-sdk — Databricks SDK for Python (Beta)
- databricks-sdk-secure — Databricks SDK for Python (Beta)
- databrickslabs-jupyterlab — Remote JupyterLab kernel for Databricks
- dataflowutil — no summary
- datalibs — A bunch of functions useful for data science (mostly wrappers around other libraries)
- datamate — A data organization and compilation system.
- dataprep — Dataprep: Data Preparation in Python
- dataquality — no summary
- datarobot-ts-helpers — A package with helper scripts for complex DataRobot AutoTS use cases
- datarobotx — DataRobotX is a collection of DataRobot extensions
- datasci-stdlib-tools — Utility functions for commonly used data science packages (numpy, pandas, etc) and generic python utility functions
- datascientists — Quick Data Science tools.
- datasu — Essential utilities for data scientists
- datawidgets — Widgets to explore data
- dbt-contracts — Enforce standards for your dbt projects through automated checks and generators
- dcl-stats-n-plots — coming soon
- ddmtools — A Python library for doing differential dynamic microscopy on polydisperse samples
- dea-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Australia data.
- deafrica-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Africa data.
- DebyeCalculator — A vectorised implementation of the Debye Equation on CPU and GPU
- DeckGLWidget — Jupyter widget for rendering in a Jupyter notebook
- deconomix — Provides methods for cellular composition, hidden background and gene regulation estimation of omics bulk mixtures.
- DEDLUtils — DEDL utilities package
- deduplidog — Yet another file deduplicator
- deepchecks — Package for validating your machine learning model and data
- deepdriver — deepdriver experiments
- deepflash2 — A Deep learning pipeline for segmentation of fluorescent labels in microscopy images
- deephaven-ipywidgets — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- demo-py — My Personal Demo Toolbox.
- demo-widgets — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- demyst-analytics — no summary
- DeOldify — Deep Learning library for colorizing and restoring old images and video
- derivslib — Provides pricing tools and data for various derivative assets. I am not an attorney, accountant or financial advisor, nor am I holding myself out to be, and the information and tools contained in this package is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.
- desdeo-vis — Visualisations and preference selection widgets for the DESDEO interactive multiobjective optimization library
- dexplot — Powerful and intuitive data visualization library using matplotlib for both long and wide data
- dexteritysdk — Client for Dexterity - a modular derivatives decentralized exchange reference implementation
- df-cereal — df_cereal - playing with dataframe serialization
- dff-node-stats — Statistics collection extension for Dialog Flow Framework (
- dfimspect — Pandas DataFrame inspector for images with boxes
- dialoguefactory — A library for automatically generating dialogues grounded in a textual environment.
- diamondback — Diamondback DSP
- dianna — Deep Insight And Neural Network Analysis
- dicom-upload — Upload DICOM files with patient und study data removed from header
- diff-classifier — no summary
- DiffeRT2d — 2D Toolbox for Differentiable Ray Tracing
- diffractio — Optical Diffraction and Interference (scalar and vectorial)
- diginlineprofiler — Inline data profiles for pandas dataframes in jupyter
- DigitalBrainSDK — A Python SDK for Digital Brain analysis
- dimbridge — DimBridge: Interactive Explanation of Visual Patterns in Dimensionality Reductions with Predicate Logic
- dimensionalityreductionmethods — A package for applying, comparing, and visualizing dimensionality reduction methods across various target dimensions.
- dioxus-widget — no summary
- diptorch — Digital image processing in PyTorch
- DiscoEPG — Open-source package for insects EPG data analysis
- diveai — no summary
- diverse_seq — diverse_seq: a tool for sampling diverse biological sequences
- divewidgets — Jupyter Widgets for DIVE virtual learning environment.
- divisi-toolkit — Interactive widget and toolkit for slice discovery