Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- a2 — Package for predicting information about the weather from social media data as application 2 for maelstrom project
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- aaps — Paquete con todas las herramientas para la aplicacion AAPS-LAB.
- abcdef — upgrade and deploy networks
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- abTEM — no summary
- accern-data — Client for consuming Accern data feeds.
- accessvis — 3D visualisation tools and utilities for earth systems data
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- acqpack — Library for instrument control and automated data acquisition
- active-vision — Active learning for computer vision.
- activetigger — ActiveTigger in Python
- adaptive — Parallel active learning of mathematical functions
- adaptive-scheduler — Run many `adaptive.Learner`s on many cores (>10k) using `mpi4py.futures`, `ipyparallel`, `dask-mpi`, or `process-pool`.
- adios4dolfinx — Checkpointing functionality for DOLFINx meshes/functions with ADIOS2
- aepsych — Adaptive experimetation for psychophysics
- aeromaps — AeroMAPS: Multidisciplinary Assessment of Prospective Scenarios for air transport
- aerospace-chatbot — Aerospace engineering chatbot and AI tools.
- af-analysis — `AF analysis` is a python library allowing analysis of Alphafold results.
- agri-tech — Loading and using Lidardata
- ahp-calculator — AHP is one of the extensively used Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) tool for processing multiple important objectives and weighting the criteria. The AHP allows to assign a priority among various alternatives and integrating multidimensional measures into a single scale of priorities.
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- ai4scr-scQUEST — scQUEST package
- aidkit-client — aidkit for your CI/CD and j-notebooks.
- aie-ipyleaflet — A Jupyter widget for dynamic Leaflet maps
- aiidalab-eln — Package that integrates AiiDAlab with Electronic Laboratory Notebooks.
- aiidalab-widgets-base — Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications.
- ailab-lite — Jupyter Notebook extension GUI node editor
- aim2dat — Automated Ab-Initio Materials Modeling and Data Analysis Toolkit: Python library for pre-, post-processing and data management of ab-initio high-throughput workflows for computational materials science.
- aima — Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach 4th Ed by Peter Norvig and Stuart Russel
- aiorequestful — An asynchronous HTTP and RESTful API requests framework for asyncio and Python
- airavata-python-sdk-test — Apache Airavata Python SDK
- aisetup — Source code repository for courses
- aispace2 — A Jupyter extension for the next-generation of AISpace
- aitk — Python tools for AI
- aizynthfinder — Retrosynthetic route finding using neural network guided Monte-Carlo tree search
- ak_safe — Python wrapper for SAFE API
- ak_transcribe — Transcribe Media Files
- Aksharify — Ascii Art + Emoji Art python Package
- ale-uy — Tool to perform data cleaning, modeling and visualization in a simple way.
- algorithmx — A library for network visualization and algorithm simulation.
- algovera — Control JupyterLab from Python Notebooks
- alltime-athletics-python — Scrapes and post-processes data from Alltime Athletics (website by Peter Larsson)
- alpha-viewer — Alphafold Protein model viewer
- alphalens-eqi — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors, EQI customized version
- alphapulldown — Pipeline allows massive screening using alphafold
- andeplane-pyodide-kernel — Python kernel for JupyterLite powered by Pyodide
- anilv-interpret-text — Generates pickle for Encoder
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anjl — A neighbour-joining library for Python.
- anndash — no summary
- anndata-fcs — Converting FCS files to AnnData objects.
- anomalib — anomalib - Anomaly Detection Library
- ansible-jupyter-widgets — Jupyter Widgets for Ansible Jupyter Kernel
- ansible-kernel — An Ansible kernel for Jupyter
- ansys-additive-core — A Python client for the Ansys Additive service
- ansys-grantami-bomanalytics — Perform compliance and sustainability analysis on materials data stored in Granta MI.
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- antakia — AI made Xplainable
- antannotator — JupyterLab tool for data annotations for machine learning routines
- antcal — AntCal: Antenna Calculator.
- anticipy — Forecasting tools
- antipywidgets — My IPyWidgets
- anydyce — Visualization tools for dyce
- AnyPyTools — Python tools and utilities for working with the AnyBody Modeling System
- anywidget — custom jupyter widgets made easy
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apache-beam-ai2 — A FORK! for testing with different dill version
- apd.aggregation — A programme that queries apd.sensor endpoints and aggregates their results.
- aperturedb — ApertureDB Python SDK
- applefy — applefy: A library to compute detection limits for high contrast imaging of exoplanets
- approxbayescomp — Approximate Bayesian Computation for actuaries
- apygee — A package for creating, manipulating and visualizing Kepler orbits
- AqEquil — Python tools for aqueous chemical speciation.
- ares-ai — ARES is an advanced evaluation framework for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems,
- armory-suite — no summary
- armory-testbed — Adversarial Robustness Test Bed
- arpes — Modular data analysis code for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
- artkit — This section of the documentation provides detailed information
- artur-qiskit — Software for developing quantum computing programs
- artur-qiskit-terra — Software for developing quantum computing programs
- arulesviz — Association Rules visualisation tool
- asdfghxcv — The package of Auto-DP ( Automated System for Data Preparation).
- ase-notebook — Highly configurable 2D (SVG) & 3D (threejs) visualisations for ASE/Pymatgen structures, within the Jupyter Notebook
- asr-deepspeech — ASRDeepspeech (English / Japanese)
- astro-tiptop — Analytical simulator for astronomical adaptive optics systems
- astro-tulips — Creates diagrams of stellar structures and their evolution
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- astroedu — A python package for astronomy educators
- astroemperor — PTMCMC sampler for exoplanet search
- astrohack — Holography Antenna Commissioning Kit
- astrool — Python package for Astronomers in a Hurry
- astrowidgets — Widgets for the Jupyter notebook and JupyterLab
- atap_corpus — Corpus mini-framework allowing for memory-efficient slicing and provides a standardised base corpus structure for the collection of ATAP tools.
- atap-corpus-loader — A GUI loader for atap_corpus using the Panel library.
- atap-widgets — Interactive widgets used by the Australian Text Analytics Platform
- atash — A library for satellite image processing and fire analysis.
- atlannot — Align and improve brain annotation atlases
- atom-ml — A Python package for fast exploration of machine learning pipelines